Followers of Sylvanus Organization in Nima | World Anvil
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Followers of Sylvanus

The worshippers of Sylvanus, the Wild Father protect places of nature from the over-encroachment of civilization with vigor and are implacable foes of industrious peoples. Non-worshipers often viewed these followers unfavorably due to their tendency to disrupt over-expansion into woodland, sometimes with violence. Examples of rituals for worship are entreaties for spells and natural power at sundown or in moonlight and during the longest and shortest days of the year. When the Order of the Sacred Flame first encountered the Followers of Sylvanus, an understanding was established that led to a cautious and non-disruptive growth of civilization. Though this cost the Kaitor Empire by slowing its expansion, it allowed for the Empire and Followers to work together, strengthening the land and all life within the Empire's borders.

Some worshipers are known to have been contacted by Sylvanus, the Wild Father himself and are chosen to be champions of balance in times of need.

Religious, Druidic Circle

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