Halfling Species in Norrath | World Anvil


The god Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane is credited with the creation of this race. Perhaps because these folk appeared to other races as some strange Elf-Dwarf (or perhaps Elf-Gnome) crossbreed, most know them simply as "halflings."   A short and friendly race, halflings are well regarded by most good folk and friendly creatures in Norrath. They are an extremely hospitable people and often offer to help travelers and those in distress. They are not fools, however, and are well aware that many creatures would take advantage of their generosity.  


Most halflings live in small, underground towns built to be open and friendly. The most commonly known of these is Rivervale found beneath the Misty Ticket on Antonica. Rivervale is a popular stop for travelers moving through the area and is famous for some of its baked goods, but offers little that can't be found in any reasonably large city. It has just enough trade to keep its economy bustling, and that's all most if its citizens really want.  


Halflings are a relaxed race on the whole, spending a great deal of time enjoying the finer things in life. They are particularly fond of good food, strong drink, and well-told stories. They also enjoy a good day's work, though, contrary to what many might say of them, and halfling communities usually have many excellent craftsmen. Most halflings want just enough money to be comfortable and just enough friends to enjoy the comfort.   Despite their desire for easy living, however, halflings are neither cowards nor weaklings. When threatened, pushed, or frightened, they can defend themselves and their allies with a capability and tenacity that often surprises their foes. A halfling's drive to enjoy life also causes him to be willing to fight for a better life if need be. Many other races fail to take halflings seriously, treating the "little ones" as if they ought to be protected and certainly ought not to be trusted with any responsibilities. Halflings get used to this patronizing attitude, and some are not above using it to their advantage.  


Halflings' appearance can be a major stumbling block in their relations with other races. With their short stature and seemingly pudgy bodies (a typical adult stands 3 feet tall and weighs 40 pounds), their large heads and bare feet, halflings often seem little more than children to larger folk. A more careful examination of their appearance ought to dispel any such opinion — male halflings are generally balding early in life and grow coarse hair on their feet, while female halflings often look far more matronly than childlike.   Halfling clothing is often simple and utilitarian, of coarse wool and leather, with a well-worn and homey feel. They do not usually wear boots, for halfling feet are as tough as any leather footwear. Still, halflings expecting combat are not above armoring their feet in some fashion. Halflings have a fondness for vests, coats, and girdles, and some also wear small cloaks tied around their necks.  


Although most halflings are too polite to talk about religion with strangers, most worship some god or another quietly, in the privacy of their own homes. Brell Serilis has a strong following among halflings, as does Bristlebane, King of Thieves. Some halflings are so loyal to Bristlebane that they take up careers as clerics in his service. Halfling druids, however, generally honor Karana the Rainkeeper, and often use their powers to aid halfling farms and ranches. Rangers are roughly equally divided among the two gods.  


Most halflings don't go on quests if they don't have to, preferring to stay at home and put their feet up. However, halflings are an extremely helpful folk , and often get involved in affairs they would rather avoid in order to help friends or creatures who seem downtrodden or desperate. Once motivated to undertake a quest, a halfling is likely to become remarkably tenacious until the goal is accomplished.   A small fraction of halflings actually enjoy the challenge that comes from running about the countryside seeking treasure and fighting evil. Often thought a bit mad by their neighbors, these halflings see life as one grand opportunity for adventure and most quests as one more change to have fun.  

Pastoral Pleasantries

Halflings rarely build kingdoms of their own or even hold much land beyond their quiet shires. They typically don’t recognize any sort of halfling nobility or royalty, instead looking to family elders to guide them. Families preserve their traditional ways despite the rise and fall of empires.   Many halflings live among other races, where the halflings' hard work and loyal outlook offer them abundant rewards and creature comforts. Some halfling communities travel as a way of life, driving wagons or guiding boats from place to place and maintaining no permanent home.

Life Expectancy

150 years  

Age of Maturity

20 years  


Halflings stand about 3 feet tall and average about 40 pounds.


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