Robin, the Ranger Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Robin, the Ranger

Robin was a Silver-ranked adventurer who accompanied the Headhunters on a few of their initial adventures. He proved to be a skilled ranger, guiding the group through the wilds on monster hunting expeditions. Despite these skills, Robin met an unfortunate end on a solo scouting mission.   He took it upon himself to investigate reports of strange flora and its effects on the local fauna, following a trail of mysterious mushrooms into an underground structure. Robin was unaware that this was a hideaway of the cult of Zuggtmoy and equally unaware that the group had been cleared out by Moltor. He unexpectedly stumbled into one of the cult's traps and suffocated in a cloud of mushroom spores.   The Headhunters, investigating the same area, later found his corpse and returned it home. Robin's mentor, Oliver, gave the group his apprentice's cloak of elvenkind in exchange for bringing him home. Robin was buried in the cemetery on the guild grounds and honored by his fellow rangers as his soul ascended to the Upper Planes.
Circumstances of Death
Poisoned by a booby trap in a Cult of Zuggtmoy hideout


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