Sarah Sharpe Character in New Champions Universe | World Anvil

Sarah Sharpe

Sarah Sharpe

She receives help from Jamie Richards through "borrowed" tech from XPlore Corp (where Jamie is the Deputy CEO). She also receives a monthly allowance that is more than she could ever spend. In close range, she turns on her Dark Matter Focus and goes toe-to-toe with her foes, relying on her Karate training as a child. She is not afraid to strike first, but prefers to hold her action and wait. She often dodges to a defensive position after which she attempts to take-down her foe with a legsweep.

Sarah Sharpe is the daughter of famed space exploration inventor Aaron Sharpe. In the last few years, she has been recruiting people into the resistance without telling her father, using her resources to gain support and followers.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
158 lb.

01 - New Tech in Millennium City - Sharp's First Mission

Through cameras installed within their uniforms, I stream live footage from my team members onto my computer monitors. I occasionally chime in to give them information or direction. While watching the screens, my vision blurs, and images of strange technology, Millennium City, and unknown militia members form through my neural implant.   Socrates's voice echoes through my head as he tells me that new technology has been transferred to Millennium City near one of my rebellion militia camps and that he needs me to extract it from the hands of Dr. Destroyer’s soldiers to maintain safety.   I inform my team that I’m tuning out of their streams and will be back soon.   Before leaving for Millenium City, I sketch out the images Socrates sent me, and make a brief plan of action. This is my first legitimate mission, and I don’t want to run into it blind.   In the hopes that they assist me, I call upon Cypher and Sandcrab to help me successfully complete this mission. I know they will probably think they’re being called to save me, but I believe that I can prove myself to them instead.   Once we arrive, I am immediately impressed by Sandcrab’s abilities and intelligence. I’ve done my share of research on the heroes, but nothing compares to seeing them in person. In one swift action, Sandcrab was able to disarm and trap many soldiers in debris without injuring anyone.   However, the soldiers stay loyal to their job and yell to arm the security bots. While waiting for my hemoglobin tablet to kick in, I survey the area and come up with a plan of action. Cypher deploys his robots, which I find technologically fascinating, and I join him behind the gate.   As Sandcrab practically pushes the first security bot into itself and Cypher attacks the remaining soldiers with his bots, I jump onto the metal gate and take a shot at the second bot. To my disappointment, my gun is practically useless towards it. So, I decide to destroy the bot with brute force. Leaping off the gate, I land on the security bot, and my hemoglobin weight forces it to sink within the air.   Sandcrab successfully destroys his robot, but it explodes. With this newfound information, I realize that I need to move mine away from the nearby soldiers. In doing so, I take the risk of being blasted in close range. These soldiers are still people and do not deserve to die from Dr. Destroyer’s misdeeds.   The security bot attacks me, and I become stunned. Thankfully, Sandcrab grabs me and digs a hole for us underground to recover. At this moment, I have to put my pride aside and just be thankful I’m alive. I hate having to be rescued, especially with my new armor and abilities, but that was the risk I took.   After recovering, I peek out of the hole Sandcrab dug and watch dig and pop up on top of a building with the second security bot. A soldier attempts to attack him. I use my gun as a sniper rifle and attempt to stun him with an electrical shockwave.   Sandcrab pushes the man off the building, which goes against everything we did previously to not majorly injure these soldiers. Cypher uses his bots to intimidate the other soldiers and convinces them to surrender.   I shout to the soldier writhing in pain in front of me, asking if he surrenders. The soldier cries and tells me he does, and I make my way over to tend to his wounds.   As I ease the soldier’s pain, I can only think of how easily the others surrendered. These soldiers are not here because they want to be, but because they have to be. They have no motivation. No reason to fight.   After wrapping up the injured soldier and propping him against the metal wall, I turn to the others and offer them a deal. Report back to Dr. Destroyer empty-handed and battered, or join the rebellion.


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