The Wondrous Flying Market Organization in Nimbaar | World Anvil
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The Wondrous Flying Market

The Flying Market is a fleet of Tsingana ships that travels around Nimbaar. Each ship contains one or more shop or other commercial activities. The fleet stops wherever there is a large amount of air traffic, to offer its services to other passing Flying Ships.


The Market has only a very loose organization. Every family leader is responsible of what happens on their own ships and each of them answers to Grandpa Bezo.


The Fleet is a self-sufficient community. All the shops and services typical of a average sized city can be found on their ships, with an emphasys on entertainment, this includes some activities that would be considered illegal in most countries.
The Market composition is not always the same, as some ships leave to restock and new ones join in. Some ship that one could find in the Market are:
  • Countcoin's Commercial Carrack, a general store run by Grandpa Bezo, the largest ship of the fleet
  • Saak'Tul's Spicy Snacks, a tavern owned by a drgonborn with a preference for spicy meals
  • Cirram's Celebrated Carnage, a butcher's shop and barbecue owned by a creepy halfling
  • Spirits and Spirits, a bar owned by Sacatus, an orc who can talk to ghosts
  • Brela's Boat of Beauties, a brothel run by an middle aged halfling woman and the second largest ship of the fleet
  • Dalia's Enchanted Sweets, a bakery owned by an halfling sorcerer that puts magic in the food she makes
  • Conni's Coffee and Chemistry, a ship with a greenhouse on top where the owner, an halfling girl, makes and sells alchemical compounds, drugs, and warm beverages
  • Elma's Eucharistic Emporium, a shop for holy relics, religious books and other religion-related wares, run by an halfling woman who claims to be a nun, but definitely does not act like one
  • Arina's Arcane Accessories, a messy and misterious magic item shop run by an halfling wizard
  • Virra's Violent Vices, a magic weapon shop run by an aggressive halfling smith
  • Armin's Armored Attires, a magic armor shop owned by a tall figure in heavy clothes who might be a construct
  • Vikar's Various Venoms, a tiefling who looks like a streotypical pirate who sells poisons
  • Balam's Artifacts and Legal Advices, a fire themed magic item shop and lawyer firm run by a yugoloth
  • Korpses Kaboom!, a funeral home run by Alius, a goblin who will blow up with fireworks the corpse you bring to him
  • Tamir's Tribal Tattoos, a tattoo parlor run by an halfling with a fascination for the wild tribes that lived on the ground before the arrival of The Mist 
  • Aldrin's Artistic Hairstyles, a hair saloon run by a dwarf who owns magical scissors capable of grwoing hair instead of cutting them
  • Osna's Bejeweled Bones, a jewelry store run by a burly tabaxi woman who makes accessories out of monster's body parts
  • Bloody Business, a general store that only accepts payments in freshly procured blood, only two people work here: a sleepy halfling girl during the day, and a misterious human during the night
  • Miska's Maps, a small ship where an old and adventurous halfling woman sells map of the places she visited
  • Sky in a Bottle, a brightly colored ship owned by a family of tabaxi capable of storing atmospheric phenomena in magically constructed bottles
  • Redstar Repairs, a shipyard run by a family of gnomes convinced that the end of the world is coming soon
Dancers, acrobats, musicians, food stalls, and even a fortune teller can be found wandering around the market.

Demography and Population

All the members of the Market are Tsingana Free Folk, so the vast majority of them are halflings.


The Flying Market does not have an official military, but every member of the Market is ready to take up arms to defend it.

Foreign Relations

The Flying Market tends to stay away from the Floating Cities, and only sends ship there to buy primary resources they need. They try not to disturb foreigners in order not to attract the attention of local authorities.

The comfort of the land, the freedom of the sky

Consortium, Business
Coins from every country are accepted in the Flying Market, and some shop-owners even accept barter.
Legislative Body
There are only two written laws in the Flying Market: -Be honest and fair towards the other members of the Market. -Don't kill the customers
Judicial Body
The judicial body of the Market is formed by the various family leaders. If they can't reach a conclusion, Grandpa Bezo's vote decides it.
Related Ethnicities

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