Темпус - Tempus Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Темпус - Tempus

Сокрушитель Врагов, Владыка Битв   Темпус - воинственный бог, заботящийся о хра-брости на войне, использующий рукоприкладство вместо слов в улаживании разногласий и поощря-ющий кровопролитие. Бог войны непостоянен в своих предпочтениях, считая, что так его хаотичная природа помогает всем сторонам в одинаковой мере. Владыка Темпус сегодня может быть благо¬склонным к одной армии, а завтра к другой - врагу первой. Он может появиться перед битвой в рядах одной из армий, и, если его видят на белой кобы¬ле (Вейрос) - армия победит. Если же он будет на чёрном жеребце (Дейрос), то поражение неизбежно. Наиболее часто его видят правящим обоими коня¬ми, с одной ногой в стремени каждого из них, что отражает непредсказуемую природу битв. В таких видениях Темпус всегда крепко сложенный бога¬тырь, вооружённый также, как и те, кто его видит.   Нрав Темпуса может быть и случаен, но с течени¬ем столетий его жречество приложило немало уси¬лий, чтобы распространить и обеспечить соблюдение общего кодекса ведения войны - чтобы войну вели по правилам, профессионально и уважали репута¬цию друг друга. Этот кодекс, называемый Честью Темпуса, ставит целью сделать конфликты коротки¬ми, законченными и как можно более безопасными для тех, кто не участвует в них напрямую. Кодекс гласит: вооружай всех, кто в этом нуждается; уважай врага; храбро исполняй свой долг; учи всех сражаться; не вступай в распри. Те, кто отравляют колодцы, заражают поля, убивают мирное население или занимаются пытками во имя войны - являются грешниками.   Поклоняющихся Темпусу легион, и его имя часто слетает с губ солдат. Его духовенство чаще всего тактики, сведущие в искусстве войны. Многие его помазанников не служат в храмах, предпочитая быть боевыми капелланами при армиях и отрядах наёмников, вдохновляя товарищей и словом, и сталью. Жрецы Темпуса учат, что война должна   вестись с честью, ставя в одинаковые условия обе стороны, так что в любой битве смертный может быть как убит, так и превознесен и стать великим лидером для его соратников. Смертные не должны бояться войны, но должны воспринимать её как ещё одну силу природы - шторм, который цивилиза¬ция несёт одним лишь своим существованием.   Battle Chapel (Highcastle)   Battlehall (Zhentil Keep)   Gloryhall (Halfhap)   Hall of Warriors (Luskan)   High House of Swords and Banners (Ormpetarr)   Spear Rock (Wyvernhunt)   Swordpoint Shrine (Essembra)   Swordspoint Hall (Berdusk)   The Abbey of the Sword (Battledale)   The Arms House (Calimport)   The Beacon of Battle (Calimport)   The Hand that Swings the Sword (Elturel)   The High Hall of Swords (Mulmaster)   The House of Glory (Tantras)   The House of Heroes (Waterdeep)   The House of Swords (Glister)   The House of the Helm (Voonlar)   The House of War (Raven's Bluff)   The Old Sharp Sword (Hill's Edge)   The Shine of Crossed Swords (Scardale)   The Shrine of Swords (Archenbridge)   The Table of the Sword (Daggerford)   The Towers of the Vengeful Hand (Eshpurta)   The Vault of Swords (Hillsfar)       Лорд Битв, Молот Противников Великое божество   Символ: Сверкающий серебряный меч на кроваво-красном щите Домашний план: Отдых Воина Мировоззрение: Хаотически нейтральное Сфера: Война, битва, воины   Прихожане: Воины, бойцы, варвары, рейнджеры, полуорки Мировоззрения клериков: CE, CG, CN Домены: Хаос, Защита, Сила, Война Одобренное оружие: "Боевое Мастерство" (боевой топор)   Верхом на своей паре скакунов - белой кобыле Вейрос и черном жеребце Дейросе - Темпус (tem-pus, тем-пус) управляет волной войны и распределяет ее наугад, его хаотическая природа в свое время предпочитает любую из армий. Божество войны может поддержать одну армию в один день и другую - на следующий. Солдаты всех мировоззрений молятся ему о помощи в предстоящей битве. Могучий и благородный в битве и сильное и здравое божество, Темпус отвечает только перед своим кодексом воина и не стремится к длительным союзам. Он, как известно, любит еду, выпивку и охоту, хотя битву он любит больше всего. Он всегда является как гигантский человек в разбитом и окровавленном пластинчатом доспехе, а его лицо скрыто массивным военным шлемом. Он носит в своих руках в перчатках великий боевой топор или черный меч, иззубренный и запятнанный от частого использования.   Церковь Темпуса - возможно, самая широкоизвестная на пораженном битвами Фаэруне. Бесчисленные столетия войн развернулись на полях битв мира, и последователи Молота Противников бились умело и честно на всех сторонах почти что в каждом из этих конфликтов. Независимость Лорда Битв и его последователей гарантировала, что его церковь широко уважается членами всех вер, и никто не сомневается, что сможет одержать верх и в следующей битве, если им вновь улыбнется непостоянная природа Молота Противников. Почти каждая воюющая сторона некогда билась рядом с клериком Темпуса, и столь же многие бились против клерика Темпуса. Только церковь Эльдат истинно желает, чтобы был и другой путь.   Клерики Темпуса молятся о заклинаниях прямо перед высоким солнцем. Кануны и годовщины великих битв - церковные праздники церкви Темпуса, и таким образом они варьируются от места к месту. Банкет Луны, почитающий мертвых - важнейшая из дат религиозного календаря. Каждый храм проводит Пир Еероев при высоком солнце и Песню Павших на закате, а большинство также проводит для павших церемонию Песни Меча после наступления темноты. Также ожидается, что   по крайней мере раз в десятидневку прихожане Темпуса прольют несколько капель крови (предпочтительно своей собственный или достойного противника) и споют Песню Меча в честь Темпуса. Ритуал, исполненяемый большинством преданных - молитва об отважном исполнении и выживании в предстоящей драке, произносимая военному божеству над оружием, с которым они обычно идут в битву. Если перед битвой сторонники получают новое оружие - особенно в форме с трудом завоеванной добычи - это воспринимается как знак покровительства Темпуса, и именно это оружие используется при поклонении. Клерики Темпуса обычно мультиклассируют как варвары, божественные чемпионы или бойцы. Большинство из них - обычно склонные к битвам люди-мужчины, хотя принимаются и другие.   История/отношения: Темпус явился результатом первой битвы между Селунэ и Шар, одним из многих подобных военных божеств, вышедших в мир. В свое время он победил каждого из своих конкурентов в битве, последним из которых был Еарагос Ривер. Некоторое из оракулов утверждают, что в последующие годы Темпус может втянуться в войну с Ануром, поскольку Фаэрунский и Малхорандский пантеоны сталкиваются и (неизбежно) сливаются. В недавние годы Темпус поддержал божественность Красного Рыцаря - отношения, родственные таковым любящего и защищающего отца и блестящей дочери, тяжело работающих на ниве семейства - войне. Молот Противников небрежно дружествен к склонным к войне божествам типа Нобэньона, Еонда, Валкура и Утгара. Он считает Эльдат, свою диаметральную противоположность, наивной и слабой. Однако, из уважения к ее убеждениям он наказывает тех из своих преданных, кто злоупотребляют ее духовенством, святынями или храмами, чувствуя, что война не имеет настолько большого значения без мира, чтобы выдвигать ее на первый план. Суни, считающую его своим противником, он расценивает как несоответствующую и непостоянную и потому не достойную активного противостояния. Неясно, почему Темпус допускает длительное выживание Еарагоса, хотя некоторые мудрецы предполагают, что Темпус знает, что новый претендент неизбежен, и предпочитает использовать Ривера, чтобы отогнать таких потенциальных противников. Другие утверждают, что Еарагос представляет ту частицу войны, которую Темпус находит для себя неприятной - дикое безумие боевой ярости, и что он преднамеренно уступил этот аспект сферы войны, хотя он все еще почитаем многими варварами.   Догма: Темпус не выигрывает битвы - он помогает воинам получить победу. Война справедлива в том, что угнетает и помогает всем одинаково и что в любой битве смертный может быть убит или может стать великим лидером среди своих компаньонов. Ее нельзя бояться, но следует рассматривать как естественную силу, человеческую силу, шторм, который цивилизация приносит своим существованием. Вооружите всех, для кого битва необходима, даже противников. Отступите из безнадежных поединков, но никогда не избегайте битвы. Решительно убейте одного противника и быстрее остановите битву, вместо того чтобы полагаться на медленное истощение или бессмысленное затягивание военных действий. Помните мертвых, которые пали раньше Вы. Защитите то, во что Вы верите, что бы это ни было. Не унижайте противника, кем бы он ни был, и уважайте всех за пламя доблести - независимо от возраста, пола или расы. Темпус смотрит с покровительством на тех, кто честен в битве, не прибегая к малодушным уловкам типа уничтожения домов, семейств или домашнего скота, когда противник далеко, или нападения с тыла (кроме тех случаев, когда такая атака проводится маленькой бандой против противника, значительно превосходящего в количестве). Думайте о последствиях насилия войны и не делайте опрометчиво войну способом заработка. Сладкоречивые и застигающие врасплох, сеющие раздор и никогда не защищающие свою веру, выпускают больше вреда, чем самый энергичный тиран, налетчик или лидер орды.   Духовенство и храмы: Клерики военного божества устремлены на то, чтобы война велась по правилам, чтобы уважалась ее репутация и она оставалась профессиональной, минимизируя безудержное кровопролитие и работая для уничтожения вражды, выходящей за пределы отдельного спора или установки противников. В то же самое время обучение и готовность к битве должны продвигаться, чтобы цивилизованные человеческие владения смогли выжить на Фаэруне перед лицом набегов монстра и орд орков - и сила Темпуса для помощи тем, кого он предпочитает в битве, также должна продвигаться. Воины, использующие яд или заражающие колодцы, засыпающие поля солью, убивающие невоюющих, балующиеся пытками или экстравагантной резней невинного народа, будучи не на войне или совершающие подобные грехи против правил справедливой битвы, должны быть отвергнуты от покровительства божества, их преступления должны быть разглашены далеко и широко, и они должны искупить свои дела или погибнуть. Военные клерики должны хранить имена достойных, павших в бою, и на кладбищенских камнях, и в других подобных мемориалах, и в своих молитвах Темпусу, и в ежегодном скандировании на Марше Мертвых, при котором клерики военного божества проходят по улицам, созывая весь народ, и прихожан, и несторонников, на местный Банкет Луны, который гостеприимно проводит их храм. Клерики также устремлены собирать и уважать оружие и доспехи известных и уважаемых воинов, даже если они сломаны или ухудшились, поскольку они сохраняют кое-что из боевой ярости и энергии, связанных с делами, в которых они участвовали.   Храмы Темпуса - обычно скорее окруженные стеной военные сооружения, чем храмы в обычном понимании этого слова. Кроме центральной святыни для почитания павших, украшенной разбитыми щитами и ржавыми клинками мертвых, большинство храмов Темпуса отданы потребностям войны, включая склады оружия, бараки и тренировочные территории. Богатейшие укрепленные аббатства иногда содержат библиотеки, но в них есть лишь история войн и учет павших.   Будучи не в потрепанном доспехе, клерики Темпуса часто носят шлемы или стальные тюбетейки, хотя они никогда не закрывают лиц, поскольку столь близкое подражание Темпусу, как думают, является оскорблением Лорда Битв. Некоторые из фанатичных блуждающих клериков никогда не снимают доспехов полностью, но в храмах больших городов духовенство редко видят в доспехах, кроме церемоний, проводимых перед армиями, маршей или начала осад. Формальные одежды клериков Темпуса всегда имеют цвета багрового оттенка свежей крови, но варьируются по основному цвету в зависимости от места и ранга, робы более темного цвета носят те, кто занимает место ниже. Большинство военных клериков носит церемониальные предметы одежды коричневого или пурпурного цветов. Красные или янтарные носит старшее духовенство, а желтые или белые - таковое самого возвеличенного ранга. Кроме своих испытанных боевых топоров, многие из старших клериков Темпуса также предпочитают шипастые перчатки в качестве метки своего статуса.   Учитывая свою склонность поддерживать обе стороны любой борьбы, церковь Темпуса испытывает недостаток любой центральной власти, которая могла бы склоняться в пользу той или иной стороны. Однако, в пределах конкретного храма или военного ордена обычно имеется строгая приверженность военным рангам и ясной командной цепи. Темпуранская церковь также имеет много присоединенных орденов. Два примечательных - Орден Сломанного Клинка и Орден Стального Клыка. Первый почитает тех воинов и духовенство, которые были ранены на службе Темпусу и больше не могут биться на передовой. Сломанные Клинки часто выполняют поддерживающие функции в храмах и святынях и принимают личную присягу после присоединения к ордену защищаить святое место, на котором они живут до смерти, в качестве последней линии защиты. Вторая группа - элитный бойцовский орден в пределах церкви, члены которого часто назначаются на самые опасные из обязанностей. Члены Стальных Клыков возглавляются укрепленными битвами членами духовенства. Многие наемные компании и благородные боевые ордена крестоносцев также пользуются связью с церковью. Одна из отметок божества, которую можно заметить среди присоединившихся наемников - ржаво -коричневый кинжал по диагонали острием вправо вверх, с которого капают четыре капли крови.   TEMPUS   NEUTRAL   Other Names or Titles: Foehammer, Grandmaster of War, Lord of Battles, Tempos (among the barbarians of Icewind Dale)   Symbol: A blazing sword on a blood-red field   Divine Portfolio: War, battle, warriors   Divine Residence: Halls of Glory, Warrior’s Rest   Divine Allies: Beshaba, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Gond, Nobanion, Valkur   Divine Enemies: Garagos, Ilneval, Sune, Urdlen Exarchs: The Red Knight, Uthgar, Deiros & Veiros   Tempus is the god of war, battle, and warriors. According to legend, the Lord of Battles was born from battle itself during the first great conflict in history, between the goddesses Shar and Selune over the fate of all the worlds of the heavens; it is told that the volleys of magic exchanged between the Sisters were of such unfathomable power and scale that gods, including Tempus himself, were born from their catastrophic collisions. Throughout his history thereafter, Tempus competed with every possible rival and he emerged victorious against all of them. No other war god has been able to defeat the Grandmaster of War on the fields of glory, and perhaps none ever will.   Few in all existence could revere the very concept of war as much as Tempus. If there is glory and honor to be had, then the Lord of Battles will wholeheartedly grace any battlefield with his blessing or his presence. Tempus however abhors mindless violence and dishonorable conduct such as the harming of non-combatants or poisoning the water supply to end a conflict; to Tempus, war should be fun and exciting, and can only be truly fulfilling when warriors challenge each other in earnest. One of Tempus’ most notable traditions, in the spirit of his ideology, is to appear on the battlefield while riding on two horses at the same time, with one foot and the other standing on each horse (or the footholds of their saddles). Such exuberant grandstanding is second-nature to the Foehammer.   Tempus was once known for wild changes of temperament (quiet and solitary one moment and then vigorously boisterous the next). When Mystra, goddess of magic, was slain by the evil god Cyric, the Spellplague spread across both the mortal and divine realms, and during that cataclysm Tempus’ divine realm of Warrior’s Rest was wrested away from the vicinity of Limbo; it was made into a plane of its own. Afterwards, the Grandmaster of War gradually ended his drastic mood swings, which scholars theorize were the result of Tempus being influenced by the planar forces of Limbo; as the administrator of Warrior’s Rest, the Lord of Battles was more exposed to the chaotic nature of Limbo than any other deity residing within the realm.   No matter the changes in Tempus’ behavior over the ages, he has always maintained a commitment to fairness. He favors no side over another when mortals make war against each other, unless one of those sides favors a rival deity, in which case it is only fair to even the odds against his rival’s side. While neither side of a battle is particularly favored by the Lord of Battles, he may choose to tip the balance depending on how the combatants conduct themselves, rewarding great acts of valor and punishing shameful acts of cowardice (not to be confused with strategic retreats, trap setting, or tactical feinting).   Tempus is fully equipped with knowledge of formal tactics and strategies, but he is known to favor the use of his instincts to guide the waves of soldiers at his command. The Foehammer’s ability to adapt to sudden changes in the tides of conflict is second to none, and opponents underestimating the instinctual reading of combat’s flow soon regret it. Those who rely primarily on logic and reasoning easily fail in their plans against the Grandmaster of War, due to the improvisational nature of instinctual command, which relies primarily on dynamic observation and intuitive guesswork. Unfortunately, this adaptability in combat does not carry over to the political intrigues among the gods, but Tempus has reliable exarchs to help him on such matters.   Although Eldath, goddess of quiet places, springs, pools, peace, and waterfalls, is diametrically opposed to Tempus in her tenets, she is neither ally or enemy. Tempus acknowledges the necessity of peace to define war and vice versa, so he makes sure not to antagonize Eldath and punishes any of his followers that cause trouble for the Goddess of Singing Waters or her faithful.   Beshaba, goddess of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, and accidents, is Tempus’ lover, and currently resides in Warrior’s Rest after having been driven out of her former divine residence during the Spellplague era. She will not usually intervene in Tempus’ conflicts unless the Lord of Battles himself is endangered, in which case Beshaba will inflict upon Tempus’ opponent a single stroke of bad luck such as a missed swing or a suddenly blocked path; one small misstep is more than enough to grant the unrelenting Tempus a turnabout victory against a powerful foe. That tenacity in the face of harsh odds might be part of why the Maiden of Misfortune finds herself drawn to the war god.   Clangeddin Silverbeard, the dwarven god of battle, war, valor, bravery, and honor in battle, is both rival and friend to Tempus. While the two have had their differences boil to aggression in the past, especially when the Lord of Battles was still experiencing his chaotic mood swings, they have always retained camaraderie over their mutual love of honorable combat. Whatever comes of their arguments, Tempus is always happy to share a drink with the Lord of the Twin Axes as they share their stories of glorious exploits. Tempus and Clangeddin are also known to make friendly wagers with each other on the outcomes of great battles involving their followers.   Gond, god of artifice, craft, construction, and smithwork, gets along well with Tempus, because throughout history the tides of war have stimulated innovation and invention, especially when it comes to armor, weaponry, and fortification. The Grandmaster of War will regularly visit the workshops of the Wonderbringer to see if there are any interesting developments that could change the face of war in the realms, or to sample new alcoholic drinks invented by pioneers of the brewing process. When Tempus needs a special order or to have his own armaments repaired, Gond will personally take care of it in the spirit of their friendship.   According to legend, the Lord of Battles once hunted the demigod beast Nobanion, god of royalty, lions, feline beasts, and good beasts. Tempus intended to make the great winged lion into a trophy, but the Lion King put up such a fierce resistance that it earned the respect of the Foehammer. When Tempus realized that Nobanion was consciously keeping innocents out of harm’s way during their battle, as well as the fact that this feral protector was surprisingly intelligent, the Grandmaster of War lost his desire to slay such a noble creature. Not only did Tempus cease his assault, he also set aside a sanctuary in Warrior’s Rest for Nobanion and made sure that all of his clergy spread knowledge of the King of the Beasts, that the demigod would never be in danger of being forgotten. Nobanion has always remained grateful for such generosity, and from time to time roams the fields of Warrior’s Rest alongside Tempus, looking for a good fight to quench their warrior’s thirst.   Valkur, god of sailors, ships, favorable winds, and naval combat served as Tempus’ exarch during the Spellplague era, but he grew weary of the frequent calls to battle in Warrior’s Rest when he’d rather be sailing the seas of the multiverse with his fleet. Eventually the Grand Admiral parted with the Lord of Battles but they remained trusted friends and loyal allies. Tempus maintains a port in Warrior’s Rest for Valkur’s fleet whenever they visit on their continuous Grand Voyage across the planes. It’s always a big event when the Captain of the Waves arrives in Warrior’s Rest, because that’s when Tempus “coincidentally” announces a festival of naval combat, and all warriors within the plane are invited to take part.   Garagos, god of war, skill-at-arms, destruction, and plunder, is one of Tempus’ oldest rivals if not the oldest, with the history of their rivalry going as far back as when Tempus was a relatively young demigod. The Reaver is a patron of mindless violence and brutality, which disgusts Tempus so much that even when the Lord of Battles had a chance to preside over that aspect of war, he left it for Garagos to keep. Much diminished after a defeat by Tempus’ hands during the Age of Netheril, Garagos slumbered for about a thousand years before re-awakening; much to Tempus’ surprise, Garagos had seemingly lost much of his craftiness and intelligence in the process of revival. Out of pity, the Foehammer eventually took Garagos under his wing; Garagos would serve as Tempus’ exarch until the conflicts of the Second Sundering, when the Master of All Weapons revealed his mental deficiency to be a ruse and attempted to steal Tempus’ power. The Red Knight intervened and foiled Garagos’ plot, forcing the Reaver to flee with his followers to a new realm in another plane. Tempus would never again let his guard down against this former exarch. From his new residence, it is likely that Garagos continues to plot the overthrow of the Grandmaster of War.   Second in command of Gruumsh’s vast armies, Ilneval, the orc pantheon’s god of war, combat, and overwhelming numbers, is one of the most dedicated enemies of Tempus, if not the most deadly. The Horde Leader is convinced that his well-thought out strategies will one day place him as the indisputable champion among all deities of war, and seeks to be the first to overcome Tempus’ legendary instincts. Ilneval is also one who favors bravery in combat over underhanded tactics, and would be offended by any suggestion of foul play to win a war, especially against the Lord of Battles. Tempus in turn welcomes the orc god of war for any fight, any time.   Sune, goddess of love and beauty, is more of an annoying pest to Tempus than an actual enemy. Rather than meeting the Foehammer in battle, the Princess of Passion exchanges barbs with Tempus during meetings of the gods, and lectures him about the negative consequences of excessive warfare. Tempus ignores Sune for the most part, because while the Lady of Love nags well enough to make ears bleed, the Lord of Battles does respect love as an oft-important reason to wage war (love for family, country, etc.). Whenever Sune gets in the way of Tempus’ fun however, a shouting match between the two is to be expected.   Urdlen, the gnomish god of greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, uncontrolled impulse, and spriggans, caught the ire of Tempus during the Second Sundering’s conflicts; the Crawler Below orchestrated a war of genocide in a contested region, which caused many younglings there to view war itself as a thing of horror, and cast a dark shadow on the Foehammer’s reputation. Urdlen’s mindless lust for violence disgusts Tempus in much the same way as his former exarch Garagos, so there would be no hesitation for the Lord of Battles to smite the likes of the Crawler Below should the opportunity arise. There have been rumors in the shadows that Urdlen may be colluding with Garagos to destabilize Tempus’ faith in the realms. The clergy of Tempus are on the lookout for any possible clues to verify such unnerving speculation.   EXARCHS   Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide them with support against their enemies.   THE RED KNIGHT (LAWFUL NEUTRAL)   As Tempus is the epitome of an instinctual general, the Red Knight, goddess of strategy, planning, and tactics, is the epitome of a general that relies on logic and reasoning to win wars. The origin of this goddess is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that she was originally a mortal who was raised to godhood centuries ago by Tempus. It is said that should the true identity of the Red Knight (even if just her true name) be discovered, such knowledge could be used to control the Lady of Strategy and perhaps steal her insight into the strategies of all rulers in the realms and even the gods.   Tempus regards the Red Knight as a beloved daughter, and the Red Knight in turn regards the Foehammer as she would her own father. Some scholars suggest that the Red Knight may truly be Tempus’ daughter, but such a hypothesis has found little support in academia. As such, the Red Knight has the utmost trust of the Lord of Battles, and earns her keep very well; she has averted numerous disasters that would surely have led to Tempus’ downfall were it not for the goddess’ extraordinary foresight and intelligence.   The Red Knight is known to be calm, logical, and deeply compassionate. She will commit her soldiers to life-threatening objectives if necessary but always seeks the path of least casualties if possible. Honor and loyalty are important virtues to the goddess, and she requires all of her servants and champions to hold themselves to the standards of a chivalric code. It is this strict, controlled nature that convinced Tempus to elevate the Red Knight, as a counter to the wild, destructive ways of Garagos. The Red Knight will use any resource available to her regardless of personal pride, and spends much of her time debating with her lieutenants on solutions for potential problems that may appear in the future.   UTHGAR (CHAOTIC NEUTRAL)   Uthgar, god of Uthgardt barbarian tribes and physical strength, was originally born centuries ago as a mortal Northlander from Ruathym. His fighting spirit and victories in battle had impressed Tempus to such an extent that the Lord of Battles raised Uthgar as a demigod upon death, and sponsored Uthgar’s rise to prominence as the founder of the Uthgardt barbarian dynasty (earning Uthgar the title “Father of the Uthgardt).   It wasn’t until the Spellplague era that Uthgar was officially inducted as exarch to Tempus; the Grandmaster of War wished for the barbarian god to first gain experience and find his own footing as a power of the divine realms. When the time of Spellplague arrived, it brought with it great dangers and challenges for all of the gods and their faithful; out of concern for his “young friend”, Tempus called Uthgar to his   side, and Uthgar, loyal to Tempus as would a devoted subject to his king, accepted the roles of responsibilities of an exarch to the god of war.   Proud, fierce, and independent, the Battle Father will rarely ask for help, relying on unorthodox methods to carry his side to victory even if it causes headaches for his allies. Uthgar is always competing with the Red Knight in the endless games of war played out on the fields of Warrior’s Rest. The Father of the Uthgardt tries hard at besting the Red Knight when it comes to tactics and planning, but he always ends up having to rely on his instincts once a battle begins; ironically, for all the meticulous planning that Uthgar devotes to his strategies, his true strength lies in his intuition, which is sharp enough to occasionally win against the Red Knight. It is a blow to Uthgar’s pride that the Red Knight ultimately exceeds the Battle Father’s capabilities as a tactician, while Tempus beams with pride that the mortal he raised has become such a fine instinctual general, even if lacking when it comes to contests of logic and reasoning.   DEIROS (NEUTRAL) & VEIROS (NEUTRAL GOOD)   When the Grandmaster of War appears on the battlefield, the sibling horses that he rides upon are no ordinary steeds; they are able to magically grow and shrink in size, ranging from Small to Huge. Having charged together with Tempus through countless battles throughout millennia, these magnificent immortal equines are much beloved by the Lord of Battles and they are incorruptibly loyal in return. Equipped with intelligence beyond beasts, the ability to speak any language, and thousands of years of experience, these horses are also surprisingly insightful on matters of war strategy, which often leads some to wonder if Deiros and Veiros truly are horses.   Deiros the black stallion is a symbol of defeat in battle, and will appear being solely ridden by Tempus in visions to warn of futility or danger. Deiros is known for his confidence and ferociousness, being all too willing to bite off the heads of those that would dare approach with hostility. The black stallion is very protective of his sister Veiros, and will snap at anyone who he deems threatening towards her.   Veiros the white mare is a symbol of favor in battle, and will appear being solely ridden by Tempus in visions to assure of victory, or at least survival. Veiros is known for kindness and compassion, being all too willing to let wounded soldiers onto her back and carry them to safety. The white mare has a fondness for dessert foods, and will be a fast friend to anyone who can offer her something new for her ravenous sweet tooth, much to her worrying brother Deiros’ chagrin.   When Tempus rides both Deiros and Veiros at the same time, it symbolizes the uncertainty of battle, or that he is blessing the battle as a whole without favoring either side. Some savvy commanders might use this as an opportunity to call a ceasefire for negotiations, or argue for the battle to be decided by a single combat duel between the strongest champion of one side and the strongest champion of the other.   AFTERLIFE   WARRIOR’S REST   This domain of the gods consists of an endless rocky desert with predominantly flat ground littered with mesas, buttes, and rock formations. Above the desert is a light purple sky with shifting clouds. The plain has a 24-hour cycle of day and night, with a yellow-white sun rising at dawn, and a blue-white moon rising at night. The evening sky is dotted with stars of varying hues that remain constant in their positions, and many of the stars are arranged in constellations; the most well- known constellations are in the likenesses of deities that live in Warrior’s Rest, and legendary heroes exalted for their valor and deeds.   There are hundreds of stone-paved roads that direct and connect traffic throughout the plane, with all main roads leading to the divine realms within Warrior’s Rest. These realms are presided over by Beshaba, the Red Knight,   Tempus, Uthgar,, and Valkur (a port and harbor maintained for his fleet’s arrival), with Tempus overseeing the integrity of the plane as its administrator. Those who travel on the roads are protected by flying patrols of angels that serve Tempus.   Petitioner souls arriving in Warrior’s Rest appear as they did in the prime of their lives, except in the peak of physical shape and with complete, healthy bodies devoid of any flaws. When a soul enters a particular god’s realm within the plane however, the ambient magic there may alter the soul’s appearance according to the god’s preference. The majority of souls that arrive in Warrior’s Rest are combat-oriented individuals, such as soldiers, barbarian raiders, knights, and strategists. The warriors are usually free to visit other divine realms through portals maintained by Tempus in his Halls of Glory.   When Beshaba came to Warrior’s Rest, a large number of non-combatant civilians arrived with her, and more come in by the day. These civilians have spread across the plane taking up roles and bring businesses that were barely present before the Spellplague, such as bartenders, cooks, shopkeepers, and even a few druids; the most prominent addition however is the rise of gambling halls, where everyone in Warrior’s Rest can make wagers on their favorites to win in the mock battles and competitive sports events that occur on a daily basis. Many of the warriors have gotten even more fired up now that there are stakes involved on the sidelines.   Scattered across the plane are the “Battle Theaters”, vast ringed-shaped mountain ranges that enclose valleys stretching for miles. These valleys are special grounds used for games of war, and feature a countless variety of terrain types within them, such as sandy wastes, lush forests, prairies, swamps, city¬like mazes, burning magma fields, and networks of bridges over water. The sky above a Battle Theater may look different from the rest of the plane, and the climate within may vary as much as the terrain type. There are observation decks built into the sides of the mountains’ inner rims, so that the battlefields can be viewed by audiences. Wild rumors abound about some of the Battle Theaters being used as habitats for strange beasts, or prisons for immortal beings, or sanctuaries to safeguard artifacts of great power; the fact that there do exist Battle Theaters that are forbidden to enter further fuel such speculation. Entry into a Battle Theater is usually through the use of portals that lead directly into designated areas within the Battle Theater’s valley.   Every day in Warrior’s Rest, there are organized battles and martial competitions being held, at all hours across the rocky desert, within the gods’ realms (except Beshaba’s), and within the Battle Theaters. All warrior participants that “die” in battle lay slumbering in a preserved state until the bodies given to them are restored by the plane’s ambient magic at dawn and at dusk (a warrior could be slain twice in a daily cycle if reckless enough). The cycled revivals of Warrior’s Rest have made war into an endless source of entertainment for the resident souls that thrive on epic clashes; these engagements grow larger and more exciting with every comrade that arrives from the mortal world. Most such battles and events are organized and registered at a set of offices (run by angels) in Tempus’ capitol city of Warhaven.   WARHAVEN   Few places in all existence are as rowdy and lively as Warhaven, City of Blades. The city is inhabited by the faithful of Tempus, as well as planar travelers looking to buy and sell goods, and warriors from across the multiverse who come to train their martial skills. Aside from living residences, there are shops, martial arts schools, smitheries, taverns, libraries, and military academies where students can study fighting techniques, tactics, and the history of warfare.   The city is located at the center of Warrior’s Rest, with Uthgar’s realm of Uthgardtheim located to the north, Beshaba’s realm of Grudgewoe to the west, and Valkur’s port of Safe Harbor to the east. The south, where Garagos used to live, has remained unclaimed since the would-be usurper fled from Warrior’s Rest along with his faithful.   Warhaven hosts the divine residences of both Tempus and the Red Knight. As the Foehammer has a habit of wandering off to the battlegrounds outside Warhaven, the Red Knight oversees delegation of duties in maintaining the major services and operations of this divine realm. The residence of Tempus is known as the Halls of Glory, and the Red Knight’s residence is known as the Red Tower.   The buildings in the City of Blades have varying architectural styles, since Tempus is not picky with aesthetics. The faithful have assembled an eclectic assortment of styles to match the variety of cultures from whence they came. Shades of yellow, purple, and white are common to see however, since the majority of building materials come from the same stone quarries located just outside the city.   There is a permanent portal to the divine realm of Gond in the central marketplace of Warhaven, from which the faithful of the Wonderbringer traffic in all sorts of goods. To gather trading materials for the weapons and armors brought by the Gondites, the faithful of Tempus hunt creatures specially bred for combat in Battle Theaters, or mine the plane itself wherever precious metals and gems might be found.    HALLS OF GLORY   The divine residence of Tempus is located at the heart of WarHaven, situated on the high ground of a central hill. The stone bricks that comprise the walls of this castle-like fortress produce a relatively minimalistic image compared to the extravagance of other deities’ homes, but the building itself is strong enough in its defenses to drive back vast armies.   The fortress contains armories, training facilities, kitchens, guest rooms, and drinking halls, where warriors gather to share toasts and celebrate their victories. The Lord of Battles is usually absent from the Halls of Glory; he prefers to spend his days and nights teaching, wandering the fields of battle, wooing his lover Beshaba, or scouting potential new recruits for his armies. Despite its lord consistently missing from the grounds, the Halls of Glory are never quiet, for all victors of a war game or competitive event in Warrior’s Rest are invited to the drinking halls so that they may feast and sing in the hour of their glory.   There are three areas particularly worthy of note in the Halls of Glory, where only those with special permission may enter; they are the Round Chamber, the Killing Field, and the Divine Armory.   The Round Chamber is a meeting room where Tempus holds congregations with other deities. It is as its name suggests, a circular-shaped room, with a round table of pure mithral at the center. The table is draped with a dark purple covering of woven silk laced with golden threads, and up to three dozen   chairs can be comfortably placed around the circumference; the table and chairs can magically enlarge or shrink to suit the needs of those that use the objects. The Round Chamber is over a hundred feet in diameter, with a ceiling that reaches half that length. Along the sides of the room are mirrors that when activated, become portals to other gods’ realms; these portals are guarded by planetars (high-ranking angels).   The Killing Field is a mystical room that seemingly takes no space within the Halls of Glory. The doors to the room, made of a blood-red hardwood, appear on any nearby wall inside the fortress whenever Tempus or authorized personnel speaks the words to summon the room. When the doors are opened, they lead into an extradimensional space that at first appears as a void of stars and black void, with a crystal bridge leading from the entrance to a floating rocky island topped with a flat crystal platform that is more than a thousand feet wide. After making one’s way to the center of the platform, the doors to the room close, and an authorized staff member or guest may command the interior of the Killing Field to transform into any sort of landscape that they desire. Magic or other destructive abilities used within this space will not affect any creatures, objects, or structures beyond the doors, or anywhere else within Warrior’s Rest. The Killing Field is thus useful for training or duels involving participants of such great power that there is no safe location within the realm where unwitting bystanders wouldn’t be at risk of being accidentally harmed.   The Divine Armory is where Tempus keeps his most treasured arms and armors collected over the eons. It is from this room   where Tempus may summon a weapon on the battlefield, or present a gift to a worthy hero that has earned the blessing of the Lord of Battles. It is rumored that the Divine Armory contains artifacts that were used during the Dawn War, when gods and primordials fought for dominion of the worlds. Such objects might be capable of apocalyptic effects, including the slaying of gods. Since the Divine Armory is the most heavily protected location within the Halls of Glory, only few know for certain, and they will not freely speak of such a potentially dangerous secret.   RED TOWER   Near the Halls of Glory in Warhaven, there stands the Red Tower, a tall, red-bricked rectangular tower with a crimson crystal spire on the roof. There are no windows except near the roof, and one single pair of golden doors serves as the only entry into the building at ground level; the doors are etched with a relief that magically rearranges itself every hour to depict different scenes from past wars throughout history. This is the divine residence of the Red Knight, and it is far more than outward appearance would suggest.   When a visitor to the Red Tower arrives at its doors, they must speak their reason for entry, which must be registered at an office in another part of the city unless they have been invited to enter. If the reason is properly registered or comes by invitation, the doors open themselves, revealing a lobby that consists only of a staircase wrapping along the interior walls of the tower.   As one climbs the stairs of the tower, they will pass by doors that seemingly shouldn’t lead anywhere, since the staircase takes up most of the diameter of the tower itself. Each of these doors leads to one of the tower’s many rooms - an extradimensional space that can potentially span for thousands of feet. The rooms of the tower vary in usage, ranging from armories to training facilities to dormitories for the Red Knight’s soldiers. There are more than a hundred rooms in the tower, and many of them require a key or a spoken password to enter. At the top of the staircase is a platform from which one can view out through window openings. There is a circle of magical glyphs on the floor of the platform; when one stands upon the circle and speaks one of many different activation passwords, they will be teleported either into a chamber within the spire on the roof, or some other other location keyed to the password given. This teleportation circle is a method for the Red Tower to serve as a hub for trafficking travelers and troops alike.   The Red Tower itself stands upon one of eight ground platforms covered with a flat surface of white marble; the platforms are located equidistant from the Halls of Glory in a circular pattern. An operator from within one of the tower’s rooms can activate a special magical device that will transport the entire Red Tower from its current location to another of the eight platforms. Any creatures or objects occupying the target platform would be teleported to the tower’s previous location, swapping places with the tower as it moves to its new position.   DOGMA   These are the tenets that worshippers of Tempus are given to live by.   •The only true victory that can be gained is the one that you earn yourself, for though Tempus may aid a deserving warrior, he will not win the battle in the warrior’s place.   •As war itself does not discriminate to whom it can arrive, do not fear war but rather see it as a natural force, to be accepted as one accepts the coming of a storm.   •Retreat from hopeless battles, but do not avoid battle itself, for there is no glory in cowardice.   •Give respect to the fallen, to what you believe in, and to all foes who choose to fight, for it is through the spirit of honor that one can truly find meaning in conflict.   •Give due consideration to the reasons and consequences of war, that you may avoid causing unnecessary harm with foolish hesitation or reckless engagement.   CLERGY   The clerics of Tempus, known as battleforges, prepare their peoples for war even in times of peace, for the timing of war’s outbreak is never certain. The battleforges typically serve as smiths, engineers, military strategists, bowyers, history teachers, and drill instructors for soldier trainees. They can often be seen on battlefields before fighting begins, blessing the ground before blood spills upon it.   The paladins of Tempus are known as battleguards. They readily seek out wars to fight in. They shield non-combatants that get caught in the violence and punish cowards that resort to dishonorable means for their victories. Battleguards are known to hire themselves out as mercenaries, or join adventuring groups on quests that are likely to involve deadly combat. These warriors have a strong reputation for being honorable in their ways, holding fast to a martial code that transcends racial and national ties.   As war is unavoidable in the course of history, the worship of Tempus is widely shared across the realms, even between tribes and nations hostile to each other. There is no single organization binding together Tempus’ clergy, but those that congregate into groups tend to establish military-style rules of hierarchy based on merit and necessity. Clergy of different sects within the faith are usually eager to meet each other, and share their respective insights on tactics, the history of war, and the development of martial arts. The temples dedicated to the faith of the Lord of Battles are commonly built as walled military compounds, and serve well as defensible shelters for civilians escaping the spread of war across their lands. It is generally taboo, even when invading an enemy country, to attack refugees in a temple of Tempus, because the Foehammer may guide the enemy forces to victory as retribution for dishonorable conduct.   Clerics and paladins of Tempus traditionally pray for their spells just before noon. This symbolizes the preparation of one’s heart and mind in the moments leading to combat, because battles between armies are traditionally begun at noon, when the daylight is brightest. Tragic mistakes on both sides can be made if soldiers fought in the darkness of evening, when it becomes more difficult to discern friend from foe in the chaos of mass bloodshed.   The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Tempus is to perform two ceremonies each day: the Feast of Heroes and the Song for the Fallen.   The Feast of Heroes, performed at noon, involves a prayer giving thanks to the fallen heroes of the past and requesting the Lord of Battle to bless the future deeds of potential heroes that may yet become legends; bread is usually broken upon the conclusion of the prayer, and the pieces are offered to witnesses (usually friends, loved ones, or fellow faithful) who are present for the ceremony.   The Song for the Fallen, performed at sunset, involves a short hymn wishing safe passage for fallen warriors’ souls as they travel to the afterlife; the song is immediately followed with a salute showing reverence and respect for those who died with honor on the field of battle.   Traditional ceremonial dress for the faithful of Tempus tends to be a simple, short-sleeved blood red tunic adorned with the symbol of Tempus, and a helmet forged for combat. The tunic reaches to just below the wait, and often for those leading special occasions, a sleeveless open robe of brown or purple is worn over the tunic; the robe will be red or amber for senior clergy, and the highest ranked leaders will wear robes of yellow or white. A spiked gauntlet may be worn as part of the ensemble as a symbol of office for those in charge of temples or militant groups.   Clerics and paladins of Tempus tend to establish themselves wherever warriors can be found, whether it be among the raiding horde of a barbarian tribe, or the housing district for a city’s militia, or an inn near an adventuring guild. If they can contribute to the history of war in some way, it fulfills them to play even just a small role in the greater conflicts, though there is not one single servant of Tempus that doesn’t relish the thought of leading a charge to glorious victory.   While traveling or adventuring, a cleric or paladin of Tempus will don the best armor of practical quality they can afford, no matter how ugly or worn-looking it may be. They tend to keep a modest lifestyle for the most part, making sure to eat well, drink well, and that their bodies stay in fighting shape.   In addition to common duties, clergy of Tempus are mandated to preserve the names of the honored fallen in some form of record, and to publicly expose those who have been discovered to commit crimes of war such as poisoning wells, salting fields, killing non-combatants, indulging in torture, or plotting to assassinate leaders outside of honorable combat.   All servants of Tempus are required to take good care of their own weapons and armor, and if possible help others do the same.   CUSTOMS OF THE FAITH   The most common ritual performed by the faithful of Tempus is a prayer for one’s own valiant performance and survival, in preparation of a battle that is soon to come. The prayer is made while holding or leaning over the weapon to be used by the faithful in the coming battle. If a new weapon comes into the possession of the faithful by chance before the expected combat, then it is considered a sign of Tempus’ favor, and the new weapon is used for the preparation prayer.   The church of Tempus considers the eves and anniversaries of great battles as holy days, so the faithful will mark the days for celebration or somber remembrance depending on the history of their local region.   At least once a tenday, worshippers of Tempus will perform a ritual in which they sing a special song and the leader for the performance (or sometimes every participant) will shed a few drops of blood; the blood is typically drawn fresh from a captured living beast, one’s own body, or the body of a worthy foe. The song is called “The Song of the Sword”, and it commemorates the first great victory won by Tempus, against his first truly worthy opponent. The name of the opponent is not mentioned in the song, but scholars have argued the identity as being one of the rival war gods that have battled against the Grandmaster of War since the earliest age of his existence. One of the greatest honors for The Song of the Sword ritual is to be invited to spar with an accomplished warrior, and shed each other’s blood at the end of the spar before joining together in song. A senior priest at most temples of Tempus will conduct this ritual after dark on a daily or weekly basis for their regular services, when all are welcome to attend.   On the annual holiday “The Feast of the Moon” (held with the changing of season during the eleventh and twelfth months), people of many different lands and faiths celebrate their ancestors and honored dead. The faithful of Tempus hold this shared holiday as their most important fixed date of religious significance, because of their reverence for the fallen warriors that gave their lives in battle. Stories of heroes, friends, and loved ones who have passed from the world are shared across tables, accompanied by songs, toasts, games, and prayers. Festive parties are the norm for the faithful of Tempus at this time of the year.   Clerics and paladins can take special feats as servants of Tempus.   BATTLEFORGE OF TEMPUS   Requirement: Cleric, worships Tempus   As a battleforge of Tempus, you teach the importance of diligent war preparation, and preserve the names of fallen heroes so that their deeds will not be forgotten.   •Once after ending a short rest or long rest, you can identify the previous owners of a weapon, shield, armor, or piece of ammunition, including their names, appearances, and the manner in which they died (if dead).   •You have proficiency in History.   •You treat heroism as one of your prepared cleric spells without counting it towards your maximum limit. If you already do so, then choose any other lst-level cleric spell for this instead.   •You can expend a use of Channel Divinity as a bonus action to grant a friendly creature within 30 feet (including yourself) an immediate saving throw to end an effect that applies the charmed condition or frightened condition.   BATTLEGUARD OF TEMPUS   Requirement: Paladin, worships Tempus   As a battleguard of Tempus, you fight for the sake of glory and dedicate your arms to honorable conduct as a warrior.   •When you use your Divine Sense feature, instead of the default creature types, you can instead choose to detect creatures (regardless of race) that are currently hostile towards you or your friends.   •You have proficiency in Insight and Survival.   •You treat compelled duel as one of your prepared paladin spells without counting it towards your maximum limit. If you already do so, then choose any other lst-level paladin spell for this instead.   •You have advantage on saving throws made against effects that would apply the charmed condition.   Clerics and paladins of Tempus are able to prepare the following spells, unique to worshippers of Tempus.   FOEHAMMER’S CHALLENGE   2nd-level enchantment   SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Tempus, as well as a cleric or paladin to cast this spell.   Casting Time: l reaction, taken when one hostile creature you can see within range attempts to use the Dash action, moving away from you or your friends   Range: 60 feet Components: V   Duration: Special   You invoke the bloodthirst of Tempus to convince a fleeing enemy to stay and fight. The creature that triggered the required condition for this spell must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target stops and moves towards you, attacking you if possible. The spell ends when the target ends its turn or when it takes damage, whichever comes first.   FURY OF TEMPUS   4th-level enchantment   SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Tempus, as well as a cleric or paladin to cast this spell.   Casting Time: l action Range: Self (20-foot radius)   Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood, which is smeared on your forehead)   Duration: l round   You invoke the passion of Tempus to incite a momentary berserker rage within yourself and up to eight willing creatures you can see within 20 feet. Every affected creature gains a +3 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws until the end of your next turn. While affected, a creature can not cast spells or concentrate on them.   Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are unaffected by this spell.   MISC. LORE   Other stories and information that might be shared among the faithful of Tempus.   THE SPELLPLAGUE GAMBIT   The Red Knight has always been famous for her ability to plan ahead for future problems and have appropriate contingency measures to deal with those problems as they come. This gift of foresight would come in handy in 1385 DR (Year of Blue Fire), when the evil god Cyric murdered the goddess of magic Mystra, releasing waves of chaos and wild magic in a worlds- spanning event now known as the Spellplague.   The Lady of Strategy had learned the prior history of magic- related cataclysms in the realms, including the incident known as Karsus’ Folly, during which Mystryl, the goddess of magic at the time, was incapacitated, causing magic to fail across the worlds, and even affecting some of the divine realms; Mystryl sacrificed herself to re-stabilize the Weave of magic and passed her mantle on to a successor. The next incarnation of the goddess would also die, but under controlled circumstances during the Time of Troubles in 1358 DR (Year of Shadows).   Some questions arose: what if the current goddess maintaining the Weave of magic were to actually perish outside of controlled circumstances? What if there were no successor immediately taking up the role? What would happen to magic in the realms? How might Warrior’s Rest be affected?   Appalled by the answers that she came up with, the Red Knight devised a contingency plan to protect Warrior’s Rest from a possible cascade of magical energies that might explode into the plane from its connections to Realmspace. If left unchecked, the magic would cause the chaos of Limbo to seep into Warrior’s Rest, haphazardly mixing with the unstable magical energy; the result would be the destruction of the plane and the doom of all the souls within it.   When the hypothesized Spellplague actually occurred just decades later, the Red Knight used her divine residence, the Red Tower, as a lightning rod, siphoning all of the rampant magical energies. The gathered power was then transferred to the Red Knight herself, temporarily augmenting her beyond even the strength of Tempus. The increase in divine rank lasted for only moments, but it was enough to do what was needed. The Red Knight used her empowered might to tear Warrior’s Rest away from Limbo and transformed it into a self- perpetuating plane, shifting all of its planar connections with Realmspace to locations within the much calmer, safer Astral Plane. Warrior’s Rest had been saved from its destruction by the edge of seconds.   New connections with Realmspace were made after the initial ravages of the Spellplague subsided, and more after Mystra returned and restored the Weave of Realmspace.   Although the other deities of Warrior’s Rest were greatly incensed that the Red Knight had made such plans without informing any of them, Tempus was never prouder of his beloved “daughter”.   THE RESCUE OF THE SHREW   During the Spellplague era, Beshaba, goddess of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, and accidents, came under attack from enemies in her home plane of The Barrens of Doom and Despair (later renamed Banehold they were forces led by Bane, who was set on conquering the entire plane for himself.   In a desperate gamble, Beshaba opened a portal to Warrior’s Rest and led her faithful through it to escape a siege of her own divine residence; the chaos of constant warfare in Warrior’s Rest would be a potentially useful screen against pursuers.   The Maid of Misfortune was however too late in entering the portal and was blocked by Bane himself. All seemed lost for Beshaba until Tempus suddenly emerged from the other side of the portal and swung his axe to intercept Bane’s sword.   Using the element of surprise, the Grandmaster of War pushed Bane away, grabbed Beshaba by the hand, and brought the goddess through the portal to Warrior’s Rest before sealing the portal and the plane itself against intrusion from the Barrens.   Tempus granted Beshaba her own realm in Warrior’s Rest and asked for nothing in return. Beshaba, surprised that such chivalry and generosity would ever be demonstrated towards her, accepted the offer. In time, the goddess’ gratitude seemingly became something far more powerful, and the Lord of Battles fully reciprocated her feelings. The two deities became lovers and perhaps out of affection for Tempus, the Maid of Misfortune shows unexpected mercy every now and then.   THE REAVER’S WAKE   Garagos’ former realm of Battle Garde has become a popular site for adventuring sorties, for the Reaver left behind many treasures, as well as traps and dark creatures to guard what’s left of the place. It’s rumored that there might even be a portal leading to Garagos’ new divine residence in former Battle Garde, one that has remained hidden from even Tempus’ divine sight, despite the fact that the Grandmaster of War is the controlling administrator of the entire plane.   THE KNIGHTS OF BLACK AND WHITE   There have been scattered tales of a black armored warrior and a white armored warrior sighted beside Tempus on a few occasions when he wasn’t riding into combat on his horses. It is surmised that these warriors are Deiros and Veiros, able to take humanoid form and serve as lieutenants when they are not serving as steeds. If so, then they would likely be dangerous opponents to face, having learned the ways of war and martial techniques by the side of Tempus himself.

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