Goblins Species in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Гоблиноиды - группа гуманоидных рас, включающая четыре различных подрасы на Фаэруне: гоблины, хобгоблины, багбиры и относительно новые Декантерские гоблины. Эти существа достаточно близки в перспективе и обществе, чтобы обсудить как группу. Они близко связаны языками и культурой.   Гоблины (goblins) - самые маленькие из группы. Они всего лишь около четырех футов ростом и весят примерно 60 фнт. Подобно всем гоблиноидам, они имеют плоские лица, широкие носы, уши торчком, широкие рты и острые клыки. Их руки свисают почти до колен. Кожа гоблинов варьируется от желтой и оранжевой до красной, и члены одного и того же племени обычно имеют подобную окраску. Гоблины носят темную одежду из кожи, которая обычно тяжело грязна из-за их недостатка беспокойства о гигиене.   Хобгоблины (hobgoblins) намного больше, обычно они достигают 6 1/2 футов роста и весят до 275 фунтов. Их волосатая шкура т емная, в пределах от красновато - коричневого до серого. Их глаза - желтоватые или темно-карие, а зубы - желтые и мощные. Они любят носить яркую одежду, обычно красную с черной кожей. Они держат свое оружие чистым, даже не заботясь так о себе.   Самые большие из гоблиноидов, багбиры (bugbears) - примерно 7 футов ростом и часто весят 300 фнт. Их шкура обычно желтоватая, в пределах от коричневатой до желто -горчичной. Их грубые волосы - от коричневого до красно - кирпичного. Их глаза зелено -белые с темно-красными зрачками, а уши более клиновидные, чем таковые их меньшей семьи.   Декантерские гоблины были созданы из обычных гоблинов алхуном (личем-иллитидом), известным как Лорд Тварей, в Декантерских шахтах. Они больше, чем раса, от которой они произошли, колеблясь рост ом от 4 до 5 футов. Их жесткие шкуры оранжево -красные, и они имеют гривы проволочных черных волос, которые спадают по их плечам. Их головы посажены на толстые мощные шеи, и они имеют острый носорогоподобный рог на конце своих удлиненных морд.   Безотносительно подрасы, гоблиноиды - универсальный задиры. Они придираются к меньшим существам всякий раз, когда могут, и, столкнувшись с превосходящей силой, бросаются наутек и бегут. Из -за их меньшего размера, гоблины предпочитают ударять из засады, используя каждую уловку, которую они знают, чтобы получить преимущество. Будучи тактически осторожными, большие хобгоблины и багбиры обычно предпочитают более прямой подход, часто ведя более слабые отряды перед собой к любой опасности.   Декантерские гоблины, напротив, агре ссивны и бесстрашны. Они никогда не встречали противника, которого они не хотели бы наколоть на свой рог. Они достаточно хитры, чтобы не рваться в сражение против явно превосходящего противника, но они редко убегают от борьбы. Все гоблиноиды недолговечны. Большинство встречает насильственный конец намного раньше, чем достигают старого возраста. Они взрослеют в 10 -летнем возрасте. Они редко живут дольше 40 лет, хотя некоторые немногие удачливые или коварные индивидуумы, как известно, доживали до 60 лет.   Гоблиноиды имеют такую же продолжительность жизни и возрастные категории, как полуорки.  


Sages believe that goblins are relatively recent immigrants to Toril, having arrived some time after halflings and giants. Goblins themselves hold that they are among the original inhabitants of the world, though they are not known for having a long racial memory. In times past, goblins have occasionally maintained kingdoms and built large fortifications in their conquests of the land. The so-called Golden Age of the Goblins is referred to by several sources, including the sage Artur Shurtmin who penned a book by that name, and Elminster of Shadowdale. A little over a thousand years ago, a great goblin empire stretched throughout what is now known as the Goblin Marches. They raided and conquered far-flung lands including Suzail, Asram, and Anuria. Encroachment by the expanding Anauroch desert, however, slowly destroyed the goblins' lands. Their power waned for many centuries until at last starvation and desperation facilitated the rise of the powerful goblin warlord, Izac Uthor. Uthor's forces, two hundred thousand strong, were eventually crushed by the combined might of human, halfling, elf, and dwarven forces. This proved to be the final blow to the goblin kingdoms and they have never risen since. Goblins today are a scattered race that scratch out a meager existence in the territories unclaimed by other races or serve as slaves to those more powerful than themselves. Yet still they are among the most numerous sentient beings on Toril. In marshes and swamps, foothills and mountains, and even the Underdark their numbers are plentiful. They tend to be wicked and petty, although not universally so. Notable exceptions include the 27 goblins who reside in the Horseshoe Temple Oasis in the Quoya desert. These creatures were taken in after being chased from their home in the Firepeaks by dwarves but soon learned pacifism from the priests' example. A similar situation occurred with the goblin Sheemzher, who was shown kindness by the Lady of Weathercote Wood after fleeing the Beast Lord's creations in the Dekanter mines. Probably most famous good goblin, however, is Nojheim. He was a naturally mild-mannered creature who met an untimely end after confiding in Drizzt Do'Urden.

Goblins of Chult

Goblins of Chult are called the Batiri. They live in matriarchal clans of 25 to 200 members which hunt and travel at night. Tribes maintain totems around their settlements that raise the alarm when a village is in danger. Batiri believe that dinosaurs or other gigantic beasts are the representatives of their gods and each tribe chooses a particular species to venerate. Khurgorbaeyag, called 'Kuro' by the Batiri, is also worshipped heavily. The Batiri are relentless trackers and are skilled in the use of short bows and spears. The more powerful Batiri generals wear crude dinosaur-hide and animal skin armor. They eat those they capture, except other Batiri. Batiri can have green skin as well as other more typical goblin coloration. They speak their own language which is different from, but related to, the Goblin tongue.

Goblins of Zakhara

Goblins of Zakhara are immigrants from Shou-Lung to the east. They live in large compounds that house large extended families and practice ancestor worship. Most Zakhara goblins' skin is bright green, but variants with yellow, red and blue also occur. Goblins in the Land of Fate have a great affinity for gadgets, especially explosives. They create and use odd devices such as flame-throwers, repeating crossbows, and balloons.    


  Жизнь в сообществе гоблиноидов дешева. Всегда за Вами есть дюжина пытающихся повалить Вас, готовых занять ваше место, как только Вы падете. Лидеры гоблиноидов правят через агрессивную жестокость, измываясь над любым, кто заступает им путь, и убивая тех, кто безрассуден достаточны, чтобы бросить им вызов. Гоблиноиды постоянно пытаются обойти друг друга, главным образом ударяя в спину. Конечно, гоблины испытывают недостаток силы и свирепости перед хобгоблинами. Точно так же хобгоблины обычно в подчинении у багбиров. Различия в размере между расами слишком велики, чтобы преодолеть их. Группа меньших гоблиноидов может иногда объединиться, чтобы пересилить большего кузена, но они чаще предают друг друга, чем большее существо. Даже преуспев в своих усилиях, меньшие существа регулярно падают в ссору друг с другом о том, кто теперь главный, и другой из больших гоблиноидов часто выходит в сцену, чтобы положить конец спору, уничтожая любого, кто может потребовать такого лидерства.   Декантерские гоблины, напротив, живут только для того, чтобы служить своему создателю, Лорду Тварей. Они - ужас Декантерские шахт, главным образом из-за хитрости алхуна, командующего ими. Первоначально эти существа лишь охраняли домен Лорда Тварей. Сегодня, однако, они начали расползаться вдаль и вширь, что, возможно, сигнализирует о том, что алхун имеет большие планы.   Большинство гоблиноидов живет как авантюристы, просто чтобы уйти от своих клано в. Некоторые делают это исключительно по причине выживания, уверенные, что они будут убиты, если останутся. Другие полагают, что, если они смогут найти реальную силу в большом мире, они смогут затем вернуться на свою родину и взять верх.  

Общество гоблиноидов

  Общество Гоблиноидов - трудное для вырастания. Простое выживание до взрослой жизни - комбинация удачи, осторожного планирования и безжалостной агрессии. Золотое правило среди гоблинов - делать что-либо другим прежде, чем они сделают это Вам.   Дети гоблиноидов устанавливают иерархию, во многом подобную таковой своих родителей. Старшие и большие придираются к меньшим, затачивая навыки запугивания, которые хорошо послужат им позже, во взрослой жизни. В общинах г облиноидов детей так же много, как и взрослых. Причин для этого много, но все они сводятся к двум неизбежным фактам. Во -первых, большинство гоблиноидов не переживает свое жесткое детство. Во-вторых, много взрослых умирают насильственной смертью, прежде чем продвигаются достаточно далеко в обществе гоблиноидов.   Мужчины имеют почти всю власть в обществе гоблиноидов. Они поддерживают свой клан, постоянно совершая набеги на другие общины и крадя сокровища, продовольствие и питье. Когда запасы истощаются, гоблиноиды, как известно, вырезали и ели членов других рас, включая даже меньших гоблиноидов.   Женщины, как правило, остаются дома и выращивают так много молодых гоблинов, насколько возможно. Им не разрешают присоединяться к воинам клана на охоте или в сражении. По этой причине много авантюристов-гоблиноидов - женщины, оставившие свои кланы в поисках лучшей возможности от жизни.   В большинстве кланов гоблиноидов нет никакого чувства секретности. Большинство кланов живет в большой, общей области, часто пещере. Только лидеры клана имеют привилегию своих собственных квартир. Эти лидеры любят ограничивать такие убежища, поскольку они боятся, что те, кого они не могут видеть, могут использовать эту возможность для подготовки предательства. Вообще-то, это продолжается постоянно, но это труднее выполнить в общих палатах, так как многие гоблиноиды просто счастливы выдать любых мятежников в обмен на завоевание покровительства своего лидера.   Редко гоблиноиды достигают зрелого старого возраста. При первом признаке слабости ст аршие гоблиноиды сразу оспариваются своей более молодой семьей, раз за разом. В конечном счете молодость побеждает возраст и предательство.   За пределами своих домашних территорий большинство гоблиноидов пытаются копировать условия, при которых они выросли. Они ищут более слабых и измываются над ними для присоединения к возникающему клану. Даже гоблиноиды, отказавшиеся от своих родных кланов и ставшие авантюристами, часто возвращаются к старым привычкам, если возникнет шанс.  

Язык и грамотность

  Большинство гоблинов говорит только на Гоблинском. Более сильные часто говорят также на Общем, также, как и те, которые становятся авантюристами. Хобгоблины и багбиры говорят и на Гоблинском, и на Общем - у них в этом большая потребность, поскольку они часто отвечают за распоряжение другими существами и должны быть способны говорить с существами, которых они порабощают. Декантерские гоблины говорят на Гоблинсуком и Нижне -общем, так как они проводят большинство своей жизни в глубинах Декантерских шахт.   Goblin Language   The Goblin tongue has been described as a "guttural language of grunts and whimpers", sounding like “squeaking and croaking", and “the retching and hacking of a plague-wracked human.” One human characterized it as a noise “like a cat getting sick."   It seems odd that such a widely scattered, illiterate, short-lived race could maintain a single coherent language. Famed goblin hunter Drizzt Do’Urden has noted that the Goblin language’s many dialects do indeed differ vastly from one another. But he also states that they are mutually comprehensible. For names, goblins tend to use a term that translates as “hey you!” unless otherwise needed. Nearly one out of every five goblin proper names starts with the letter g. Goblins seem to have an obsession with fangs – over 13% of the tribes listed refer to teeth.   The following is a list of words and phrases in Goblin from FR sources:   Word\Phrase meaning araga ready Araugul goblin mountain ardrak dragon beenurk go more Caballus-unt-unjtor, vazedrae shaman named Caballus leading a tribe (to attack) getsun innk's arr circle to his left Ghistpok chief glath blood Grashmog heart of battle gund ha, moga moga move aside and let me pass irter-Caballus-Ghotrag-Vghotan, vazedrae-julik just as we follow the 3-headed beast, 3 of our mightiest (Caballus, Ghotrag, and Vghotan) will strike at you kherk-nor...aseidez-ki...julik as we strike at you below, so shall we strike at your walls like the closing of a hand moga gund, geek-ik moon'ga'woon'ga ? (unknown) nying so, wucka give gift and you can leave olohk, (k)-olohk place (derived from Hruggekolohk) Omvurr overlord uhj-kellor...vazsedrae we shall storm the walls, put your town to the sword vaws-hak death (to) Vghotan hound's tooth or dog's tooth   Using the above vocabulary, plus the list of goblin names, tribe names, and gods, the relative frequency of letter usage in the Goblin language can be calculated. After removing translated and foreign words (like “No-nose” and “Warpaws”) the frequency, from most common letter to least common is:   a r e k g u h o l i n t s m v b z y d c j w p x f   most common consonant pairs in Goblin are: th rg gh gr   (the order of letter frequency in English is: e t a o i n s r h l d c u m f p g w y b v k x j q z;   the most common consonant pairs in English are: th nt nd ) A few sources make reference to goblin graffiti, suggesting that Goblin can be written. It is unknown in which of Faerun’s alphabets the language is typically penned. Goblins also use their own runes to mark territory and to leave warnings. The following are goblin runes:   Savaros: an elder rune used by goblins to mark their territory and welcome other goblins.     Warning-magic present: an Underdark goblin symbol used to warn of dangerous magical areas or creatures.  

Божества гоблиноидов

  Гоблиноиды поклоняются множеству злых божеств. Эти боги часто призывают своих последователей размножиться в максимально возможной степени и затем попытаться наводнить земли своих противников превосходящим количеством. Это одна из причин того, почему жизнь в кланах гоблиноидов рассматривается настолько дешевой. Гоблины, хобгоблины и даже Декантерские гоблины поклоняются Маглубайту, богу гоблиноподобных. Они вдохновлены легендарными рассказами о его силе и предательстве, добивающихся успеха во всем. Бог багбиров, Храггек, тренирует своих последователей процессам засад и разъяренной борьбы.  


  Bargrivyek is a lesser god devoted to the expansion of goblin territories. He strives to moderate conflicts within tribes so that goblins can direct their aggression outward. He appears as a large, calm goblin with a domed forehead and carries the unholy symbol of his faith, a white-tipped flail.  


  Known as the "Father of Many", Gapnagurnung is an ancestral god worshipped only among his legions of descendants. He is probably a weak demigod (divine rank 1 or 2) but he does grant his numerous adepts spells, even if none of them are very powerful. His symbol is a stake decorated with polished skulls of small animals, which he occasionally rattles to warn his offspring of approaching danger.  

Iron One

  The Iron One is the semi-mythical first ruler of Grodd and is worshipped by the inhabitants of that demiplane. He is either a minor god in the goblin pantheon (perhaps demigod level as his priesthood are all adepts) or is an aspect of one of the other goblin gods. The wearer of the Iron Crown of Grodd is considered to be the mouthpiece for the Iron One.  


  Khurgorbaeyag is the patron god of goblins, subordinate only to Maglubiyet. His portfolio includes slavery and oppression of other races so that goblins can focus their attention on war. He appears as a tall, flame-red goblin with orange and yellow scales. His symbol is a red and yellow striped whip. He is known as Kuro to the Batiri and his manifestations on the Chultan peninsula often involve the forms of dinosaurs.  


  Maglubiyet is the paranoid and covetous head of the goblin pantheon. He incites his followers to make war on other races, especially dwarves and gnomes. As the primary deity of millions of worshippers on Toril alone, he is afforded the status of greater god. To prevent potential usurpers from arising within his own ranks, he maintains constant watch on the other goblinoid deites and limits their power. Due to some great service he provided to worgs in the past, he is also responsible for the close alliance between the wolves and goblins. He appears as a huge black-skinned goblin with flaming eyes and his unholy symbol is a bloody axe.  


  Stalker is a dark, hungering primal force somehow related to the goblin races. It was driven out of its underground home by the first goblins and has sought vengeance ever since. It sows hate and anger amongst the goblins in order to cause war and death to feed its ravenous appetite for revenge. Stalker is a demigod, but has no priests or worshippers.  


  Other notable goblinoid deities include: Grankhul**, bugbear god of stalking; Hruggek, the main god of the bugbears who also lairs on Clangor; Nomog-Geaya**, militant god of the hobgoblins; and Skiggaret**, the bugbear god of fear. Goblins also occasionally worship non-goblinoid deities. Their hatred of the light sometimes leads them to venerate Shar. Orcus worship is still practiced by goblin warlocks amongst the remnants of the Witch King of Vaasa’s forces.    

Goblin Mythology

  Goblins believe that in the beginning, the world rebelled against the old gods. A war ensued in which the gods killed the world. From the blood of the gods, maggots were born who burrowed into the corpse of the world. In the darkness, the maggots feasted and celebrated the victory of the gods.   When the forces of light arrived, a sun was born in the sky that burned the eyes of the maggots. The maggots’ cries of pain were heard by the old gods. Angry at the light for hurting his children, one of the old gods (maybe Maglubiyet) transformed the maggots into goblins. He told the goblins that the forces of light owed them a debt and that they were always to remember the times of darkness when the gods of old ruled victorious.   Goblins consider themselves the first born, spawned from the very blood of the old gods. They believe that other races owe the goblins a debt for ancient wrongs.  

Goblin Cosmology

  The goblin gods reside on the rusted battlefields of Clangor. The plane is a landscape of iron under blood red skies where goblin petitioners fight to the death and then rise each sunset fully restored. Native barghests and fiendish wolves join in the eternal wars.   The River of Blood flows across the endless plains of rust and iron, connecting Clangor with other hells. Fiends from these planes find their way to the goblin battlefields to serve as advisors. Grashmog, a fortress city known as the Heart of Battle, is the seat of Magluibyet’s power. The elite winter wolf-mounted Steelbiters train here and the temples turn out many clerics who advise the goblin generals in matters of war.    

Отношения с другими расами

  Гоблиноиды не особенно хорошо общаются друг с другом и намного хуже - с другими расами. Они даже не делают исключений для членов других подрас гоблиноидов. Из стандартных рас персонажей гоблиноиды лучше всего общаются с полуорками, главным образом потому, что гоблиноиды привыкли при случае работать с орками, обычно под командой некоторого военачальника-багбира.   Все гоблиноиды питают особую ненависть к эльфам и дварфам, и многие нападают на них, едва заметив. Редкие персонажи-гоблиноиды доброго или нейтрального мировоззрения прилагают большие усилия, чтобы управлять этим убеждением, и обычно добиваются в этом успеха.  

Животные и домашние животные

  Гоблиноиды не держат домашних животных. У них такие существа - для резни и еды. Они часто крадут домашний скот у своих соседей и могут держать козлов, овец или рогатый скот в течение короткого времени, но они обычно съедают их при первой же возможности. Гоблины имеют специальные отношения с воргами и часто едут на воргах в сражение. Злые волки - союзники гоблинов, но не их слуги.  

Goblin Traits

  Your goblin character has the following racial traits.   Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.   Age. Goblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up to 60 years.   Alignment. Goblins are typically neutral evil, as they care only for their own needs. A few goblins might tend toward good or neutrality, but only rarely.   Size. Goblins are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh between 40 and 80 pounds. Your size is Small.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Fury of the Small. When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature’s size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature. The extra damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.   Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.     Different tribes and communities of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears vary widely in how they choose names and what they use in daily life. (A lesser-known feature of all three races, in the Realms, is that their societies are therefore use of surnames—and others don’t.   Which is a long-winded way of saying names vary from place to place in the Realms, among the same race.   However, MOST goblins an adventurer may encounter will have short, one-syllable first names, followed by a middle name that’s a family surname, and a surname that’s a clan name, like this: Darg Huum Sarsar.   Hobgoblins tend to drop the clan name, and may have longer names.   Both races tend to have ‘proper names’ for their clans, that they use among themselves, rather than the versions they offer humans (Broken Fang, Tuskjaw, and so on), that emphasize fierce agression and brutish simplicity (the image they want to project to humans, to sew fear and encourage retreat and avoidance).   Bugbears may live in their own tribes, especially in the remote Sword Coast North, but are more often loners, or live in pairs and trios, and may adventure with hobgoblins; in any case, they tend to have little use for surnames or even tribal names.    


  So here are some typical goblin female given names:   Arryka, Bela, Carra, Duika, Flarra, Guldra, Hornra, Jarakra, Klorra, Maara, Nurra, Oloa, Pulgra, Qlara, Ruusra, Surra   And here are some typical goblin male given names: Buirak, Claeth, Darg, Flark, Goruk, Gurk, Hurk, Ithyk, Juk, Lurg, Morlg, Nurruk, Surk, Thulk, Ulgut, Varruk  

Goblin Tribes

  This is a list of goblin groups pulled from FR campaign sources. While many goblin tribes are mentioned, few are named. I have not included any groups referenced simply by their leader unless the leader’s name is explicitly stated as the name of the tribe. For example, the goblins with Ghistpok are called “Ghistpok’s tribe” or “Ghistpok’s goblins” so they are excluded. But the goblins under the leadership of Vunarg are specifically called the “Vunarg Clan”, so you will find them listed.   Tribe Leader Location Notes Ancient Ax Orsraun Mountains Wars with the dwarves of Ironfang and Onusclan orcs. Big Belly Daggerdale Largely unsuccessful raiders who prey on the weak. Accept bribes not to attack stronger groups. Black Arrows Horroc Galena Mountains Archery unit of the Goblin Brigade that threatened the humans of Bloodstone Valley as part of a larger bandit army. [see also: Blacktooth, Longpoles, Warpaws, Yellowtooth] Blacktooth Mogat Galena Mountains Sword-wielding infantry unit that was part of the Goblin Brigade in a bandit army. [see also: Black Arrows, Longpoles, Warpaws, Yellowtooth] Bloodier Teeth No-Nose Orsraun Mountains Assaulted the human village, Urml, with the aid of trolls, orcs, and kobolds. Victory seemed assured until the arrival of a human warrior wearing shining white armor. The goblins were routed and the humans took the appearance of their mysterious savior as a sign of divine favor of Tyr. Attacked Urml a second time for revenge. Tribe members ride dire wolves. [see also: Scab Eaters] Bloody Hands Spiderhaunt Woods Formed an alliance with other tribes in the Spiderhaunt to put an end to the very un-goblinlike behavior of the Noble Cavaliers tribe. [see also: Broken Daggers, Merciless Slayers, Small Unpleasant Ones] Bone Miners Battle of Bones More than 100 scavengers that live in the area known as the Battle of Bones, digging tunnels to "mine" the refuse left behind by the clash of armies. They search for lost treasure, dodge carrion crawlers, and are generally unmolested by the undead in the area. Brikklext Overshadow Wronsa (bugbear) and Driklret (blue) Upper Deep Wastes (Dalelands) Population 242 (80% goblin, 11% bugbear, 5% blue, 4% worg). Just another goblinoid tribe until two psionic blues showed up 7 years ago. Pruet and Driklret now rule alongside the bugbears. They have redirected a spring and now extort tribute from surrounding communities for water. [see also: Water-Sellers]   Broken Daggers Spiderhaunt Woods Formed an alliance with other tribes in the Spiderhaunt to put an end to the very un-goblinlike behavior of the Noble Cavaliers tribe. [see also: Bloody Hands, Merciless Slayers, Small Unpleasant Ones]   Broom Boyz Morda (human) High Forest Tribal outcasts who work for a human witch named Morda. Have become mentally unstable from exposure to the witch's experimental magic potions. Worship a bizarre moon god. Call themselves "Da Broom Boyz" in honor of the broom of flying used by Morda.   Chalarstaukh King Asglarek Rauvin Mountains Largest of the Rauvin Mountain goblin holds. Called "Worm-Eaters" due to the abundant food source in their caves. King Asglarek is aided in his rule by his seven sons. Recently found dwarven tombs and hope to use the magic they uncovered against their orc and goblin enemies.   Clan of the Broken Bones near Shadowdale Small group that waylays travellers in the forest. Dimetrodon Clan Chult Non-nomadic Batiri tribe that lives near secret mines of the Chultan dwarves. They act as traders between the dwarves and the outside world.   Dwarfbanes (aka Dwarfdeath) Verlmak Bonechopper Orsraun Mountains Wyvern-mounted goblins who assaulted a dwarven mining settlement in the mountain Kallamos Var. The dwarven defenses consisted of aerial dwarven cavalry mounted on dragonnes.   Fenlis Goblin Marches, due north of the High Moor Around 400 goblins who disdain contact with other races except to enslave them. They seek to unite the goblins.   Garuk One Ears Garuk Galenas and Earthspur mountains Growing tribe that requires new members to cut off their left ear and present it to Garuk as a rite of initiation. The ears are secretly turned into the Vaasan Gate for the bounty money, of which the new recruit gets half.   Gnomecrusher Band Spiderhaunt Woods Group of a dozen goblins who attack travelers in the woods.   Gouged Orbs Clan Chult Batiri tribe whose members blind one eye when they reach adulthood.   Grodd goblins Nalavara (red dragon) demiplane of Grodd, Storm Horns Cormyr Civilized group of goblins with lime-green skin and pale blue eyes. Eat crows and skunks and speak a corrupted ancient Elvish dialect. Trapped in the demiplane of Grodd for over 1000 years where their city maintains the architectural style from the Golden Age of the Goblins. Militarily organized into Legions. Invaded Cormyr by the thousands but ultimately driven back by Azoun IV's forces.   Haffa's Flatbacks Haffa (half-ogre) Skullport Over 100 goblins who work hauling freight with primitive wheelbarrows in Skullport. Were originally bought by Haffa from a drow slave trader and then freed and trained as porters. Now earn decent wages by monopolizing the teamster trade.   Huzza's Goblin O' War Huzza (hill giant) Sea of Fallen Stars Longship, manned by 70 or so goblins lead by a hill giant, that sails in search of ships to plunder and crews to eat. Huzza hurls goblins into the rigging of target ships where the goblins cuts ropes and sails to disable the vessel. Wise goblin shaman with helm of comprehending languages acts as interpreter. Crew recently acquired two margoyles and a human wizard who aid under duress.   Kreeth near Mirabar Gem miners who had burrowed into the cellars of Mirabar and traded with a few unscrupulous families within the city. Recently destroyed by dwarves and a crystal dragon.   Kuro Queen Irtana Chult Batiri who worship Kuro, a dinosaur-avatar aspect of Khurgorbaeyag. Located in Chult near a dwarven emerald mine.   Longpoles Rankhas Galena Mountains Spear-wielding goblins who served in the Goblin Brigade as part of a larger bandit army. Attacked the humans of Bloodstone village. [see also: Black Arrows, Blacktooth, Warpaws, Yellowtooth]   Malauth Queen Nargharab Rauvin Mountains Central and most sinister goblin kingdom in the Rauvin Mountains. Queen Nargharab is just a puppet of seven priests, called the Malauthar, who summon monsters to protect the tribe's borders. The Malauthar invent and interpret mystical rituals to keep the masses in fear.   Merciless Slayers Spiderhaunt Woods Formed an alliance with other tribes in the Spiderhaunt to put an end to the very un-goblinlike behavior of the Noble Cavaliers tribe. [see also: Bloody Hands, Broken Daggers, Small Unpleasant Ones]   Mokrul Clan Mokrul Icewind Dale Clan follows a leader named Mokrul. Assaulted the town of Targos as part of a larger horde lead by someone named Guthma.   Neidlig King Srubaash Goblin Marches Most powerful tribe in the Goblin Marches with around 600 goblins. They lair in an ancient citadel and employ orc mercenaries.   Noble Cavaliers King Artemis Spiderhaunt Woods Strange band that lives in Spiderhaunt. Dress in foppish human clothing and speak in stilted, literary-style speech. Under the influence of an evil artifact called the Dragonking's Eye which contains the essence of a dead god.   Red Fangs Biletooth Trollbark Forest Raiders who attack human caravans and villages to loot, burn, and take hostages. Lair in a large cave complex in the Trollbark Forest. Have wolf allies and also raise giant spiders. Scab Eaters Orsraun Mountains Tribe of spear-wielding goblins mounted on dire wolves who helped the Bloodier Teeth tribe attack the village of Urml (the second time). [see also: Bloodier Teeth]   Sharp Fangs Orsraun Mountains Tribe rides worgs and is armed with short swords. Participated in the Turmish war on the side of the human Muktar in his plan to create an empire. Shining Tooth Clan near ancient Netherese city of Targus Staged a failed siege in year 1754 of the Nether calendar. Were forced to retreat when their weapons rusted due to the sea air.   Sithisila Fleet Tetris island, Moonshae Goblin buccaneers who hire out as naval mercenaries as well as prey on the weak. Their secret base is in the southern tip of the Korinn Archipelago   Small Unpleasant Ones Spiderhaunt Woods Has formed an alliance with other tribes in the Spiderhaunt to put an end to the very un-goblinlike behavior of the Noble Cavaliers tribe. Upset that all of the good tribe names were taken. [see also: Bloody Hands, Broken Daggers, Merciless Slayers, Noble Cavaliers]   Spearbiters Sothillis (ogre mage) Amn Part of the so-called Sothillisian Empire (also spelled Sythillisian). Includes 24,000 goblins, which have laid siege to Amn with the goal of looting Murann's treasuries Starrock King Ertyk Uhl High Peaks and Kuldin Peaks Year 1358 attacked Erlkazar, laying siege to Duhlnarion for over 3 months. The human Crusaders struck an alliance with the Shieldbreaker ogres of Rivenshield to repel the goblins. By year's end, the Starrock tribe was cut to less than a third its previous number; they are only now regaining strength.   Teerac-on-Water between Goblin Marches and Stonelands Small tribe that makes its lair on and under an island in the middle of a crater lake. They travel the lake in small boats and are active during daylight. A local plant, the blood red lily, prolongs their lifespan to over 100 years and possibly boosts their intelligence. They train giant frogs as guardians and build wooden structures.   Thugs of Uthor Izac Uthor Goblin Marches Army of 200,000 goblins formed in 1089 by Izac Uthor. They met a force of humans, halflings, dwarves, and elves at a place called Torgor's Triangle. Hundreds of thousands died in a battle that lasted days. The final goblins were routed and later hunted down and wiped out in a place called Skull Gorge.   Twisting Spears Spine of the World Rallied under the banner of the human wizard Akar Kessell in his war of conquest.   Vaerluth King Vaerluth Rauvin Mountains Easternmost of the Rauvin Mountain goblin kingdoms. Succession as leader is through assassination. The goblins boil and eat the webs of Huge monstrous spiders which infest their caves and they are immune to the spiders' venom.   Vunarg Clan Vunarg Icewind Dale Part of a larger horde laying siege to Targos . Warpaws Gorbas Galena Mountains Worg cavalry that threatened the humans of Bloodstone Valley as part of a larger bandit army. [see also: Black Arrows, Blacktooth, Longpoles, Yellowtooth]   Water-Sellers Brikklext About 30 goblins from Brikklext, a goblin community in the Upper Deep Wastes, who extort and intimidate weaker tribes for miles around.   Winter Wolves Ardenor Crush (hobgoblin) Lurkwood Mercenary company all mounted on winter wolves. Led by a goblin lieutenant who reports to Ardenor Crush, a reincarnated human fighter in the body of a hobgoblin.   Yellowtooth Forgath Galena Mountains Sword-wielding infantry unit that was part of the Goblin Brigade in a bandit army. Laid siege to the human village of Bloodstone. [see also: Black Arrows, Blacktooth, Longpoles, Warpaws]    

Weapons for goblins

  Many goblin bane weapons have been forged throughout the centuries. Adventurers who possess such items tend to seek out goblinoid opponents, so it's inevitable that some of these weapons end up in the hands of goblins themselves. The most direct road to power for the average goblin is through conflict with others within his own tribe. It's likely, then, that goblin bane weapons are used by would-be chieftains in their bloody struggle for supremacy. Though not known for their quality equipment, goblins also manufacture many items, including enchanted ones.  

Cormyrian goblinthrasher

  +1 goblinoid bane longsword. Adorned with the purple dragon symbol of Cormyr. Created by the War Wizards by Royal Magician Caladnei for distribution among the Purple Dragon knights and general sale.  

Filthy Goblin Staff

  Carried by the goblin sorceror, Caballus. +3 staff, special: +5 Move Silently, Target is silenced on successful hit, cast Invisibility Sphere 1/day  

Goblin Slayer Dagger

  Pearl-handled dagger was crafted by the enchantress Elytharra. +3 dagger, special: slays goblins instantly Goblin Stick A forked and hooked pole arm used by bugbears to catch hiding goblins. It is 6 to 9 feet long and each end is tipped with three blades. The center blade is hooked. It is a double weapon and can be used to make trip attacks.  


  +4 returning distance spear, x2 damage vs undead, goblinoids and drow  

Kortan’s Skullcrusher Dire mace

  Bonus vs goblinoid/orc 1d6 dg. Cold +1  

Lance of Nhamashal

  +5 goblinoid, giant and evil outsider bane lance  

Mace of the Iron One

  +1 unholy light mace; can be used as a divine focus by any worshipper of the Iron One or any other member of the goblin pantheon  


  +3 goblinoid bane longsword; casts prismatic spray 3/day

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