Kenku Species in Nilam | World Anvil


A strange avian race of unknown origins, Kenku are a rare sight in most civilized lands.   Appearing not unlike Crows, Kenku are dark colored and known for the strange noises they make and their unsettling presence. Despite their Crow like appearance, they do not have wings and cannot fly like an Owlin or Aarakocra. They mostly seem to congregate either with a partner or in small social groups, though solitary Kenku aren't unheard of.   Kenku have the strange quirk in that they cannot speak any language naturally beyond the series of chirps and caws that they speak to each other. Although unable to speak in their own voices, kenku can perfectly mimic any sound they hear, from a half­ling’s voice to the noise of rocks clattering down a hillside. Most kenku use a combination of overheard phrases and sound effects to convey their ideas and thoughts to outsiders.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kenku are mostly found in Archin, where they are rumored to dwell in a nation with other animal-like species like Owlin and Harengon. But they can occasionally be found wandering the world alone, or in their social group.
Crows (Presumed)
Kenku have shorter lifespans than humans. They reach maturity at about 12 years old and can live to 60.
Average Height
4'7" - 5'3"


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