George aka Agent E Character in New Champions Universe | World Anvil

George aka Agent E


Almost the Last Train to Clarksville

Mission Report: Clarksville TN   We arrived in Clarksville, with just a small part of our regular team. Axion, myself, Night Owl, and a Blaster Agent. Spencer, our contact in Clarksville, needs more training. He had no helpful intelligence of the situation we were going into.   REA team 2 disappeared into Clarksville with no external communication of what happened to them.   Night Owl takes to the air and informs us that there are indeed ‘supers’ in Clarksville. I hear shots fired and it peppers the wall behind Night Owl. Axiom does his normal thing and goes to ground, but at least he gives us fairly good intel.   Fred and I bust through the door, he goes right, after I went left. Maybe, I should have gone right and ‘left’ it all alone.   I get almost to the corner when a chick with this long glowing blade, and not one that looked like a light saber, but more like an overgrown meat cleaver leaps at me and takes a swing. Luckily, my training kicked in, and I blocked her attack with my staff.   I swing back at her and of course, miss. You’d think that with all the training I had, I could hit the ‘Broad’ side of a barn, but no. This Broad ducked and blocked with her sword so that the business end of my rod went past her.   Suddenly, there is this big hairy thing in front of me. It looked like a small grizzly bear in a two-piece business suit. About the only business on this brute’s mind was eviscerating me with his claws. He swings twice and I’m off balance from my jab at the sword lady and his claws rip through my armor like it was butter.   I collapse to the ground and play dead, well, I hope I’m just playing dead. I don’t really hear much else of what is going on, as the blood is pounding in my ears as I do my best to hold my guts inside me, rather than all over the ground around me.   I wake up later in the med bay of the local IERA base. My whole body hurts.   I find out that Axiom and Night Owl were defeated also. That Grizzly thing will have to pay for killing Fred…   At least, I’m better off then Fred, who’s dead…

After Action Report: OmniCorp, by Agent E

Agent E, George Evans After Action Report – Omnicron Corp   I’m still treated as just an agent. We’re supposed to just follow along and do what the ‘powered’ tell us. To them, I guess I still look the same, but I’m ‘powered’ now too. It all started when we went into that underground bunker where all those abominations were created. I got lucky in that I didn’t get changed into a caterpillar, or flower thingy, a cloud of energy, or that thing in the one room.   I spent a week in the infirmary after that mission. I didn’t feel much different at first, but I do now. The good thing is that my equipment isn’t as limited as it was. I’m able to use the energy baton as much as I want. Weirdly though, it seems to pull from me each time I use it, so I still must be careful. It’s the same with the other equipment that I was given. I don’t have to go back to the armory and replace what I used. Saves time, I guess.   So, we get a new assignment. Check out an office building in Denver. Seems to be a bit out of our normal range, but a grunt does what they are told. We get to the building, and Night Owl takes off up in the air. Flight, why couldn’t I get that. No, I’m just a battery now for my equipment. Axiom opens a door on the outside of the building while turning off the alarm on the door. In we go. It is an ‘emergency’ exit at the base of the stairs. Axiom does his ‘see through walls’, another ‘helpful’ power that I didn’t get. He tells us that there are guards outside of the door, and between us and the elevator banks. So up we go.   He starts leaping from landing to landing, me I must walk up the normal way. I climb as fast as I can. Guess I should have spent more time on the stepper in the gym. Anyway, around the second or third floor, I decide that climbing stairs really sucks, so I carefully open the door and see if it clear to the elevator banks. Ah, a little bit of luck on my side, it’s clear. I carefully make my way to the elevator bank. You should know, Luck is a very fickle mistress. She built up my hopes, only to dash them to the ground. This building has security key cards to access the damned elevator. Really? Ok, another thing to put in the suggestion box that the higher ups will disregard. Universal ‘key’ cards, or something that we can bypass these kind of security features. Muttering under my breath, I carefully make my way back to the stairs. I can hear lady luck laughing at her joke. Up we go. Fifty freaking floors. One hundred freaking landings. Yea, I’ve done three floors. About twenty floors up, Night Owl screeches over the coms that the atrium doors are locked. What did she think that an office building, in the middle of the night would leave all their doors unlocked? Ok, so she is just going to have to wait until Axiom gets there to let her in, because he’s going to get there a lot faster than I am. Up we go again. Stairs, Landing, Stairs. She’s screeching about some insubstantial blue guy out there with her. I hear her crack her knuckles over the radio, and something about fighting it out. Then there is a male voice saying something like “so you want to rumble?” I hear the sound of flesh hitting flesh, then what must have been a body hitting a wall, hard, then a second wall, no, that can’t be right. I hear a body land on the floor.   Oooo, someone got their lights knocked out. I hope it was the blue guy. A couple of seconds later, I know who it was, and it wasn’t the guy. Night Owl definitely got her clock cleaned. I hear the male voice say something about “you’re too dense to move, so why don’t you just lay there.” After that, all I hear is slow breathing. I try to move a bit faster up the stairs, but I’ve just gotten halfway there. Up, and up we go. About two floors later, all the lights in the stairwell turn red, and there is a pulsing sound. Great, now the building is on lock down, so getting out of the stairwell might be harder. Around the 46th floor, Axiom tells me that there is a woman coming down the stairs, and in a hurry. Well, unless our blue guy can change gender, I doubt that is him. I come around the landing between 48 and 49, and there she is, in a panic, and doesn’t even seem to notice me in the stairs as she continues in a headlong rush down the stairs screaming in Spanish. Just as I get to the 50th floor, Axiom says something about the blue guy heading down the elevator shaft. I’m met by a security guard just outside of the door. I get him to give me his elevator card and turn towards it to swipe the card.   What was that noise? What? Axiom says the blue guy is heading down the shaft, and towards the car that has been stopped because he busted the cables moving the elevator. Really? I shake my head and toss the card back to the guard. “Guess I won’t need that anymore.” Axiom tells me about what floor the elevator stopped at.   So, I start down the stairs again. At least going down is a bit faster and easier. I slide / jump down multiple stairs at a time. Almost landing to landing. Down and around and down and around about twenty floors down.   Lady Luck plays with my emotions again. Just as I open the door to the floor where Axiom told me. I hear glass break. I fling the door open, step out and the blue guy has run out of the window. The 30th floor and he runs out the window.   He’s got some guy on his back as he goes out the window. I expect to see the two of them begin to plumet to the ground, but no, he’s the fricking Road Runner running off the cliff in front of the cayote in those real old cartoons. Me, I’m the cayote, but I KNOW that I can’t walk on air, so I stop. I’d fire at him, but I’m pretty sure the man is a hostage, and if not, I feel that he can’t fly. I can’t take a shot at knocking the guy off the back of the blue guy. I hate fliers. I turn and start back to the stairs, once again. Back to the 50th floor, as Night Owl and Axiom seem to have found the source of the extraordinary energy that this building is emitting.   Well, at least we didn't completely mess up the mission.


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