Vaprak, God of Ogres and Trolls Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Vaprak, God of Ogres and Trolls

  Vaprak, the god of ogres and trolls, is not what most other deities would describe as a thinking creature. He is short-tempered and violent, nearly always acting on pure instinct and never taking the time to plan. It was Vaprak that fathered the first ogres after having an affair with the goddess Othea, mother of the giant gods. Like his children, Vaprak is always hungry and prefers to eat the flesh of those he has recently ripped apart with his claws.   Vaprak particularly enjoys devouring halflings, sour over how he was once tricked by the halfling god Brandobaris in a series of contests that resulted in Vaprak's humiliation and the loss of land occupied by ogres to halflings seeking a new home. Within the gods hierarchy, Vaprak is technically subservient to Gruumsh, Orc God of War, though the two rarely interact or even same to care about the others existence.   Along with his troll and ogre brood, Vaprak is worshipped by some hill giants, ettins, and the occasional frost giant. One such frost giant on Nexus worshipped Vaprak, consuming the flesh of trolls to transform into an everlasting one and using his new strength to rule over his tribe. This did not go unnoticed by his tribe mates forever, who eventually imprisoned their undying king in a tomb as punishment for his worship of Vaprak.
The Destroyer
The Rapacious
The King Eater   Divine Classification
Deity, Lesser   Alignment
Chaotic Evil


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