Darble Seamcutter Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Darble Seamcutter

Darble Seamcutter is a deep gnome alchemist and member of the Azurizt Miner's Guild. Whereas his colleagues search the Underdark for precious gems, Darble's job is to magic their discoveries into spell gems. While these gems are functionally the same as the spell scrolls used by most other peoples, they are easier for the deep gnomes to create due to their ability to acquire gems much more easily than parchment. These gems do have some advantages over spell scrolls, namely the ability to be recharged with new spells & reused, and are a key part of Azurizt's defense. Darble attributes the lost battle against the drow occurring (at least in part) due to an insufficient number of spell gems and not enough diversity among the gems that were available. He currently seeks to correct this issue by producing great numbers of gems featuring a versatile array of spells to better protect the city and its citizens against future incursions.


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