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Mountain God

Hidden deep within the thick forest or Mothara island, there is said to live a mythical creature of great magic. This creature, if it does indeed exist, lives within the large mountain in the centre of the island. Some have claimed to hear the creature during the long dark nights, they’ve said they hear its cries off in the distance. Of course, there is no proof. No one has stepped foot on the island and lived to tell the tale. The mountain can be seen from the Mothara mainland, it peak towering that of the dense trees. It was once an active volcano perhaps, with lava flowing from its mouth and creating the island. the creature within the mountain is believed to be a God of some kind. With powerful healing magic that can bring people back from the dead.


Those all throughout the continent of Nithira have heard the tales of the Mothara mountain God, even as far as northern Zamma. There are many who brush the whispers off as mere folklore and childish stories, but there are others who believe.  Those who live closer to the island tend to lean more on the side of believing, as the noises that wail over the sea are loud and terrifying. It's hard not to believe.

Cultural Reception

On the Mothara mainland, the legend of the mountain creature is strong and deeply affects their way of life. They are in constant fear that if they don't please the creature that it will come for them and possibly kill those who say they don't believe. Mothara people hold festivals and frequently give offerings out into the sea in hopes to settle the Gods wrath.

In Literature

"The one who lays beneath the ground,  Mighty and true, still yet to be found. Cries of pain or loneliness still, If given our love then it shall not kill."   A small song that often gets played by local bards in the Mothara taverns to entertain and frighten visitors. It's common place among the Mothara people that this song is an exaggerated way to explain the noises that creep over the waters at night.

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