Draidme Rockbender Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Draidme Rockbender

Draidme Rockbender is in charge of the Azurizt's use of elementals in the city's defense. For millennia, deep gnomes have summoned earth elementals to assist them in times of need through both spellcasting and magic items. Unfortunately, the drow were well aware of this when they attacked Azurizt. Their soldiers came armed with thunder magic, the bane of earth elementals, while their mages released magics of the Abyss that corrupted a number of the elementals meant to defend the city. Now Draidme's tasks are to clear out the corrupted elementals that remain and find ways to protect their ancient, sacred defenders from such fates in the future. He also has a score to settle with a particularly powerful golem that the drow used during their attack, made as a mockery of the deep gnomes own defenders and believed to still be loose in Azurizt somewhere.

Character Portrait image: Deep Gnome Wizard by LJ-Comics


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