Saalashay Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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This is not a happy place.   The Earl is a tyrant and anyone that runs afoul of the Earl will end up working in the Alafasa Salt Mine.   People need the personal permission from the Earl to live in the city.  To get this permission, which is rarely granted, the person needs to swear complete and total fealty to the Earl.


The region around the city has about 70,000 people, of which as many as 10,000 are working in the Alasafa Salt Mine.


Absolute rule by the Earl


There is a very strong castle located on a hill with the town below the castle

Industry & Trade

The city is the centre of the salt trade.   The timber trade is also very important.


The city has a very strong central castle that is designed to hold out for at least three years if there is a siege.

Guilds and Factions

The Earl does not allow for any guilds or any sort

Natural Resources

  • Salt
  • Timber
Alternative Name(s)
The Salt City, The Desiccation of Humans
Owning Organization

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