Bout Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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No one outside of Bisafa can understand why this city exists.   The population is here because it is a major ship building centre and the location where most of the fish is processed.  Also, since living off the land and agriculture are not options, it makes sense to live in a city.

Industry & Trade

Shipbuilding - the master builders of Bout are considered the best shipbuilders in Cantumland.   People from thousands of kilometers away order ships to be built here.   Bout is where a lot of fish is dried, salted, and then packed in barrels for export.   Barrel making is a big business as is metalworking, which is needed for shipbuilding and making barrels.

Guilds and Factions

There are two major factions in the city. the Shipbuilders Guild and the Fish Exporters Guild.  There are two secondary guilds, the Coopers Guild and the Blacksmiths.


Almost all construction is out of stone or peat.  Wood is too important


The city is built on one of the only rock outcroppings on the island.   The outcropping also makes for a good seaport
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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