Ched Nasad Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Ched Nasad

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Ched Nasad, City of the Shimmering Webs   (Middle Northdark)   CHED NASAD The City ofShimmering Webs was founded bythe drow ofHouse Nasadra, who left Menzoberranzan not long after its founding. Upon the departure of House Nasadra, Lolth decreed that Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad must live in peace with each other. The city rests in a great V-shaped cavern filled with layer upon layer ofiridescent calcified filaments, which support the city’s cocoon-like buildings. At its peak, it was home to about thirty thousand drow, and twelve noble houses sat on its Ruling Coun- cil-although House Nasadra exercised even more authority than House Baenre in Menzoberranzan.   During the War of the Spider Queen, Ched Nasad was razed by an army of duergar using alchemical stonefire bombs that destroyed the calcified webbing forming the structure of the city. Only the members of a handful of minor noble houses survived because their homes were located on the cavern walls and in side caverns, where they escaped the crush of the fall¬ing debris.   During the Spellplague era, many ofChed Nasad's structures remained in ruin, until a new ruling council led by House Teh’Kinrellz reestablished some semblance of civilization in the lower city. The council is abhorrent to the ruling priestesses ofMen- zoberranzan, however, because the males of House Teh’Kinrellz hold positions equal to or even higher than those of the females. In truth, these patriarchs are merely puppets under the absolute control of the Jaezred Chaulssin.   Ched Nasad has tentatively reestablished trade with Menzoberranzan despite the drow’s ideological differences. However, trade between the cities is dif¬ficult because the tunnels surrounding Ched Nasad are contested by the beholders of Graypeaks Hive and the tanarukks of Ammarindar.  
Formerly a cosmopolitan drow city suspended on more than one hundred layers of calcified webs, Ched Nasad now lies in smoking ruins at the bottom of its great chasm. During the general upheaval brought on by Lolth's silence, House Zauvirr, a wealthy but low-ranking drow clan, arranged to smuggle hundreds of duergar mercenaries into Ched Nasad. Once inside, they launched a lightning onslaught against House Nasadra and House Melarn and attempted to seize the city. The duergar made extensive use of an alchemical incendiary known as stonefire to destroy the strongholds of the city's great Houses. But the stonefire bombs ignited the calcified webbing that supported the city's very structure, and one by one the great castles and thoroughfares of Ched Nasad fell burning to the bottom of the chasm. Whether this destruction was by chance or design on the part of the duergar is still unknown.   Despite the near-completeness of the city's destruction, some Ched Nasadans survived. A handful of minor Houses located on the chasm walls and in side-caverns weren't crushed by falling debris. The survivors numbered more than six thousand at first, but in the months since the catastrophe, almost half of this number have died of privation, fallen prey to Underdark monsters or gangs of slavers, or simply drifted away. A dozen drow Houses ranging in strength from ten to one hundred individuals still linger in the area, plus many crude gangs composed of ex-slaves and lesser races.   The cavern-wall holdings of the survivors have long since been sacked and either looted or destroyed in the absence of House armies to defend them. The remaining survivors live in small camps on the edge of the hole and spend their time delving into the ruins, recovering buried treasures, and fighting off anyone else who comes to do the same.   House Teh'Kinrellz   One of the minor houses of Ched Nasad remains nearly intact because most of its nobles were away on a chitine hunt when the city collapsed. The hunt was disappointingly small, since the chitines of Yathchol were gone while the nobles of House Teh'Kinrellz were seeking them. Luckily, this meant that Teh'Kinrellz's sharpest hunters lived to hunt another day.   Now House Teh'kinrellz has the simple advantage of numbers over many other drow Houses in the area, and it has risen to prominence in the months since the catastrophe. Thanks to its many combat-ready nobles, such as Prellyn Teh'Kinrellz (CE female drow Ranger 8), the House managed to gain an optimum location on the edge of the chasm for reclamation purposes. Its members have constructed temporary housing and built a winch over the hole to lower searchers down and bring salvage back to the top. They routinely capture whatever slaves they can find and bully them into digging through the wreckage.   The salvage process has been progressing so quickly that the house wizards haven't yet had a chance to inspect everything they've found. They keep their most interesting finds in a hollow dug into the side of a nearby tunnel, guarded by alert fighters.   House Teh'Kinrellz plans to rebuild Ched Nasad, and its members do not intend to remain minor players in the new order.   Krashos Morume   At the time of the disaster, Krashos (LE male adult blue dragon Sorcerer 12) was living among the drow of Ched Nasad in the guise of a drow wizard named Quevven Jusztiirn. He first visited Ched Nasad more than fifty years ago in search of Netherese lore, but he enjoyed the place and decided to remain indefinitely as an agent of his dragon clan from the Nether Mountains.   When the city collapsed, Krashos was on its bottom layer. Since he had no spells that could extract him from the wreckage, Krashos was forced to assume his true form and burrow away from the collapse. Krashos slew most of the slaves who fled after him into the tunnel he had created, but he saved one, a fire genasi, to be his agent.   Hurnoj Rikrekts (NE male fire genasi Rogue 2) acts like the other workers who excavate together among the rubble, but he serves Krashos. The dragon was not so foolish as to leave his main hoard anywhere near Ched Nasad, but he did possess a few items that he would like retrieved from his old residence. Naturally, he's also happy to take as much of other people's treasure as he can get.   In addition to an itemized list of his own belongings, Krashos maintained a list of other people's property that he coveted, in case it ever became relevant. Hurnoj has been instructed to use any means at his disposal to get the items on his master's lists. If the genasi experiences any undue trouble, he is to report to Krashos in his temporary undercity lair for further instructions.   Daughters of the Shadow Weave   Zesstra Aleanrahel (CE female drow Cleric 7 of Shar) has secretly worshiped the Dark Goddess ever since she found Gorothir's girdle, a black leather corset with a sacred Sharran text inscribed on it. Before the collapse, she had been quietly gathering a few worshipers, many of them wizards who were anxious to learn the secrets of the Shadow Weave. Members of her House knew of her heresy, but they were waiting to use the secret against her at some future point.   Now the time to use that knowledge has passed, and Zesstra commands a following of more than seventy Sharran worshipers. These worshipers of the Dark Goddess are more cohesive and powerful than any other religious sect that remains in the city. Rather than working toward any grand designs, however, Zesstra is using the confusion of the salvage operation to get revenge on her remaining enemies. She can't ruin them - the city's collapse has accomplished that for her - so her only recourse is to kill them. Bit by bit she is achieving her goal, by quietly dispatching her shadow adepts and summoned shadow creatures to destroy her old foes.   Zesstra's homicidal schemes have already sent about a quarter of her followers to their deaths, and the remaining Sharrans are becoming less keen to play along with her. More and more of them are volunteering for assignments that require them to slay distant targets, so that they can take long trips outside their mistress's sight and cultivate their own secrets.

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