Church of Selune Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Church of Selune

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Church of Selune in Waterdeep

  The church of Selûne is one of the city's oldest faiths, as followers of the Moonmaiden have worshiped on the slopes of Mount Waterdeep since the Year of the Half Moon (390 DR). During the time of Bloodhand Hold, the church was known as the Cult of the Howling Moon, made up of good-aligned lycanthropes who gathered at what is now the Dancing Court. The cult was driven from the city by Nimoar the Reaver, but subsequently returned.   In the Year of the Gleaming Crown (1097 DR), two years after donating the Plinth to the Lords of Waterdeep, Selûnites began worshiping at the newly constructed High House of Stars (see Vault of Stars, page 120). The temple stood until the Year of the Tomb (1182 DR), when it was attacked and burned by infiltrators from below. The Moonmaiden's followers began worshiping at the House of the Moon in the Year of Soft Fogs (1188 DR), where they have remained ever since, having foiled an arson attempt in the Year of the Saddle (1345 DR) on the "Night of Temple Fires."   Led by the charismatic Priestess of the High Moonlight Naneatha Suaril, the church of the Moonmaiden has waxed in strength since the Time of Troubles, when the church of Selûne foiled the dark plots of Shar and her followers. Naneatha lent strong backing to the effort to found the Order of the Blue Moon after the Time of Troubles, and High Moonknight Xale and other knights of the order are in regular attendance at the House of the Moon.   Current Base of Operations: House of the Moon and Selûne's Smile.   Former Base of Operations: High House of Stars and the Plinth.   Church of Selûne (Standard Religious): AL CG, CN, NG; 15,000 gp resource limit; Membership 240; Mixed (humans 153, werecats 24, half-elves 24, elves 12, halflings 12, gnomes 8, others [mostly good-aligned lycanthropes] 7 Dues 5 gp/month (none to join). Authority Figure:  


  Worship the moon and embrace moon¬light. Fight darkness, evil, and those who shout down the moon. Fight fell darkness in the forces of Shar. And fight the Twisted (evil lycanthropes). Call on the power of the moon’s magic and what it “tells all in silence” (navigation). Dance in the moonlight to the glory of the Moonmaiden. Pray in the moonlight, for Our Lady of Silver gains tangible power from prayers made to her at these times. Meditate in the moonlight, for Selune can guide all who do, even if they do not venerate her. And love in the moonlight, for the moon- conceived “have the moon alive within them” and will cleave to the worship of Selune.  

Secular Aims

  So long as priests of Selune (popularly called Mooncloaks and formally called Ladyservants) follow the creed, they are free to make coin by any means they desire. These sources of income can include wandering the Realms leading worship under the moon and accepting offerings, or weaving, shop keeping, smithy work, or even farming in accordance with the phases of the moon. They are particularly valued as ship navigators and as guides through forests and wild places by moonlit nights. Most Mooncloaks are female humans, and they range from barefoot-poor, rural, uneducated, brawny farm girls to sophisticated, stylish urban nobil¬ity. Most are content to make a comfortable living rather than engaging in shady dealings in an ef¬fort to get rich or rise in political power or social influence. Clergy of Selune regard being pushy as poor form for anyone, not just fellow Mooncloaks.   The Mooncloaks are more collegial than hi¬erarchical, though they do have ranks, from Postulants, who have expressed an interest in serving Selune but not yet been taught anything about the faith, through Novices and Runrae (roow-ray; singular Runra, meaning “simple priest”), up through Alrunrae, Tenembrae, Sar- tembrae, Trintelrae (upperpriest), and Aumrae (singular Aumra, akin to a bishop). Outranking Aumrae are the Calunalae (cal-/oon-ah-lay; sin¬gular Calunala). These are independent agents of the Moonmaiden who go their own way, talk often and personally with the goddess, and are something akin to holy secret agents of Selune.   Aumrae and Calunalae can “go moonglow” if they see the need: When an Aumra or a Calunala is partly or wholly in moonlight, she can at will instantly change into a glowing gaseous form for as long as several minutes. A Calunala can also call up moonblades. These moonblades, unlike the famous elven swords of the same name, are glowing swords of force-forged moonlight that last for a minute or two at most. They strike si¬lently, are weightless, and deal significant injury to their targets on every hit.   To become a Runra, a Novice is typically given a small, simple task—an adventure the applicant should be able to accomplish alone. If she acquits herself well and is accepted by the goddess, who will signal this acceptance by sending her a vi¬sion in her dreams, she is thereafter a priest. Each priests has normal holy duties plus two missions at a time: something small assigned to her by a higher-ranking Mooncloak and something greater (and secret) that the goddess personally asks her to do. Selune often gives her Ladyservants tem¬porary abilities or spells to aid them in carrying out her missions, and Mooncloaks often lend their services to other Mooncloaks to whom they’ve given tasks. In the words of Calunala Alyzmra Hantulgard of Everlund, “The Moon waxes and wanes, and the fortunes of holy folk of the Moon rise and fall—but the Moon is ever with us, sail¬ing on no matter how dark the sky.”

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