Ryouta Yvain Character in New Generica | World Anvil

Ryouta Yvain

Ryouta Yvain

Ryouta Yvain is a hengeyokai who has come to live in High Hedgemont to turn his knowledge of transmutation towards the healing and apothecary arts. Possessed of the old spirit and new intellect that defines all hengeyokai, what Ryouta lacks in natural intellect he makes up for in dilligence and careful consideration. In more recent times, Ryouta has answered the call of the Explorer's Guild, in which he hopes to gain firsthand experience and expand his knowledge of herbs and reagents that might prove useful in curing the ailments of his fellow Hedgers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ryouta's humanoid form is shorter and pudgier than he would like. He tends to linger in hybrid form to play off humans' positive predisposition towards 'pet' creatures rather than trying to inspire awe with his physique or charm people with words. Ryouta's average build, contemplative attitude, and visible status as a former prey animal belie his surprising fortitude, however. Where the man's magically-infused corpus fails, arcane and medical knowledge take over, enabling Ryouta to push forward where lesser men would fail. Ryouta's limitations are more psychological than physiological, as his endurance might wind up being put to use in flight should an opponent manage to inspire the old animal fear in him.

Special abilities

As a rabbit hengeyokai, Ryouta can use natural transmutative magic to reduce his own stature and gain the ability to burrow through soft materials, such as dirt or snow. His knowledge of the arcane distillation process, hard-earned through long hours under the tutelage of a High Hedgemont apothecary, allows him to create potions that can confer this effect on others. He often jokingly refers to these tinctures as his patented "hare tonic."   Though rabbits are traditionally thought of as bouncy and nimble, this is only the case on a proportional level. Thus, Ryouta is not substantially quicker on his feet than a trained human might be. His cardiovascular conditioning is above average, however, allowing him to exert himself longer than some humans.

Specialized Equipment

Ryouta wears a protective apron and gloves in case he needs to handle dangerous materials. He typically carries several pouches and a sturdy backpack for gathering useful raw materials for later use in alchemical experimentation.

Mental characteristics


Shortly after he first gained sentience and emerged from the Crystal Wood, Ryouta first gained work as a confectioner's assistant. Watching the pastries and candies take form from raw materials and transform under the cooking and cooling process fascinated the curious young hengeyokai, as he saw in them a reflection of his own tranformation and development. A local apothecary noticed Ryouta's potential when he was sent into her shop for colorants and started asking surprisingly relevant questions about where they came from and how they would react alchemically to heating. The apothecary offered to take on Ryouta as an apprentice, and he has worked in this capacity until it came time for him to join the Explorer's Guild.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though not an exceptional intellect by human standards, Ryouta is a voracious reader and enjoys a good puzzle or mystery to solve.

Neutral Good
Current Location
22 (sentience)
Crystal Wood
Current Residence
Mage's Alley, High Hedgemont
Strawberry blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White fur
Aligned Organization

Character Build

Stat Block

Ryouta Yvain, Rabbit Apothecary
Level 4 (14 XP)
S: 1 | D: 1 | E: 2 | I: 1 | P: 1 | C: 1 | A: 3
HP: 28 | PD: 1 (2) | AD: 3 (5)
MA: 1 | RA: 1 (4)
Skills: Transmute 1 (6/2), Heal 1 (4/2), Applied Science 1 (4/2) , Reinforce 1 (5/1)
CF: Species Traits (-I/+A -1 resist vs. Intimidate in combat; +1 resist vs. rolls to overcome Disguise; animal form CF (Size (down), Burrow) ; cannot be made immune to own animal form CF via Transmute; loses speech/hands if made immune to Transmute.
Syn: none

  • Protective Apron: Arcana Defense armor (I/A), Hardness 2, Transmute +2/+1
  • Magework Dart Gun: Ranged weapon (D/A), hardness 2
  • Apothecary's Mortars: Tool, Hardness 2, Applied Science +1/1
  • Healer's Kit: Tool, Hardness 2, Heal +2/1
  • Hare Tonic (x1): Consumable, Transmute (4/2)(Size down x1, Burrow 2, flavored as rabbit transformation)
  • Cheap rations (4 coins)(x6)
  • 270 coins

  • Description
    This person combines many of the features of man and rabbit in a single, humanoid form. He wears the thick, well-stained apron of an alchemist or apothecary. His white fur and long, lagomorphic ears are offset by his strawberry blonde pompadour and huge, blue, scruitinizing eyes.
    Ryouta doesn't have a malicious bone in his body. He typically prefers to spend most of his actions Transmuting allies to give them useful immunities, resistances, or hardness - after all, the best medicine is never getting hurt in the first place. Ryouta may also advance to the front to provide medical assistance to downed allies. If pressed, he may use Transmute on himself to provide means of escape via burrowing or, when no other option suffices, to give himself claws to protect himself with.


    1. Arcana +1 stat, Endurance +1 stat, Transmute +1 rank, Applied Science +1 rank
    2. Heal +1 rank
    3. Reinforce +1 rank
    4. Arcana +1 stat
    5. Intelligence +1 stat
    6. Arcana +1 stat
    7. Diagnose +1 rank
    8. Transmute +1 rank
    9. Intelligence +1 stat
    10. Arcana +1 stat
    11. Strength +1 stat
    12. Perception +1 stat
    13. Intelligence +1 stat
    14. Arcana +1 stat
    15. Applied Science +1 rank
    16. Transmute +1 rank
    17. Intelligence +1 stat
    18. Arcana +1 stat
    19. Endurance +1 stat
    20. Dexterity +1 stat
    21. Arcana +1 stat
    22. Intelligence +1 stat
    23. Diagnose +1 rank
    24. Heal +1 rank
    25. Arcana +1 stat
    26. Intelligence +1 stat
    27. Transmute +1 rank
    28. Applied Science +1 rank
    29. Intelligence +1 stat
    30. Arcana +1 stat


  • Pet the Dog: (Swamp of Swarms) Non-lethally defeat the giant dogs.

  • Cover image: by Austin Schmid
    Character Portrait image: Ryouta Yvain by Hero Forge


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