Plane of Knowledge Geographic Location in Norrath | World Anvil

Plane of Knowledge

The Plane of Knowledge is a nexus where the threads of magic, lore, and adventure intertwine. It's a sanctuary for scholars and a haven for adventurers, a place where the pursuit of knowledge is as important as the pursuit of power. The plane is designed with grandeur and elegance, reflecting its status as a center of learning and wisdom. Its architecture is a blend of mystical and scholarly elements, with towering libraries, tranquil gardens, and bustling marketplaces.  

Points of Interest

The Plane of Knowledge is host to various buildings for all the intelligent races of Norrath.  

Great Library

This majestic library is the crown jewel of the Plane of Knowledge. Its towering shelves are lined with ancient tomes, scrolls, and manuscripts that contain the secrets of Norrath's history, magic, and lore. Scholars and adventurers alike can be found poring over texts, uncovering forgotten tales, or seeking knowledge to aid in their quests. The library is also home to rare magical texts and maps of distant lands, making it an invaluable resource. Loremaster Solstrin Thalas knows the layout by heart and can take you to any scroll in the library.  


The bustling heart of commerce in the Plane of Knowledge, the marketplace is a vibrant and lively area where traders from across Norrath come to sell their wares. Alyssia Goldweaver runs and organizes the market and ensures it caters to all races, good and evil. Here, one can find everything from basic supplies and equipment to rare artifacts and enchanted items. The air is filled with the chatter of bargaining, the clink of coins, and the occasional burst of laughter, creating an atmosphere of excitement and opportunity.  

Training Grounds

Run by Master Trainer Daelomin Ironfist, these specialized areas are dedicated to the training and development of various skills and abilities. Each section is tailored to different disciplines, ranging from combat and magic to crafting and stealth. Experienced trainers offer guidance and instruction, helping adventurers to sharpen their skills and learn new techniques. The sound of clashing swords, incantations, and focused concentration fills the air, as individuals from all walks of life strive to better themselves.  

The Council Chambers

A place of deliberation and decision-making, the Council Chambers is where the esteemed Council of Knowledge convenes. This grand hall, adorned with symbols of wisdom and knowledge, is where important decisions regarding the governance of the Plane and the safeguarding of its vast knowledge are made. It's a place of solemnity and respect, often hosting discussions and debates on matters of great importance. It is here that High Sage Varnias Lightbringer spends most of his time governing the planar city.  

Gardens of Contemplation

These serene gardens offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the Plane. Lush greenery, gentle streams, and quiet nooks provide the perfect setting for meditation, reflection, or quiet study. The gardens are meticulously maintained, with each plant, tree, and flower chosen for its significance to knowledge and wisdom. It's a favored spot for those seeking a moment of peace or inspiration. Many often seek out Master Gardener Elion Leafsong for his advice and wisdom.


  • Plane of Knowledge


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