Araumycos Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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The largest single life form on all ofToril, Araumy- cos-Dwarven for “Great Fungus"-might also be the oldest. This sentient fungal colony encompasses hun¬dreds of square miles of the Upperdark (the topmost region of the Underdark) under the High Forest. It is a haven for fungus creatures, especially myconids, who hide within its gray-white mass. Araumycos is a difficult environment to move through and con¬stantly regenerates areas that are cleared. When its sentience is aroused, it becomes actively hostile, lash¬ing out with poisonous fumes, independently mobile pseudopods, and violent psionic attacks. Over the course of the Spellplague era, the sen¬tient fungus has summoned thousands of myconids to its domain. Toward the end of that era, Araumycos started sending tendrils and spores throughout the Northdark, forcing many communities, including Menzoberranzan, to guard their approaches against fungal incursion. Travel within Araumycos has always been difficult, but since the Spellplague, many explor¬ers in the region have reported an alien influence invading their dreams. These haunting nightmares speak of comfort in the mass consciousness and the hopeless chaos ofindividuality. The drow call these visions the dream trap or dream madness. Only illi- thids seem immune to its influence. Countless drow, deep gnomes, tanarukks, and others have succumbed to its siren call and wandered off into the Underdark, never to be seen or heard from again.

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