Deep Imaskar Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Deep Imaskar

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Deep Imaskar, City of the Seal (Lower Earthroot)   The Imaskari civilization was thought lost thousands of years ago, but in truth the surviving Imaskari fled far underground and established the city of Deep Imaskar for themselves and their progeny. Using mighty magic, they managed to conceal their presence from the rest of the world for almost forty centuries. Even now that the Great Seal that once isolated their city from the rest of the Underdark has been broken, the deep Imaskari avoid contact with outsiders, dispatching only the most trustworthy and secretive of spies into the outer world after wiping the location of their home city from their minds.   Deep Imaskar (metropolis): Magical; AL LN; 100,000 gp limit; Assets 92,374,000 gp; Population 46,187; Isolated (Deep Imaskari 100%).   Authority Figures: High Lord Planner Illis Khendarhine (LN male deep Imaskari sorcerer 4/wizard 20/archmage 6 Lord Apprehender Ebruk Naramixna (N male deep Imaskari sorcerer 10/wizard 15/archmage 4 Lady Enacter Furyma Selovan (LE female deep Imaskari rogue 11/wizard 15/archmage 1).   Important Characters: Jubal Thetisjemja (CG male deep Imaskari wizard 8/loremaster 4), the foremost sage and expert on affairs of the outer world; Dryleh Bluerslol (LG male deep Imaskari sorcerer 6/rogue 10), Warden of the Approaches and master of the scouts and spies sent out into the world.   Deep Imaskar is an entirely self-sustaining city hidden deep in the northeast portions of the Earthroot. Though its population is quite large (for the Underdark), its citizens do not trade with anyone from outside, and they go to great efforts to keep the city's existence secret from its neighbors.   Government Deep Imaskar is ruled by a High Lord (or Lady) Planner, who controls the city through a body of wizards known as the Planners. These individuals debate the long-term policies and growth of the city and its government.   The Lord Apprehender and the Lord Enacter directly serve the High Lord Planner. The Lord Apprehender oversees all information and resource gathering in the city, and his servants also maintain the city's magical defenses. The Lord Enacter is charged with executing the Lord Planner's dictates, and her organization enforces the laws of the city. Though the High Lord Planner rules alone, the Apprehender and Enacter may block his decisions through inaction if they both disagree with High Lord's decree.   The government has been relatively free of corruption for the last 600 years, but recent events have put the three rulers at odds. The High Lord Planner was firmly against opening Deep Imaskar and sending deep Imaskari out into the world. However, Lord Apprehender Naramixna decided that it was time to learn what might be won from the world beyond the seal, so he broke it and sent out agents into the Underdark with the tacit approval of Lady Enacter Selovan.   Deep Imaskari Societiy Military prowess has nearly been forgotten in Deep Imaskar. Weapon proficiency has devolved into a stylized form of dance that is practiced only in live theater. When force is needed to apprehend the occasional violent criminal, the enactors (Deep Imaskar's constables) use magic.   Deep Imaskar's vast magical gardens support crops but no livestock. Thus, all deep Imaskari are vegetarian, and animals (including familiars) are rare to the point of being bizarre. Most citizens have at least one permanent unseen servant (known as an uskara) that performs basic chores and labor. Water grows like fruit from special magical plants kept in every household. Droplets of water roughly 2 inches in diameter swell from the leaves of a mature plant every day and can be carried in a basket like oranges. These droplets burst only when pierced with a sharp object (such as a tooth). Air is magically filtered and freshened through long, brightly colored sheets suspended from the ceiling of the cavern.   When deep Imaskari wish to leave the city, its existence is wiped from their minds to prevent anyone else from learning of Deep Imaskar's existence and location. Once outside the seal, deep Imaskari cannot return unless they are specifically recalled through powerful spells, although some make arrangements to be recalled after accomplishing a particular mission or simply after the passage of an agreed-upon amount of time. In the interests of self-sufficiency and the protection of Deep Imaskar, those who choose to leave take with them only those magic items that they have personally created, to prevent anyone from suspecting that a larger community of deep Imaskari exists.   Brief History In -2488 DR, the Imaskar Empire was tottering. Its cities were engulfed in flames, and its armies had been defeated by the incarnate gods of their rebellious Mulan and Untheric slaves. Many of the greatest wizard-lords of the realm battled to the last, but a powerful lord named Ilphemon chose to abandon the falling empire. Leading a small number of his family members, apprentices, and retainers, he descended into a wild and uncharted corner of the Underdark, hoping to escape the wrathful Mulan slave armies.   Ilphemon and his retinue sought out a large cave imbued with powerful faerzress and discovered the vault that would become Deep Irnaskar. After driving out the monsters that lived there, Ilphemon sealed the passages behind his people. The wizard-lord and his apprentices labored for many long years to lay the groundwork of the Great Seal and make their cavern home into a living garden, illuminated by brilliantly radiant light.   Ilphemon's descendants ruled Deep Imaskar for many centuries as kings and queens. In -634 DR. a cabal of arrogant, evil necromancers overthrew Ilphemon's heir and slaughtered his family, bringing an end to the line of the ancient Imaskari lord. For more than a century, Deep Imaskar suffered at the hands of these ruthless necromancers, but in -511 DR a charismatic champion by the name of Chaschara led a revolt against the necromancer-lords and freed Deep Imaskar. Chaschara refused to claim the throne, instead declaring herself Lady Protector of the Realm. She selected officers for the new posts of planner, apprehender, and enactor, and those offices have continued to the present day, even though the protectorship was eventually abolished.   Deep Imaskar has flirted with expansion on several occasions, most notably into the more hospitable reaches of the Elemental Planes. The city's protectors conquered several small regions of the Elemental Planes of Air and Water and bound their empire together with great planar gates. However, in 799 DR the Imaskari lost their holdings in the Plane of Air to an assault of chichimecs. These terrible abominations invaded Deep Imaskar itself through the planar portals and caused great destruction before they were driven off. In the aftermath of that conflict, the city's Lord Protector Stilofyr was exiled and the protectorship abolished, and the planar gates were dismantled.   For the last five centuries, the folk of Deep Imaskar have chosen to live simply among themselves, seeking neither to rule nor to be ruled, but to live well in isolation.   The City Deep Imaskar occupies a vault 3 miles long, 1 mile wide, and 1/2 mile high. The bottom corners of the city are rounded, making it look as though it had been built in a half pipe. The old architectural style of the Imaskari empire lives on in the bulbous dome structures of Deep Imaskar, which are often connected by arcing bridges. Gravity on the curves and walls of the city is "localized" at roughly 500-foot intervals by magical batteries shaped like statues of famous Imaskari wizards of antiquity. This arrangement allows the Imaskari to build onto the walls, nearly doubling the width of the city. Stairs and walkways also take advantage of this strange architecture, crossing spaces that would seem impossible at first glance.   Space inside a building is frequently larger than its exterior footprint, thanks to extradimensional magic. Deep Imaskari consider buildings in which the interior isn't larger than the exterior a waste of space. Several public parks and coliseums exist around the city in 80-foot-diameter domes and similar-sized structures. The actual square footage of the city is not even technically calculable, since the civic planners can (and occasionally do) change it.   The Great Seal The great seal of the city is an enormous magic circle measuring 2,000 feet in diameter. Tens of thousands of smaller wards and protective circles have been laid inside the large circle and layered over one other, forming a diagram of staggering complexity. These wards protect the city from notice or intrusion from any direction and for nearly any reason. The circle even has an overwhelmingly powerful suggestion effect that causes anyone on Faerûn (or any adjoining plane) who even thinks about the fate of the ancient Imaskar Empire to believe that it is utterly gone.   The northern wall of the city is dominated by the circle. Its magical residue lights perhaps a third of Deep Imaskar, and its rays permeate all the way to the southern wall. Though penetrating, its light is not especially bright, so the individual carvings can be seen at some distance.   Though the seal has recently been broken to allow a trickle of Imaskari out into the Underdark (and theoretically, visitors from the Underdark in), the seal is still quite functional. Students of magic spend years studying its intricacies, sketching the lines and mouthing the ancient words etched into the stone.   Enactor's Courtyard This 30-foot-diameter dome houses a wide, well-lit, grassy patch where the Lady Enactor's retainers congregate. The wizards stand in small groups discussing business, sometimes using prestidigitation or small illusion spells to sketch out concepts in the air. Structures and objects are designed here and the necessary parts made via creation spells. The parts are usually stored next to a miniature model of the finished project in the courtyard.   Somewhat incongruously, lawbreakers are also kept here on the soft grass. Minor criminals are kept in magically silenced forcecage effects, while hardened criminals are kept below ground level via imprisonment spells.

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