Arandur Material in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Once the exclusive secret of the gnomes, this leg¬endary metal has since been worked by elven smiths of Evereska and Evermeet. Many gnomish locks and hooks, as well as some fabled elven warblades, have been forged of arandur, though new forgings —and folk who know how to work the ore —are both rarer than ever today. Arandur is a rare natural metal found in igneous rock, usually as streaks of blue-green ore amid vitreous glass. So that it does not become as brittle as the glass it is found in, it must be tempered with the blood of a red or blue dragon in its forging. Because of this, working it is not a task for the roadside village smith. The fin¬ished forged metal is silver-blue with a green reflective shine. Arandur bonds with other metals so well that Merald's meld and crown meld spells are not necessary when enchanting an item made of it and other metals. It is famous for holding a sharp edge even when abused and was the favored material of old for making swords of sharpness and vorpal weapons.
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Items made primarily of arandur automatically succeed in all item saving throws vs. fall, normal fire, cold, and electricity. They receive a +3 bonus to all item saving throws vs. acid, crushing blow, disintegration, magical fire, and lightning. Arandur also par¬tially absorbs magic missile energy pulses; folk who wield a sword or shield made of arandur or wear arandan armor take 1d2 (to a minimum of 1) fewer points of damage per magic missile bolt directed at them.
Arandur armors - thunder threshold 2, force threshold 2   Arandur weapons - extra damage dice on crit

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