The Judges Organization in Nexus | World Anvil
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The Judges

"Law Bringer" is a broad term referring to the various parts of the justice system. These Law Bringers come in different categories: Sheriffs, Advocates, Judges, Exarchs and Inquisitors.   Sheriffs: Sheriffs (also known as Bounty Hunters) have been given the lawful authority to act as a Judge (within a certain territory). The only difference is Sheriffs are not allowed to make Judgements, they are only allowed to bring alleged criminals to people who can (such as Judges, Exarchs and the King) often times in exchange of a bounty.   Advocates: Advocates are Judges in training, they follow their Judge and learn from him/her everything to do with battling undead and aiding people, until they are ready to pass the 1st tribunal* (see below). Advocates have no authority unless it is given to them by their Judge master.   Judges: Judges are the Lawful authority of the Kingdom of Calradia, they make determinations and judgements that become laws. They wander the breadth of the land protecting and bringing justice to all the people of the realm. Judges usually work alone in the field but sometimes, under special circumstances, they are ordered to form groups to fight greater foes. Judges co-operate closely with the Seekers, the mages use divination spells regularly to monitor, aid and dispatch Judges to where they are needed most.   Exarchs: When Judges have served sufficiently long and well they are awarded the title of Exarch by the King; along with the title they are given lands to govern as they see fit and to pass down. Exarchs no longer have the responsibilities of a Judge, they need not wander anymore. They are bid to settle down to build farms and famillies. Exarchs can make laws and proclaim decrees that encompass the whole of their lands.   Inquisitors: The public does not know much about Inquisitors beyond the fact they go about in secret and do not display their badges of office. In reality The Inquisition is a covert group of secret Judges who bear black sigils. Their authority outstrips that of Judges and Exarchs, they answer only to the King. Inquisitors are the ones who judge the Judges, they are the ones who work from the shadows so that others can work in the light.       The 1st Tribunal: Twice a year spectators gather to see Judges bring their Advocates to the city of legends in the hopes of having them succeed their 1st Tribunal, a series of tests that will determine the worthiness of the Judge-to-be. It is separated into 3 parts: 1st the trial by combat; 2nd the trial of the unknown hero; and lastly, the trial of the eternal flame.   The trial by combat takes place at the Institute of War. Advocates are sent to do battle against various undead, they must make use of their knowledge of undead as well as their martial prowess to succeed.   The trial of the unknown hero takes place at Bladestone. Advocates must grasp the blade to receive a vision, their abilities to judge fairly and wisely will be tested. The blade glows a pale white if they succeed.   The trial of the Eternal flame is a simple one, the Advocates must pass thru the flames to be reforged into a Judge. Some emerge burned by the fire and fail; fewer still are wholly consumed by the heat and die; but the ones who exit out the other side unscathed are given their sigil of office and are sworn-in as full fledged Judges.


Judges do not have a hierarchy within their ranks; they are trainees until they are promoted to Judge, every Judge is equal until they are promoted to Exarchs and given land to govern.


Rules and Responsibilities of being a Judge:  
  • Judges must display their sigil of office at all times.
  • Judges must obey the King and Exarchs.
  • Judges must be celibate, and must not sire children.
  • Judges must be pure of heart (good aligned)
  • Judges must seek out, serve, aid and protect all the folk of the realm and their interests without thought of personal gain or personal safety.
  • Judges are expected to be fair, level-headed and wise with their judgements.
  • To enact a new law, the Judge must write his decree in triplicate (at least):
  • 1. One copy is for the King, this copy is to be sent to Nexus as soon as convenient.   2. One copy is to be kept by the Judge who is enacting the new law.   3. One copy is publicly displayed, or, given to the party that incurred the judgement.   (4. A copy must also be provided to an Exarch, when judgements are made within their land.)

    Public Agenda

    A Judge's mission is to bring Law to lawlessness, to bring security to the citizens of the realm, to deliver Justice in the King's name. They are called "Judges", but they are jury and executioner as well. Most of them wander the land and adjudicate various problems the local populace might have, their judgements are lawfully binding.   They also specialize in destroying the undead scourge that plagues the land. Law bringers are well liked by the honest folk because they provide safety and bring order without asking for anything in return besides continued fealty to the King.


    Judges have existed since the beginning of the Kingdom, no one knows who created them; Not even the oldest of creatures, alive or dead, remember the first Judge.


    The majority of Judges pray to either the new god: Pharasma, the lady of graves, or the old god: Kelemvor, the lord of death for strength and guidance. Both are judges of the afterlife and both share a deep-seated hatred for the undead.   Many Judges are religious, their faiths range the whole spectrum of goodly Gods, both old and new. Even Judges who revere no gods however still have great religious knowledge, especially pertaining to undeath. The powers granted by the gods are best suited to battling undead so many paladins, warpriests, oracles and clerics fill the ranks of the Law bringers.

    "Justice has Come"

    Government, Law Enforcement
    Alternative Names
    Law Bringers, Your Honor


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