Elorfindar Floshin

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Lord Elorfindar Floshin (NG male venerable gold elf fighter 1/wizard 5/eldritch knight 10), born in the Year of the Swift Hart (456 DR) is a dignified sun elf with bronze skin and golden blond hair. His green eyes are shadowed with the wisdom of many years, but he retains the hale vigor of youth through magics long forgotten.   Although he does not mind the company of other races as much as many of his brethren, the aging elven knight has other reasons for remaining behind in Faerûn. His father had been one of the elves instrumental in inviting humans in to aid the Fallen Kingdom and Elorfindar feels a familial responsibility to watch over the humans. As such, Elorfindar has always been a close ally of the Kings of Man, and the fractured nobles that succeeded them, including the dukes of Daggerford. In addition, Elorfindar has taken it upon himself to guard the many portals of the House of Long Silences in the depths of the Ardeep Forest in penance for the sins of his ancestors. (House Floshin gave rise to one branch of fey’ri in days of Siluvanede.)   Elorfindar no longer takes apprentices, but his descendants and followers do, making the Floshin Estate somewhat of an elven magical academy (one of a handful that still exist in the North).   Elorfindar’s Wives   Over the centuries, Elorfindar has had four wives and scores of lovers (most of them human, a few half-elven, and a handful of moon elven---though none from among his household; he considers such behaviour unseemly and an inevitable cause of discord), although never while married. His first wife and “one true love” Shalamrae, a gold elf wizardress, remained within him in his self-imposed exile, but died tragically in a lighting storm in the Year of the Mesmer Pool (1186 DR).   Elorfindar has since taken three human wives from the Waterdhavian nobility of Waterdeep and had several more children, but they have all died as well. His human wives included: Moaril Lanngolyn (married 1206 DR, died in 1236 DR; blown apart in a magical explosion involving an enchanted Lanngolyn family heirloom necklace; no children Khryskrarra Manthar (married 1242 DR, died 1277 DR; died giving birth to her fourth child, a stillborn girl; three children and Tannatha Raventree (married 1296 DR, died 1329 DR, vaporized in a magical duel between two feuding human adventurer-mages who just happened to encounter each other and do battle in her garden; one wizard was also blasted to nothingness, and the other teleported away; two children).

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