Ammarindar Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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When compared to Delzoun or Shanatar, Ammarin¬dar was a relatively minor dwarven realm, but what it lacked in influence and size, it more than made up in wealth. Arising around -4100 DR, when dwarf prospectors unearthed rich veins of adamantine ore beneath the Graypeaks, Ammarindar coexisted along¬side the ancient empire ofNetheril. The kingdom grew steadily in prosperity, sheltered from any foes.   At Ammarindar’s height, its borders on the sur¬face included much of the upper Delimbiyr Vale, taking in the Graypeaks from Naurogloth (Bleached Bones Pass) to Horindon Lhar (High Gap), and from the Fallen Lands to the edge of the High Forest- The underways of Ammarindar ran the length of the upper Delimbiyr valley, permitting travelers to walk from one end of the kingdom to the other without ever returning to the surface. Isolated clanholds arose throughout the Ammarindan Underdark close to the richest veins of ore and gemstones.   Ammarindar stood strong through the fall of many neighboring realms, including Netheril and Sharrven. The rise of demons in Hellgate Keep, however, spelled the doom of Ammarindar and left the entire region scarred for centuries. In 882 DR, demons from Hellgate Keep allied with ore hordes to overrun Ammarindar and bring the kingdom to ruin. Swift intervention from the Harpers and some of Faerun’s mightiest wizards kept the forces ofHellgate Keep in check, establishing a mighty ward around the castle that kept its greatest dangers locked inside. Over the next four hundred years, however, demons from the keep tunneled throughout the North in an effort to bypass the wards. In 1221 DR, their tunnels connected to the deep tunnels of Ammarindar, allow¬ing the demons to establish a network of outposts throughout the Ammarindan Underdark, guarded by minor demons, half-fiends, tieflings, and ghouls. The expanding demonic forces came into frequent con¬flict with the drow of Ched Nasad and the beholders of the Graypeaks Hive.   After the destruction ofHellgate Keep in 1369, Ammarindar became the exclusive domain of the war¬lord Kaanyr Vhok, founder of the Scourged Legion.   LOST TREASURE OF AMMARINDAR   Because the end came with little warning, the dwarves fleeing the murderous hordes from Hell¬gate Keep were forced to leave behind most of their belongings, including their precious gold and gems. Much of their wealth was subsequently plundered by demons, drow, and beholders. Nevertheless, hidden  caches of treasure and dwarven heirlooms still lie scattered throughout the tunnels and halls of the fallen kingdom. The dwarves of Ammarindar were renowned for their legendary weapons and suits of armor crafted of adamantine. Most of this treasure and unworked adamantine is still unaccounted for, drawing explorers who seek out undiscovered caches.

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