Matango Settlement in Nexus | World Anvil
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Matango is a peaceful myconid colony of unknown age settled around a massive sentient mushroom the villagers refer to as the Red Warden. Though the Red Warden is not technically a myconid itself, the myconids are capable of communicating with it and regard it with great respect. Virtually every type of fungi of the Underdark can be found in Matango, which the villagers grow for personal use, trade, and simply because they enjoy doing so.   They are known to be a hospitable folk who welcome peaceful travelers and will even provide gifts to friendly folk. This does cause foolish individuals to sometimes mistake their kindness for weakness and go searching for Mantago with ill intentions. Most trying this fail to make it past the protections of the Red Warden, and those few who do quickly discover that the myconids are perfectly capable of defending themselves should conflict come to them.  

Circles of Matango

Each myconid tends to spend most of their time with the members of their Circle, myconids who share the same jobs and resposibilities within the village. Each circle is composed of 20-30 myconids.
  • Circle of Hunters - Hunts wildlife that can be used as fertilizer.
  • Circle of Explorers - Maps any changes to nearby tunnels with help from the Red Warden.
  • Circle of Sowers - Plants new fungi and helps harvest them when ready.
  • Circle of Growers - Tends to growing fungi and helps harvest them when ready.
  • Circle of Builders - Constructs new buildings and fortifications, typically out of harvested zurkhwood.
  • Inner Circle - Leads and organizes the community; made up of only Sovereign Komushroomo and the Red Warden.

Notable Residents

  • The Red Warden - A massive sentient mushroom that provides protection for the myconids of Matango in a symbiotic relationship.
  • Sovereign Komushroomo - The largest myconid in Matango (and therefore its leader), who keeps the rest of the community organized and acts as their main liaison to the Red Warden.
  • Lub-Lub - Leader of the Circle of Hunters. It is in charge of Matango's defense and acquiring spore servants for both that purpose and to aid the Circles of Sowers and Growers.
  • Kinoko - Leader of the Circle of Explorers. It is more familiar with the outside world than its fellow villagers and is the main liaison between them and any visitors who come to Matango.

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