Kaiteron, Lord or Order and Light Character in Nima | World Anvil
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Kaiteron, Lord or Order and Light

Kaiteron is the God of the Kaitor Empire and is vehemently worshiped by all citizens throughout its domain. Characterized by a star of gold in front of an eclipse, He is worshipped as the creator of purpose and offers many of the Empire's citizens meaning in life through service to Him. Not a God of good or evil, for such concepts are subjective, Kaiteron is revered as the God of Order, for only through order can the world exist in harmony. With this order, comes the balance, justice, and purpose for civilization to flourish.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Light is the main codex detailing passages and tales from times otherwise forgotten. Few know precisely when the codex arrived in Nima, but it is commonly known that this book has been the driving force behind the success and prosperity of the Kaitor Empire.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eight pointed star of gold in front of an eclipse of silver.  A flame burning in a brazier.

Tenets of Faith

  • All have their purpose, all have their place. 
  • All who follow the faith are to be treated as oneself. 
  • All must seize the seeds of chaos and destroy them before they take root.
  • Holidays

    The Gathering of the Hierarchs - Summer Solstice - Celebration of Dragonborn
    The Day of Remembrance - Autumn Solstice - Celebration of Orcs and warriors
    The Day of Progress - Winter Solstice - Celebration of Dwarves and craftsmen
    The Day of Peace - Spring Solstice - Celebration of Goblins and peaceful adopters of faith
    Alignment day - Solar Eclipse - Great bonfires lit to stave off darkness, Celebration of Kaiteron
    Vigil's Breath - Lunar Eclipse - A window to announce one's sins and repent, Celebration of forgiveness

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    To spread this order and invite purpose to all sentient beings on Nima. Only then can salvation be found.
    Divine Classification

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