The Deep

T   here are many different legends about what happens to souls lost at sea. Although the truth is unknown, members of The Deep understand the importance of ferrying the souls of the departed off to wherever they are going. Members believe that the waters around Dragonsmoke Archipelago are alive and that the sea has a vengeful personality, but is to be respected at all times to avoid incurring its wrath. Whether true or not, it is well known that traversing the waters around Dragonsmoke is very dangerous and it can feel like the sea itself is against you with constant storms, monsters, and shifting winds. In the depths on their sunken ship, The Leviathan, members are solemn and quiet, partially out of respect and partially out of fear. Above the waters, members are boisterous and bright, frequently indulging and gorging themselves in whatever they can get their hands on. Many members have taken up a life of pirating as they can easier navigate the treacherous waters, and some believe that the sea itself aids them to deliver more souls to the depths.   The Deep use a sunken ship, The Leviathan, as a base of operations. The ship itself is more of a fortress than a ship. New areas of the ship are constantly being discovered. The ship is manned by souls lost at sea who were unable to pass from this world. These souls appear like ghosts or spirits and have lost all sense of who they are, floating about their duties. Every so often a soul will pass on only to be replaced by another almost instantaneously. Members refer to these souls as the Sunken. Many other aquatic creatures frequently swim around the Leviathan, almost protecting it.   Drowned - The initiation process for joining The Deep is not for the faint of heart. Through a ceremony, those who wish to join the ranks are drowned in the ocean. It is not understood how, but the waters give back the life it took with an understanding that this new life, to an extent, will serve the sea's best interest. If ever someone attempts the initiation and their hearts and souls are not fully committed or are joining for ulterior motives, they do not survive the drowning, and the Siren who brought them may be punished. Once accepted, the Drowned are expected to assist The Sunken in their duties on The Leviathan.   Buccaneer - Buccaneers have taken their first steps in receiving more trust from other members of The Deep. They are charged with making sure the Leviathan runs smoothly. The Sunken and Drowned follow a Buccaneer's orders unless they would harm The Deep. As a reward for these extra duties, Buccaneers are given quests of greater difficulty.   Siren - The Sirens are responsible for spreading the reach of The Deep. Sirens generally do not actively try to recruit members, they will plant the seed into the mind of those who seem curious about the sea. If a Siren recruits someone not worthy, or someone who is not fully committed to joining The Deep, not only does the recruit not survive the drowning, but the Siren will be stripped of their status and sent to spend eternity in the Locker. Once the sea feels they have recruited enough souls, the Siren will undergo their second and final initiation to become full members of The Deep.   Second Initiation: Much less grim than the initial ceremony, this ceremony involves a Siren taking their first soul on its journey to wherever it is going. They take a small two-person raft with the Siren rowing. The soul will often look off into the distance on either side. Many of the Deep believe that the souls are seeing bits of their previous lives playing out in front of them. The Siren will begin to grow increasingly sleepy and fatigued as they travel towards the veil between the Here and There. At some point, the Siren will pass out and wake in the middle of the sea near Dragonsmoke. Upon returning to the Leviathan, they are now considered a Ferryman.   Ferryman - Ferrymen are responsible for making sure that souls lost at sea are taken to where they need to go. The sea itself will call for a ferryman when it is time for a soul to depart. Ferrymen are expected to keep an eye on The Locker, much in the same way that Buccaneers are responsible for the Leviathan. If ever a Ferryman wakes from his journey and the soul is still present in his boat, then that soul is to become one of the Sunken. Once you become a Ferryman, you are immune to the Crushing Silence in the Depths of Dread.   Captain - Captains captain ships both under the sea as well as above. They will generally have a crew that consists entirely of other members of the Deep. Although they are the captain of the ship, it is important for Captains to remember that it is a gift granted to them by the sea, and should they abuse these privileges they will find themselves stripped of their rank and power and sent to The Locker. When traveling around Dragonsmoke, if your destination is reachable by sea and you decide to travel by sea, you can half the time it would normally take to get there and you do not need to pay for passage.   Corsair - This title is bestowed to the leader of The Deep. They have a special connection with the sea and the souls lost there. There is a superstition amongst members of The Deep that should you anger the Corsair, he will send his pet Leviathans after you and sink any landmass you may try to hide on.  

Ring of The Deep

Wondrous Item (Common)

This thick gold ring has a large skull set in the middle of it with black rubies where the eyes should be. Whenever a soul is lost at the sea, the eyes will pulse a deep dark red for a second and go black again. While wearing this ring, you can communicate with other creatures that are also wearing a Ring of the Deep by speaking into it, as long as they are on the same plane of existence as you. You can activate the ring as an action to cast Waterbreathing (with a target of self only) or Druidcraft (only the weather prediction option). Once used, each spell cannot be used again until the next dawn.


Corsair: Voaraghamanthar
Siren: Shagrassarth
Siren: Angrath
Siren: Diochyros
The Dreaded Depths  

Rank Reputation Requirements

Rank Required Reputation
Corsair Special Ceremony
Captain 1000
Ferryman 500
Siren 200
Buccaneer 100
Drowned 50

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