Gatchorof Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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(Middle Old Shanatar)   Amid the ruins of the ancient dwarven realm of Torglor, the githyanki have established a military encampment on the Material Plane. From the outpost known as Gatchorof, githyanki raiders make frequent forays into the Lowerdark to strike against the illithids of Oryndoll, their thralls, and anyone else who gets in the way.   Gatchorof (hamlet): Nonstandard; AL LE; 100 gp limit; Assets 760 gp; Population 152; Isolated (githyanki 98%, red dragon 2%).   Authority Figure: Supreme Leader Frethen Harmswa (LE female githyanki fighter 10/psychic warrior 6).   Important Characters: Cragnortherma (female adult red dragon Heltipyre (female adult red dragon Scorlachash (female adult red dragon).   Raiders: fighter 9, psychic warrior 9, fighter 5/ psychic warrior 4, fighter 5/ psychic warrior 2, wizard 8, fighter 7 (3) psychic warrior 7 (3), wizard 6 (3), fighter 5 (4), psychic warrior 5 (4), fighter 4/wizard 4 (5), fighter 3(54), psychic warrior 3 (16).   The githyanki consider this place a military outpost, not a town. As with any military outpost, however, certain services have sprung up to meet the needs of the troops. In addition to the soldiers, a small community of githyanki noncombatants lives here to manage a general store, a forge, a slaver gang, and a taphouse.   The githyanki are preoccupied with defense. Every structure they inhabit has been modified for defensive purposes with shuttered windows, arrow slits, and fortified entrances and exits. The buildings that the githyanki have occupied here so far are mostly old dwarven guard houses and the city jail, since these are the most defensible structures in the city. The githyanki have leveled surrounding structures to a height of 3 feet and a distance of 100 feet to grant troops within the occupied structures line of sight to fire at approaching enemies. Finally, they have allied with three red dragons. In return for the assistance of these creatures, the githyanki regularly raid trade caravans to fatten their allies' hoards:   Visitors are not welcome in Gatchorof unless they can demonstrate that they have come to kill illithids. Exceptionally combat-ready adventurers who reveal an abiding hatred of mind flayers fit this requirement. Providing one illithid head per person as a token of entry is a good way to gain entry, though the githyanki do not request such.   Slavery is legal in Gatchorof, though the githyanki soldiers themselves have no time for it. Roughly one-quarter of the soldiers are gone at any given time on business, and the rest are drilling, patrolling the area, or resting up for their next raid. The "civilians" of the village are all armed, but they spend much of their time equipping and maintaining the military force, making frequent trips back to the Astral Plane for supplies.   Anti-Illithid Devices The dwarves of Torglor routinely fought the mind flayers of Orynd'oll and created several specialized anti-illithid defenses. The githyanki occupation force has found several such devices and put them to good use.   Braincap: This metal cap fits closely over the wearer's head (taking the head slot for magic items). The wearer gains a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against enchantment effects and immunity to psionic mind blast attacks. Moderate abjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell immunity; Price 22,000 gp.   Starver: Armor created with this special ability is so named because more than a few mind flayers have lost tentacles to its slashing blades. Such armor incorporates a special defense against creatures that attempt to grab or swallow the wearer. When an enemy attempts a grapple check against the wearer, razor-sharp blades spring out in all directions, dealing 2d6 points of slashing damage to the grappling creature. The blades instantly retract if the wearer is released; otherwise, they continue to deal 2d6 points of damage to the grappling creature each round on the wearer's turn. They also deal damage against any creature that has swallowed the wearer. Should the wearer die, the blades become inert. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price +2 bonus.

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