Enceladus Anomaly in Nine Circles of Saturnia | World Anvil

Enceladus Anomaly

Enceladus holds many curiosities frozen away in its thick icy crust.
  The Enceladus Anomaly is a complete mystery. There is so little actual information on whatever it is that it is not even certain if it actually exists.   The basic story is that someone, most likely Maxwell Hydrodyne, found something while drilling a borehole through the crust of Enceladus to access the liquid water beneath. And that is where the basic story ends. No further details. Nothing.   If you ask a certain subset of Saturnia's population, however, you will be told that this is just the beginning. And then you'll be drawn into a series of elaborate conspiracy theories that these nutters will insist is only the tip of a moon sized iceberg.

Cover image: by NASA/JPL-Caltech


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