Goblin Species in Nilam | World Anvil


Part of the "Goblinoid" Family of species, Goblin's are an ill understood race with a historically bad reputation.   They are small, not particularly pretty, and often vicious. Goblin's are known for their short stature, tan or greenish skin hues, and chattering manner of speech. They usually stick to their own colonies far underground or in caves, but are occasionally driven closer to the surface or even into large sewer systems if their colonies are threatened.   They are mostly seen as dangerous nuisances, and are rarely treated as sentient. Likewise, Goblins usually assume anything they see is hostile (which it usually is) and carrying loot that will help them survive. As a result, most goblin encounters are violent. Even with Kobolds, who they would theoretically share a bond with, are usually no more than competitors for resources and treated as such.   Some larger colonies have intricate and complex societal caste structures, whereas some colonies are simply large mobs led by a powerful or cunning goblin leader. The largest colonies are actually known to employ slaves of other races as payback for their mistreatment. Most races are treated as less than trash, only to be abused by the formerly abused with menial and dangerous work. But some survivors report reaching a "favorite pet" status with their captors. The term "dancing bear" is common.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins can be found in most places of the world in one form or another. They are slightly less common in more urbanized lands, such as Kalin, but still present.   Goblins in Archin though, seem to congregate in some form of Goblin nation led by Hobgoblins, though details of this nation are sparse.

Average Intelligence

Despite stereotypes, there is little evidence that Goblins are particularly stupid as humanoids. Though education and enrichment is presumed to be essentially zero in goblin societies.
Goblin's are short lived, maturing at 6 years old and not usually living beyond 60 years.
Average Height
3' - 4'


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