The Destruction of the Dark Myth in Nexarium Arcanis | World Anvil
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The Destruction of the Dark

A Veyd forgemaster of Vyrion Blades by the name of Eldris Vey'an while meditating on the will of the arcane powers, he would receive a vision of a eagle wielding a sword made of pure light slaying a great basilisk. Vey'an would come to understand this image as the light side's ultimate victory over the dark.


In the annals of the Veyd, the tale of the Destruction of the Dark is etched in the collective memory as a symbol of hope amidst despair. It recounts the vision of Eldris Vey'an, a forgemaster of the highest repute, who saw an eagle, luminous and majestic, cleaving through the void with a blade of blinding light to strike down a monstrous basilisk, embodiment of the consuming darkness. The myth speaks to the eternal struggle between light and shadow and the prophecy of an ultimate triumph of purity and valor over the corrupting taint of the dark.

Historical Basis

The myth originated during the twilight of the Liberation Crusades, a time rife with conflict and suffering. Eldris Vey'an, a Veyd forgemaster known for his deep communion with arcane forces, sought solace and guidance through meditation. His vision, vivid and prophetic, came to be seen as an omen presaging the end of tyranny and the ushering of an age where the light would once again reign supreme.


The tale spread through whispered conversations among the Veyd, recounted around campfires on battlefields, and inscribed within the hallowed halls of the Drathaer Temples. Various apocryphal texts arose, some purporting to be firsthand accounts of Vey'an's visions, others expanding upon the myth, adding layers of allegory and esoteric interpretation.

Variations & Mutation

Among the different cultures of the galaxy, the myth has taken on diverse forms. In some, the eagle is a mighty warship, the sword a beam of destructive energy. In others, the basilisk represents a fallen empire or a sinister cosmic entity, with the eagle embodying the indomitable will of the Veyd Order.

Cultural Reception

The myth is revered, a source of inspiration for those who face the darkness of the galaxy daily. It serves as a reminder that even in the grim, merciless cosmos, there is room for hope and that the light, no matter how dim, will always strive to overcome the dark.

In Literature

The myth has spawned epic poems and somber ballads, often recited during ceremonies to honor the fallen and to steel the spirit of warriors before battle. The narrative serves as a backdrop for tales of heroism and sacrifice, its imagery woven into the fabric of the Veyd's storied literary tradition.

In Art

Visions of the myth are a recurring motif in the art of the galaxy, depicted in vast murals within Veyd sanctuaries, etched into the hulls of ships, and even tattooed on the skin of believers. These depictions often contrast starkly with the prevailing darkness of the times, a single bright thread in a tapestry woven with shades of despair and hardship.
Date of First Recording
-20 BL
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Mar 20, 2024 19:02

Is this prophecy true??? Because it kinda kills thre Role Play if it is, as the Empire will always loose

Mar 20, 2024 19:18 by Sergio Lourenço

The "prophecy" stems more from interpretation than from an objective standpoint, leaving its significance open-ended. It's more of a belief held by the Veyd than an incontrovertible fact. However, this ambiguity doesn't necessarily imply that they will lose. It's possible that both factions involved might undergo significant changes, or even that a third party could emerge and change everything. The story intentionally leaves it ambiguous whether the prophecy will truly dictate the salvation of the galaxy, allowing for a range of outcomes and interpretations.

Mar 21, 2024 17:08

I like this subversion

Mar 21, 2024 17:14 by Sergio Lourenço

Thanks, I will notify you if I develop this any further, probably as a manuscript