Nifaalar Twisting of the Woodlands

Twisting of the Woodlands

Disaster / Destruction


During this period of time, the woodlands began to turn foul and chaotic, trapping the wood elves within their own city of Gwelendwyr. Until the drow druid laid siege upon the city...yet failing to take the Great Oak.

Shortly after the Arcane Rebellion had begun to die down, the wood elves moved the vast majority of their forces to Thraldur to aid in securing the occupation and liberation of the city. King Quercus and Queen Gwyndolyn Silveroak moved to the human capital to rule as monarch-regent's, overseeing the city until the new royals were to be chosen. Crowned-Prince Rowan Silveroak was left to rule Gwelendwyr in their stead, along with a small army of wood elven soldiers. While Rowan was away in the high elven capital of Valar, a siege was laid upon Gwelendwyr, taking the army by surprise and vastly overpowering them.

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