Sea of Dark Memoires Geographic Location in New Terra | World Anvil
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Sea of Dark Memoires

A small Sea, next to an active volcano. The water is pitch black to a near reflective shine, during the day the sunlight makes the sea look like an ocean of stars as the water's constant movement causes the water to reflect at strange angles making it seem like sparkles at night is when the water takes on a life of it own. Depending on which moon is out the black water will create a cruel reflection for the sister of cries the green light turns to a dark crimson red within the waves capturing the moment her first tears ever fell. For the sister of sacrifice the rarest to be reflected as she travels the stars to feed her brother, the purple light of her moon turns into nothing within the water for she has nothing left to give nothing left to show after she had done her deed. Finally, sister the one who grieves the blue light of her moon becomes a soft orange a mockery of what was once with them.   This is not why the sea has earned its name, as its current Owner has given it this name. Before it was the sea of last regrets, a place people would go to let go of the past a place where one can scream into the void and let it out. To be free of the burdens of one's past. It allowed many to move on from the harshest of things. but after the last Turf War . It came under the ownership of the Adam Seraphim Star and his pack, as the area around it was up for the grab. For a while, this didn't matter much besides the fact the head shifter used it as his pool, his massive body able to be contained within its water. More importantly, the Curse upon them didn't trigger while in this water allowing them to stay within it for as long as they like, Adam also took the time to begin to change the local area making it more habitable for the Vyrm under his watch. The sea still served its purpose but everyone felt a change coming. The one clean shore of it was now covered in black sand that seem to come from the water's natural color, The shifter who owned its talent began to affect it as well. People's memories began to come to life in the sand allowing for deeper closer.   The sea also became a place the pack of the owning shifter used for their meetings as it had enough room and an environment where all of the members of the pack can freely meet without worry. They cut off an area leaving it just to them and this area began to have permanent markers of them the sand was filled with so much mana and memories it never returned to its natural state. It was here under two of the sister, The head of the pack and the second in command would conceive and give birth to their children. It was here where humans waited and tried to kill the two of them upon the birth of their children, it was here where the great beast of Fire and earth fought the Light Lion with the beast of fire fleeing having taken the lion's life, leaving the Flame of the Ocean to tend to the last living child of their union. It was this that lead to the sea's name.


The Sea has a small river going into the nearby mountains where the water picks up the minerals leading to its natural black color. The constantly active volcano keep under control by the magic of the ruling shifter so that while it does spew magma at a consistent rate it is never something that does more than help heal the earth and allow crops to grow at a healthy pace. Though it has also been used as a weapon by the owning Shifter against those who would try and take the lake from them. The lake has allowed the sand to turn black due to the minerals this sand has also kept water much better than typically allowing some Plant Beast to thrive in it. The jungle is a thicker variant of the natural jungle plants the river being the only source of fresh water but the Sea surrounded by mountains trapping most moister allows it to keep all of it in one place.   Under the current shifter the weather has changed allowing for more animals to live in the area, the jungle now has Flame wood and Thunder roots allowing for the elemental beasts to come and live here. Vyrm have also thrived due to the lake being protected by a shifter of their king though they are allowed to only live in one part so all animals can be allowed to drink from the sea. The other shifter of the pack has modified the area around the sea creating open plains and dark caves underneath. The area between the mountain has grown the Head shifter uses powerful magic to move almost all of their territory into this place. The mountains acted as a natural boundary against foes and with the Volcano it meant a good weapon to use.


As stated Plant beast thrive in the sands around the sea, using the water trapped between the sand as storage before exploring the jungles around it. The Jungle provides the natural cover for them, allowing them to hunt with some easy but due to the elemental beast such as the Wolfier they have to be careful while hunting. The few that don't allow for much more rapid growth of the natural plants and those transplanted into the jungles. The plant beast also help with the jungle growth by taking a lot of the fungus and other harmful plants and eating them. The trees growing in turn draw more of the animals to the area the beast travel allowing them to have a variety of food.   The elemental beast do not often travel to the sea given that it is wide open and difficult for them to travel with their magical limbs as the sand cannot support the weight of them. Mostly they stay around the area made for them, only leaving the area when the lesser beast flee to far or the vyrm come into the area. No creature wishes to be hunted by them and the mountains make it impossible to leave though they don't wish to as the trees and shifter have made the area perfect for them.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Sea has three seasons that matter to it
  • The Raining season: usually happens late spring or early summer, as the name states it is the season where all of the rain comes down almost in a wall due to the mountain keeping almost all of the moister from everything in the valley. While this season happens a lot of the Elemental beasts are seeking shelter unable to act with the rain effectively. The plant beast also slows down during this part the lack of sunlight forces them to stay more still and try and gather minerals from the earth. The few other groups are the most active knowing the most common types of predators are gone.
  • The Molten season: The time of year during summer when the shifter owning the land will allow the Volcano to explode without causing destruction well a lot of destruction. Using magic allows it to create a stream of lava to flow out, the elemental beast uses this time to hunt and prepare to start a new family the heat acting as a boost in energy and the natural stream of minerals means the plant beast will risk getting close to grab some of them making up for the missing time during the raining season. The other animals simply avoid the river of heat and forge for the coming winter.
  • The winter season: the most normal of the season while it does not snow around the sea the lowering of temperature and the natural properties of the sea causes a lot of animals not of the elemental type to slow down and just sleep. The Elemental animals are active for this is the breeding season of the vyrm and plant beasts do not have the same meat on the bones as they do. The daring beasts will challenge the Vyrm as they try to hunt showing their power but usually just result in their death to the hunter of hunters.
Alternative Name(s)
The sea of last regrets, The moon mockery; Memento to the sky


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