Norrath Back to Kelethin

Back to Kelethin



The party finishes their business in Felwithe and heads back to Kelethin for the festival.

October 7th

The next morning, Roswyn and Ellie head over to the Emerald Armory to retrieve their commissioned items from Opal. Roswyn tests her magical new spear and "accidentally" impales Ellie, though not seriously. Around noon, they head to the castle to head back to Kelethin. They are greeted by Kalarian, Arrias, Briseis, and two dozen elven soldiers. Sisle has also shown up with them for the journey. As they prep for their journey, Kalarian notices Ellie's tunarian shield. Her excitement in showing it off to him leads him to enchant the shield for her. Afterwards, he teleports everyone to the Kelethin Rings.   As soon as they arrive, Briseis and Arrias immediately form their soldiers and set off toward the Lesser Faydark. Sisle, having never experienced anything like teleportation, is shocked by the journey. Before Kalarian departs, Yarver asks him about his visions. Kalarian suggests that it may be Queen Elizerain, as there is a lake named after her near Felwithe. He also teaches Yarver how to attune to the druid rings, so that when he is strong enough, he can teleport between them.   They spend the rest of the day walking to Kelethin from the rings, arriving just after dusk. After stopping by Myrissa's Tavern, Carlos decides that he should practice and put on a performance. He drums up a crowd in the packed city and begins to perform. Ellie heads to bard guild hall to buy a drum. Yarver joins her and gets himself a pan flute. Arya sets up their rooms so that they can tour the town unburdened then joins Carlos in his performance. After some musical enjoyment, the party retires.

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