Cascade Caverns

Waytravel to the Cascade Caverns...

  A   fine mist hangs in the air as you step from the waypoint to stand before a roaring waterfall. A wet stone path leads behind the torrent into a dark cave. As the daylight fades behind you, your eyes adjust to a faint luminescence issuing from crystals and fungi on the walls. The Cascade Cavern suddenly opens up into a massive dome, revealing its full splendor filled with crystal formations as large as buildings and forests of glowing mushrooms the size of trees.   Tier III Waypoint | The Iron Coin will not allow anyone through of 10th level or lower. The monsters present flee instinctively should anyone of 17th level or higher arrive.  

Roaring Echoes

The peculiar acoustics of the Cascade Caverns fill the immediate area with roaring of the waterfall outside the cave entrance. Creatures automatically fail on Wisdom (Perception) checks to hear other creatures further than 30 feet away within the caverns, and checks within 30 feet are made at disadvantage. When camping within the caverns, increase all interruption checks by +4 (Very Likely).  

Cascade Cavern Solo Encounters

  CR ¼: Giant Bat
CR ½: darkmantle
CR 1: Ice Spider
CR 2: Ice Spider Queen
CR 3: Cave Fisher
CR 4: Ghost
CR 5: Earth Elemental
CR 6: Drider

Cascade Cavern Special Encounters



CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 14: Retriever Village Contract Yes N/A
Wanted: Retriever   Additional Details regarding this Retriever
  Requirements to find the Retriever before it can be challenged.   Summary
  • Roleplay Requirement
  • Skill Challenge Requirement
  • Combat Requirement
  • Downtime Requirement
Encounter Notes
Strategies employed by the Retriever during combat.  


Skittering Horror

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 15: Skittering Horror Village Contract Yes N/A
Wanted: Skittering Horror   Additional Details regarding this Skittering Horror
  Requirements to find the Skittering Horror before it can be challenged.   Summary
  • Roleplay Requirement
  • Skill Challenge Requirement
  • Combat Requirement
  • Downtime Requirement
Encounter Notes
Strategies employed by the Skittering Horror during combat.  


Slain: Yautja

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 16: Steel Predator Village Contract Yes Cohor Pithedaiya and Pathrathodogor 4 Aug 2021
Slain: Yautja   Additional Details regarding this Steel Predator
  Requirements to find the Steel Predator before it can be challenged.   Summary
  • Roleplay your character discovering an abandoned village which was recently savaged by the Steel Predator.
  • The Yautja is one of a kind and as such its lair is not simple to locate. The Yautja can only be found when you've discovered a Monster Lair using the random world generation process found in The Solo Toolbox, using Mountains as the overarching terrain; you will likely face other encounters if you follow this process.
  • The Yautja stands at the apex of the Cascade Caverns' food chain, viewing all others as prey and opting to seek larger targets to sate its unnatural bloodlust. A character wishing to gain the Steel Predator's attention must disrupt the natural order by completing a deadly quest, involving three hard combat encounters which include Cave Fishers. Combat encounters generated using the random world generation process above count towards this requirement.
  • A hunter of significant prowess, the Yautja cannot be cornered by mere happenstance. In order to fight it on even terms, would be challengers must prepare significantly and seek the help of specialists. A character must expend 1 Middle Class Contacts and 5 Lower Class Contacts to narrow down the Steel Predator's hunting grounds.
Encounter Notes
As an ambush predator, the Yautja is careful not to venture out of hunting grounds where it is capable of surprising and cornering prey. In addition to the statistics listed above, the Yautja has a Climb speed of 40 feet, and the following abilities.  
  • Bite. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 17) and restrained until the grapple ends.
  • Unnatural Predator. While in dim light or darkness, the Yautja can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Steel Predator" -name "Yautja (Steel Predator)"
!map -bg -options c50 -mapsize 55x40 -view a1:ai35 -t Yaut|p13|l|79B



CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 17: Nagpa Village Contract Yes N/A
Wanted: Nagpa   Additional Details regarding this Nagpa
  Requirements to find the Nagpa before it can be challenged.   Summary
  • Roleplay Requirement
  • Skill Challenge Requirement
  • Combat Requirement
  • Downtime Requirement
Encounter Notes
Strategies employed by the Nagpa during combat.  
  • Coins: 27,000pp, 47,000gp
  • Art Object: A mithril reliquary containing a fossilized footprint of the avatar of Bhaal. (17,500gp)
  • Items: Potion of Invisibility


Drow Favored Consort

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 18: Drow Favored Consort Village Contract Yes N/A
Wanted: Drow Favored Consort   Additional Details regarding this Drow Favored Consort
  Requirements to find the Drow Favored Consort before it can be challenged.   Summary
  • Roleplay Requirement
  • Skill Challenge Requirement
  • Combat Requirement
  • Downtime Requirement
Encounter Notes
Strategies employed by the Drow Favored Consort during combat.  



CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 19: Balor Village Contract Yes N/A
Wanted: Balor   Additional Details regarding this Balor
  Requirements to find the Balor before it can be challenged.   Summary
  • Roleplay Requirement
  • Skill Challenge Requirement
  • Combat Requirement
  • Downtime Requirement
Encounter Notes
Strategies employed by the Balor during combat.  


Natural Resources

The denizens of Cascade Caverns are drawn towards the stabilizing energies of Terran Quartz and are often found near formations of the crystal.

Terran Quartz

  Originally collected from the fathomless core of the Elemental Plane of Earth, terran quartz is dense and slightly translucent. Geomancers call it krystallos or divine crystal, and prize it for the construction of magical devices and artifacts.
  • Unit value: 250 gp
  • Weapons: All damage dealt by weapons made from terran quartz is non-lethal.
  • Armor: A creature wearing armor made from terran quartz has advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to resist being knocked prone or moved against the wearer’s will, as well as ability checks and attack rolls made to knock prone or move an enemy against their will.

  • Discovered By
    Date Discovered
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    Cave System
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