Sylvanus, the Wild Father Character in Nima | World Anvil
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Sylvanus, the Wild Father

The God of nature, though formerly considered only the God of wild nature and druids, Silvanus is one of the oldest and most prominent deities in Nima. He is known to be a friend of Kaiteron, Lord or Order and Light as balance and order go hand in hand. His worshipers protect places of nature from the encroachment of civilization with vigor and are implacable foes to industrious peoples. The Order of the Sacred Flame and the Followers of Sylvanus work together, ensuring the order and balance between civilization and nature is preserved. They plan the expansion of the Empire in unison. For every town settled, a grove must be maintained. For every city built, a forest must be grown.

Divine Domains

Twilight Grove

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An Oak Leaf

Tenets of Faith

It is the duty of the devout to see this cycle of life and death and the sacred Balance as clearly as possible. Make others see the Balance and work against those that would disturb it.
Divine Classification

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