Alasafa Salt Mine Building / Landmark in Nornlain | World Anvil
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Alasafa Salt Mine

Salt, in a world where fish are important and need to be preserved, is very valuable. In a country where the coastal areas are often socked in with rain mined salt is crucial to make preservation possible.   In much of Habuda the Alasafa Salt Mine is known to be one of the worst places to be. Stories about the treatment of the prisoners in the mine are heard all over the place. People say things like "I may hate him but not enough to send him to the Alasafa Salt mine" or "At least you are not a salt miner"   The Earl holds banquets in the salt mine to impress nobles, but most see it as horrid to have dinners in a place where so many people died.

Purpose / Function

The salt mine is the only salt mine in the Habuda not in the high mountains. Due to the wet weather all along the coast of Habuda, drying ocean water for salt does not work.   The workers in the salt mine are people imprisoned by the Earl.   The salt mine is on the scale of the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland   When the Earl wants to impress other nobles he holds banquets in the salt mine


The current Earl has decided that great rooms can be carved into the salt mines.   There are dozens of huge rooms with elaborately carved images on the walls and ornate pillars rising from the floor to the ceiling.   There are salt staircases, Salt furniture.


The mine has been in use for close to 200 years now.   The lifespan of the mine is going to be many hundreds of years still.
Owning Organization

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