Skarn Character in Nexarium Arcanis | World Anvil
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Warlord Skarn (a.k.a. The Black)

Skarn the Black was the leader of the Jarnskr during the Jarnskr wars, a powerful and inteligent figure among his peers, Skarn was also known for his charisma and ferocity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Skarn stood towering above his kin, measuring above four meters in height, an imposing figure even among the Jarnskr. His physique was a testament to the rigorous physical conditioning of his race, marked by bulging muscles and a stature built for war. His skin bore the scars of countless battles, each one a story of survival and triumph. These physical attributes contributed to his legendary status and were often used to intimidate foes before a blow was even struck.

Body Features

His body was a landscape of rugged, battle-hardened features: corded muscles wrapped around his limbs like steel cables, his torso armored with natural, thick hide that turned blades and absorbed blows. The dark coloring of his skin was interspersed with lighter war paints that traced the contours of his formidable anatomy—paints that he wore not just as camouflage but as a declaration of his presence on the battlefield.

Facial Features

Skarn's face was a stark emblem of his ferocity and resolve. The ridges above his eyes were pronounced, casting deep shadows over his piercing gaze, which held the fiery intensity of a born predator. His jaw was square and powerful, lined with teeth sharpened to points, and his nose flattened to his face, accentuating his broad, unyielding cheekbones. His visage was one of fearsome beauty, inspiring awe and fear in equal measure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life and Rise to Power: Born into the Skar Clan, one of the lesser Jarnskr families, his early life was beset by the tumultuous wars of his race, having witnessed firsthand the submission his clan had to endure by the higher chieftains of more powerful regions.   However, his destiny was forever altered when, as a youngling, he defeated a Gorthak Beast—a creature known for its ferocity and almost impenetrable hide. Using only his wits and a spear he had fashioned himself, the young Jarnskr achieved what entire hunting parties could not, earning him the name "Skarn", and the early respect of his people.   Rise to Power: As he grew, so did his reputation. Skarn became a unifier, a rare figure who could bridge the divides between fiercely independent clans. His vision for a united Jarnskr under a single banner would not be stopped by any foe, marching to war and eliminating several rival clans earning him the moniker 'the Black' for the shadow of fear he cast over those who would challenge him.   His vision would come to fruition through after mix of strategic marriages, duels of honor and bloody skirmishes that etched his name into the hearts and mind of the entire Jarnskr population, being railed as a hero, conqueror and even a god.   The Proclamation of War: With the clans united, Skarn's gaze turned outward. He saw the Galactic Alliance not as an invincible colossus but as a fragmented entity ripe for challenge. His war declaration was as much a surprise to the Alliance as it was a rallying cry for the Jarnskr. Under his leadership, early victories came swiftly as he led from the front, a towering beacon on the battlefield.   Conquest and Expansion: The campaigns under Skarn's command were relentless and merciless, expanding the territories of the Jarnskr with each conquest. His strategic genius was not limited to open combat; he understood the psychological aspect of warfare, often winning battles through fear and intimidation before a single blow was struck.   Duel with the Veyd: Skarn's confrontations with the Veyd Paladins became legendary. The Paladins, known for their own combat prowess, found a worthy adversary in Skarn. Their duels were high-stakes chess matches played with blades, and for each Veyd that fell, Skarn's legend grew darker and more complex.   Fall at the Hands of Tyran: The war's tides began to turn with the arrival of the young Paladin Tyran Cassel, a tactician capable of matching Skarn's cunning. Their final encounter on the desolated plains of Varn became the stories of legend. In a duel that was both physical and symbolic, Skarn met his match. The fall of this great leader sent shockwaves through the Jarnskr clans and marked the end of an epoch in the Jarnskr Wars.   Skarn's death did not erase his impact. The black armor he wore, stays to this day a symbol of the fear he instilled in the galaxy and an artifact awaiting to be claimed by one of his descendants.   He is remembered as the Warlord who almost reshaped the galaxy, a warrior par excellence, and a leader whose ambition knew no bounds. His name is whispered with respect and fear among the races of the galaxy, and sang and cheered by his people and those that descend from him.

Personality Characteristics


Driven by a deep-seated belief in the destiny of his people to rule rather than serve, Skarn's motivations were as complex as his personality. He fought not only for the glory of conquest but also for the unity and future of the Jarnskr. In his mind, the Jarnskr were not conquerors but liberators, destined to lead the galaxy into a new era—one where strength and honor reigned supreme.

Representation & Legacy

Skarn's legacy is twofold. To the Jarnskr, he is the epitome of what a warrior should be: powerful, honorable, and unconquered in spirit. His efforts to unify the clans are celebrated, his tactics studied by future generations, and his name invoked in both reverence and aspiration. To the Galactic Alliance, however, he is remembered as a harbinger of war and devastation, a force that pushed their defenses to the brink. In broader galactic history, Skarn, the Black, is a figure of mythic proportions—a warlord whose life shaped the fate of the galaxy, setting in motion the currents of change that would ripple through the ages. His demise by Tyran Cassel's hand is recounted as the tragic fall of a titan, marked by the end of one era and the uncertain dawn of another.
Current Status
Estimated to be over a thousand years
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4.3 meters
The Great Hunter

Character Portrait image: by Sergio - Using DALL-E AI


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Mar 20, 2024 19:00

Oh my god, I loved this character and his design. He looks so cool