Hizagkuur Material in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


This extremely rare white metal is named for its long-ago dwarf discoverer and is found only in scattered, but very rich, deposits deep in the Underdark as a soft, greenish-gray clay¬like ore or a flaky mud. Its preparation is complex, and it is a secret known only to a very few senior dwarven smiths and elders. If even a single element of the process is wrong, the hizagkuur remains mud and not a usable metal. If successfully transformed into a metal, hizagkuur must be cast, worked, or forged into final form within a day and thereafter can never be worked again. (If an item made of hizagkuur is bro¬ken, only magical mendings accomplished by limited wish or wish spells can repair it.) If hizagkuur is left untouched for that 24 hours, it becomes inert and unworkable unless either a wish or limited wish is cast and properly worded to allow a second chance at working it. Hizagkuur is unsuitable for use in the crafting of magical items or items that are to be worn because once it has cooled and hard¬ened after being worked, it reflects all magic cast at it 100 percent back at the source and also deals 2d12 points of electrical damage per touch (or per round of continued contact) to all beings com¬ing into contact with it. It sees most use as a sheathing for fortress gates, vault doors, and seals on coffers or hatches of crucial importance. Items made primarily of hizagkuur automatically succeed in all item saving throws vs. normal fire, cold, and electricity. They receive a +6 bonus to all item saving throws vs. magical fire and lightning and a +1 bonus to all item saving throws vs. acid, crush¬ing blow, fall, and disintegration.

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