Filarion Filvendorson
Filarion Filvendorson is Kelson Darktreader’s half brother, born to and raised by a different mother. He is a nephew to Darfin Floshin. Filarion, a wood elf, is close to neither Darfin nor Kelson.
Filarion disappeared from Daggerford for many years in search of his father, Filvendor, but the death of Elorfindar drew him back. With Filvendor presumed dead, Filarion had hoped for inheritance. However, except for a few keepsakes and special items, Darfin was the sole heir. In an attempt to bridge the gap between them, Darfin recently purchased the house where Filarion once lived and gave it to his nephew, but Filarion has so far been more resentful than grateful.
Filarion was trained as a thief. To win a few friends and make some extra money, he trains guard and militia members in stealth skills and scouting. He also provides aid to adventurers in the area.
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