Holy Mother Cauldron Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Holy Mother Cauldron

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Holy Mother Cauldron (Lower Glimmersea)   Strong tides and fierce currents characterize this mostly submerged section of the Glimmersea. It can be reached only by traveling underwater from the surrounding Glimmersea, although travelers descending into the Cauldron from the Middledark can find dry routes leading to their destination. The Holy Mother Cauldron is a shrine consecrated to the Sea Mother.   The area is sacred to the worshipers of Blibdoolpoolp, and each devout kuo-toa is obliges to visit it once in his or her lifetime without using any form of travel magic. Those who make the trip and return gain enhanced prestige among the kuo-toas, but they are few in number. Because of the danger of the journey and high rate of fatality, even among the young and strong, many Middledark and Upperdark kuo-toas put off this holy duty until they are quite elderly, viewing the trip as a final pilgrimage from which they do not intend to return. The kuo-toas sometimes refer to this practice as "going to meet the goddess."   The shrine itself is a temple and monastery sheltering dozens of kuo-toa clerics and monks plus three or four times that number of pilgrims at any given time. An elderly but powerful kuo-toa cleric named Slowoopil (NE venerable male kuo-toa Cleric 15) governs the temple, aided by Maumogga, Gargantuan kuo-toa leviathan of 30 MD, who serves as the shrine's sacred champion.

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