On Kalinite Magic and Power in Nilam | World Anvil

On Kalinite Magic and Power

While The Mantle Creation Myth has its own answers for how the world and magic came to be more exacting minds have tried to find more solid truths through the allegory.   Academics and magic users generally agree that the Sun and Moon are, at least in part, responsible for the ability to use arcane magic. Theories abound as to why this is. The generally accepted theory is that the Sun and Moon form a self-fulfilling circle. The Sun generates power, the moon recycles it or absorbs it. This, coincidentally, matches the creation myth usually taught.   Radiant and Holy magic in specific are thought to be left overs of creation itself, energy so pure that it helps "create" mortals and "banish" undead.   Elemental magic comes from the earth itself.   Magic itself has become more difficult to use in the Third Age of Kalin, with more power and focus being needed to draw magical energy into spells and powers.


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