Kalisa Fei Character in Nioniaria | World Anvil
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Kalisa Fei

Kalisa Fei

Kalisa Fei is a young half-elven woman. She previously studied at the College of Lore in Althera, before being forcibly evicted, due to her expulsion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kalisa is slightly above average in terms of height. She has an hourglass body, with very full breasts and moderately wide hips. She has long red hair that goes past her shoulders. Her ears are faintly pointed due to her elven heritage.

Body Features

Her breasts are approximately a G-cup. She is on the heavier side, with most of her weight being localized to her bust and hips. She has an hourglass figure.

Facial Features

Kalisa has clear skin and bright hazel eyes. She wears her long red hair down, hiding behind it when she gets embarrassed.

Identifying Characteristics

Her breasts are massive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalisa is the fifth child of the high elf Arki’el Fei and human Sarah Fei. She also has two younger brothers. Her siblings are, in order of age, Alton, Mirrisa, the twins Calax and Kira, and her younger brothers Av’serak and Bryan. Kalisa has been extremely curios since the time she could walk, and her curiosity quickly grew to an extreme level. At age 17, Kalisa was enrolled in a prestigious bardic college, the College of Lore in Althera. She attended classes there for three years, and was expelled at the end of her third year. She now acts as an adventurer.

Gender Identity

Kalisa is female through and through.


Kalisa is atypical for a bard, as she is yet to perform any sexual acts. She is aware of her appeal, but actively avoids becoming sexual involved with people. She is conducting research by observing others and questioning them. Her main interest is in one of her upperclassmen.


Kalisa was home schooled for most of her life, being taught by some of the best tutors that her father could hire. For the past three years, she has attended theCollege of Lore in Althera.


Adventuring is Kalisa's first job.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kalisa completed three grueling years of college. In addition, she successfully broke into a hidden section of the library.

Failures & Embarrassments

Kalisa was expelled from the college because of her actions.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kalisa is extremely intelligent and curious. She is a rigorous taker of notes, and often pries into things she ought not to.

Personality Characteristics


Kalisa's primary motivation in life is the pursuit of knowledge.  This fuels nearly all of her decisions.  Her secondary motivation is to eventually find and apologize to Soldaath Lumiera, a former upperclassman of hers that assisted her with her goals.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kalisa is characterized by knowing a little something about anything and everything, nearly.  She lacks self control.

Kalisa is a half-elf who wants to know something about everything.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
Harvestfall 7th, 6337 PF
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silky white
5ft 9 in
169 lbs
Known Languages
Kalisa can speak and read Common, Celestial, Deep Speech, Elvish, Goblin, and Undercommon.

No Longer a NEET
Frostrise 4, 6358 PC

Well, today has certainly been eventful. Pyre and I were able to snag a job! We’ll be escorting a caravan to Konil through a goblin infested swamp. Not too happy about the goblins, but we will be getting money. Our employer is an old noble called Peter Midswinther, and he is just the stingiest. Very easy to butter up, though. We also picked up a new friend: Irithius. He’s some weird golem the Academy dug out of the ocean or something, and he doesn’t remember anything before that. He’s pretty big. Although, nobody ever seems to notice him… Also went shopping. Bought some books from a sweet little drop out, and bought some kits from a lonely old man for a massive discount, thanks to me. I just ate, like, an entire watermelon, so I am stuffed. Hopefully, nothing bad happens on the job.   -Loves and Kisses Kalisa Fei

My Life is Literally Over
Frostrise 1, 6358 PC

What is the fucking point of having a room in a library if no one is allowed to read any of the books in it? Like, seriously, who came up with that brilliant idea! Ugh! FML. This is unfair, it's unjust, it's, it makes complete sense, unfortunately. I broke into a super-secret, forbidden room in a motherfucking library. I get that it was off limits, but I don't think expulsion is an appropriate response. Maybe flunking me a grade, but kicking me out literally the day after seems like a bit much. What am I gonna tell dad? How pissed is he going to be when he learns that I blew the literal thousands of gold he spent to get me in here? How can I confront him after this? If I go home, there is absolutely no way he will ever forgive me. Not only him, but I let Soldaath down. They don't know that he helped me, at least, but I hope he is all right. Gods, why am I so fucking myopic! How could I have not seen the way he felt! I feel like such a bitch! Please, I hope he stays safe. He has such a promising future, I hope my mistake doesn't ruin it for him. I swear, one day I will find him, and apologize. I plan on going with Pyre until I can work up the courage to talk to Soldaath again. He seems like a nice enough guy, although I will have to ask him more about his homeland. Looking forward to that.     -Loves and Kisses Kalisa Fei


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