Caincross Settlement in Nilam | World Anvil


The primary port of Lethennor besides Rumah, Caincross serves as the primary import/export port of call for the nation. Most goods bound for the major cities of the nation start in Caincross, while most goods leaving the nation exit through Caincross.   The city is well known for the Unicorn Guard, the mystical Knightly Order that rules the city and its surroundings. The Unicorn Guard are, as the name may imply, the guardians of ancient creatures known as Unicorns. Only members of the Unicorn guard can ride the magical creatures into battle.   Between the unicorn guard and the cities ubiquity as a trading port, it is one of the most well protected and safest cities in Lethennor. It is also home to the Lethennese navy, the one part of the nations military that isn't (directly) tied to one Knightly Order or another.


The city is overseen by the Unicorn Guard, who oversee the city and its surrounding. The order is well regarded by the city, and is known for its intelligence and wisdom both in ruling and battle.


The city is protected by thick walls, the Lethennese navy, and the Unicorn Guard. Few would be foolish enough to put all three of those to the test at once.

Industry & Trade

The port city is the primary in and out point for all trade bound for Lethennor or leaving Lethennor for places beyond. The tariffs that the Unicorn Guard put on traders is more than enough to keep the city wealthy and healthy.


The city is synonymous for its tall white towers, white stone walls, and blue draping.


The city sits at the southern part of the core Heartlands, and enjoys arable land, cool but not freezing winters, and all four seasons.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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