1 Baenre
Quenthel Baenre Controls all three branches of the Academy (see "Tier Breche")
Mez’Barris Armgo Has the largest number of trained wizards and mercenaries-for-hire Vadalma Tlabbar Fanatically devoted to Lolth Miz’ri Mizzrym Dominates Menzoberranzan's slave trade
Byrtyn Fey Skilled at forging alliances
Zhindia Melarn Devoted to rooting out drow apostates, particularly within the nobility
Fiirnel'ther Vandree Vicious and vindictive house determined to rise to the top
Dahlia Sin'felle Newly resurrected and disgraced vassal house under the firm control of
House Baenre. with Dahlia (a moon elf prisoner) as its figurehead
2 Barrison Del’Armgo
3 Faen Tlabbar
4 Mizzrym
5 Fey-Branche
6 Melarn
7 Vandree
8 Do'Urden
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