Ashir’el in NEXUS | World Anvil
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The Ashir'el are a highly advanced alien species that hail from a distant corner of the universe. They are a space-faring species with a noble cause: scouring the cosmos in search of knowledge. Their discovery of the Sol system was entirely serendipitous. Coming across the Voyager I probe in deep space, the species was able to decode the coordinates contained within its Golden Record. Curious about the existence of intelligent life, they decided to investigate further.
  Arriving during the construction of Bastion, the Ashir'el made their presence known to humanity by landing their craft on Luna. At first, their appearance sparked both awe and terror among the people of New Terra. However, through peaceful interactions and diplomatic efforts, they managed to forge positive relations with humanity. Over time, they assimilated into human society, establishing peaceful coexistence and collaboration on both Earth and Luna. They constructed their new permanent home on Luna.
  The Ashir'el's profound knowledge of exotic technology made them invaluable to AEGIS, where they quickly became an integral part of the organization. Their contributions were immense, leading to the development of groundbreaking technological enhancements that propelled humanity's capabilities to unprecedented heights.
  One of their most significant achievements was the creation of advanced medical regeneration facilities. These facilities could autonomously heal wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate, revolutionizing medical triage. Their expertise also extended to enhancing energy-based weapons and shielding, giving AEGIS a formidable edge in combat. Moreover, the Ashir'el played a pivotal role in implementing spacecraft jump drives, allowing for rapid interstellar travel and exploration.
  However, the most critical collaboration with the Ashir'el was their assistance in locating and studying The Anomaly, a powerful and mysterious energy source hidden beneath the ocean. Codenamed Project Huracan, the Yucatan Anomaly Research Facility was constructed, becoming the epicenter for researching this enigmatic phenomenon.
  Despite their capabilities, the Ashir'el maintain a sense of humility and respect towards humanity's journey of progress. They seek to learn absolutely everything they can about the species and their worlds before they even consider leaving to continue their cosmic journey.
  Ashir’el are tall, slender creatures with four arms. They are similar to old Earth monks, living with a calm and direct demeanor. Their vast knowledge has given them the ability to learn the common tongue and speak directly with humanity in their native language. The Ashir'el's aesthetic is far-future elvish, a combination of ornate and celestial. They are whimsical and have beautiful architecture with translucent spheres surrounded by tall spires.