Nilam The Tysos Panic

The Tysos Panic

Political event

1008 3A

"Can't say I fully know what happened. People heard that there was a Tharrisian spy ring and began to panic. I don't know that evolved into the street fights and rioting." -Eyewitness of the panic.

Union Intelligence began to suspect that Tharrisian Intelligence had built up a robust and surprisingly entrenched spy network on the island of Tysos. Using a double agent, this fact was confirmed.   Acting with speed so that the spy ring wouldn't catch on, Union Marines from the local naval base were kicked into action and began a coordinated raid on all Tharrisian intelligence hideouts.   Despite the speed and secrecy, word leaked to both the Tharrisians and the general public. Things got worse from there.   The Tharrisians attempted to flee or fight, leading to gunfights in the streets and hills of the island. Meanwhile, locals panicked, and driven by both local and Tharrisian agitators, began to riot.   It took nearly 36 hours to calm the situation and bring Tysos under control. At the end of it, several buildings had been burned, many had been ransacked, 12 civilians had been killed in the crossfire, and 39 people suspected of being Tharrisian Agents had been arrested or killed.   The panic was embarrassing for all parties. Tharrisia had never suffered such a blatant intelligence failure resulting in clear evidence of their espionage efforts; while the Union Military's hasty and heavy-handed response had resulted in unneeded citizen deaths and destruction.    The Union accused Tharrisia openly of aggressive acts with their spying efforts, while Tharrisia accused the Union of hypocrisy and causing its own citizens undue suffering.

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