Overwatch Organization in New Champions Universe | World Anvil


Neighbors who are supporters of the new government who are considered model citizens are recruited as a neighborhood committee who's responsibility is to keep tabs on their neighborhood and neighbors to make sure there were no anti-government activities. Essentially, these people are incentivized to spy and report on their friends.    The Overwatch are basically brown shirts. Government sponsored bullies, thugs and low level crime bosses who use force and intimidation to keep people in line. They are usually organized and report to a larger district Neighborhood Office run by a Chair and a committee made up of appointed Overwatch neighborhood leaders. The district offices enforce compliance and subservience from the local population. They are of course corrupt, dealing in activities such as protection rackets, drug running, prostitution and similar activities often the purview of organized crime in our own time.   Whether there are supers under their employ or even chairs and Overwatch leaders themselves varies. They do have drones, and security robots and/or other supers to do the heavy lifting when necessary   "Nails" is a member.
Political, Activist


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