Norrath A Stop in Fayadaroth

A Stop in Fayadaroth

Gathering / Conference


The party heads to Elven fort, Fayadaroth in search of transportation back to Kelethin, but ends up offering their services.

September 21st-22nd

The party decides to continue their journey toward Fayadaroth. The group is plagued by the faint and fleeting sounds of little girls laughing, but their travels along the Faydark Road is ultimately uneventful.  

September 23rd

Early morning, they arrive at the castle-city of Fayadaroth. This High Elven fortress stands in stark contrast to the Emerald Outpost; it's high marble walls and full-plate soldiers provide a stalwart guard between the Lesser and Greater Faydark s. After a bit of questioning by guards who suffer endless pranks by the Fey, they are let in to the fort. Their first stop is at the blacksmith's shop. It is not fruitful despite Carlos's best efforts to offer their services. The continue to the large tavern in the center of the fort to inquire about some things.   After hearing that the fort has very few casters, Carlos's first idea is to put on a show for the people in the fort using their abilities. This time, however, he and Arya enlist the rest of the party in their performance. After some very quick brainstorming, they put on quite the ridiculous, but entertaining, show to much praise within the tavern. This earns them clout with the local garrison, so when Carlos asks to see the head of the fort, he is pointed toward her office. Roswyn, in no condition to meet a commanding officer, ops to stay at the tavern to sober up.   They are introduced to Nym Firstorm, a kind half elf woman that clearly commands the respect of every soldier in the garrison. Carlos once again looks to enlist the party in aid of the local leaders. Nym mentions that their position is solely to separate the two Faydarks, but that there are always plagues coming from the Lesser Faydark. Depending on their appetite, there are several monster hunts that she could use their help on. Carlos chooses to enlist them in investigating tales of a witch; it could just be Fey trickery but warrants some investigation nonetheless.   During the day, Roswyn receives a letter from her mother. Suspicious, she investigates its origins, but it seems to be legitimate. It's mostly about her family and her mother's love, but it does have brief mention of Goblin incursions.

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